
Pentecost Edition
Convention 2024  Recap 

Keeping the members of CALC connected

May 5, 2024

Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations (CALC) 
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President's Message 

Be Strong and Courageous …

As we were leaving the convention site we saw this license plate (perhaps it belongs to one of you who attended the conference). Joshua 1:9 is one of the verses which figured prominently in our conversations.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Our AGM focused on the challenges we face in Canada surrounding the secularism that is increasing while many of our congregations struggle all the more. Our speakers Prof. Dr. Dan Lioy and Prof. Dr. Leon Miles, both of ILT, presented engaging and interesting topics as to the nature of secularism and our potential responses to it. Later, Pastor Ed presented proposals for a Centre for Congregational Revitalization.

Many of us are gripped by fear or anxiety about the future of our congregations. The majority of our churches are small in size. We don’t have the resources to respond much less to thrive in the face of this overwhelming challenge.
Or do we…

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

God has not been taken by surprise by the turn in Canadian society. In fact, He says, “Be strong and courageous; do not be discouraged.” We may need to be reminded that we have the most powerful thing in the world: the presence of God Himself. “For the Lord your God will be with you.” Jesus echoed these words at His Ascension (which we celebrate this month). He said, “Lo! I am with you always.”

There will be many challenges in the future. Not least of which is the budget which was adopted.

In part, this will enable our  Managing Director, Sarah Dunphy, and President's Special Assistant, Pastor Ed Skutshek, to invest time in pursuit of the Centre for Congregational Revitalization. Don’t be afraid that our society is no longer our friend. Don’t be discouraged that culture has taken a turn for the worse. We have the Risen Saviour with us!

Be strong in the Lord!

Pastor Jim

CALC's  2024 Annual General Convention was held Friday April 19 and Saturday April 20 at  the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Edmonton Airport Conference Centre, 1100 4th Street, Nisku, AB, T9E8E2. Holiday Inn Edmonton Airport hosted our convention for the past two years. Convention activities  began on Friday morning at 9:00 AM and concluded Saturday afternoon at 2:30 PM. Registration information is found below. 
The delegates to the 2024 Annual General Convention unanimously approved applications for membership from two congregations and two individual associate members.

We welcomed Hope Lutheran Church located at  5104 106 Ave, Edmonton, AB, as members of CALC. They are rostered as a full Member Congregation. The congregation is blessed with a beautiful church building strategically located in a residential area. While the congregation is small, they are full of hope. Their worship is traditional. Their sanctuary is blessed with a piano, an organ, and an excellent musician who has mastered both. They are currently seeking a pastor and are served by supply pastors and lay leaders from the congregation. Catherine Moir, congregational chair, and Dale Allen, congregational Secretary, were at  business meeting when  their congregation was admitted.   

We also welcomed Peace  Lutheran Church located at 9812-108th Ave., Fort St. John, BC, V1J 2R3, as members. They are rostered as an Associate Member Congregation, which means they have all the rights of a full member congregation, except the right to vote at meetings of our Association. They are served by Rev. Dr. Kebede F. Dibaba. The congregation was represented at the convention by delegates Theodore and Marcia Wilson of Fort St. John, BC. 

We then welcomed Ruby Thiessen of  Sexsmith, AB, into membership. She is rostered as an Individual Associate Member. She has served as a supply lay preacher, Chaplain and leader in congregations  and care homes  in and around Grand Prairie, AB. 

We also welcomed Ivar Osness of Bittern Lake, AB, into membership. He is rostered as an Individual Associate Member. He is currently studying for pastoral ministry with the Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT). He recently served as an intern (through CLBI, Camrose, AB) at the Sharon/Peace Lutheran Parish, Irma and Wainwright, AB, under Pastor Ed Roste.   He has and will continue to provide supply preaching for CALC congregations and other congregations. 

We pray that God will continue to bless the ministry of each of our new members. We look forward to the  contribution that each new member  will make to the faith and  life of our association. 

Election Results 
Candidates were elected to fill two positions on CALC's National Council. Caroline Parke was elected to fill a four year term on CALC's Board of Elders. Leona Ferguson was elected to fill a four year term on our Board of Trustees. A brief writeup  on each of our new National Council members is found below. 

Caroline Parke replaces Pastor Sherland Chhangur who has served two terms on the Board of Elders. Leona Ferguson replaces Tim Bauer who has served on the Board of Trustees. Both men have served on National Council for many years (beginning in 2007 for Tim and 2009 for Sherland). Both have served as a Trustee and an Elder. Each has made a unique contribution to the life of CALC. Their presence, and unique contribution to the deliberations of National, will be sorely missed. During much of his tenure on the National Council, Sherland Chhangur studied for his Pastoral Ministry Certificate and now serves Good Wood Uxbridge Lutheran Church in Goodwood, ON. When Tim Bauer began his term on the National Council he worked in the oil and gas industry. He currently serves as the Parish Administrator for St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Cochrane, AB.  We thank God for their service and pray that God bless them as they continue to walk in faith into to the future.   
Caroline Parke, Board of Elders (4 Year Term)
Bethel Lutheran Church of Lea Park, Marwayne, Alberta
Caroline is a child of the Most-High, struggling through life in a sinful world. A rough adolescence, followed by wholeness and blessings throughout adulthood points only toward a God of love and mercy. She worked briefly in the oil sands before marrying her husband in 2012. They have 4 children, run a cattle farm, and homeschool, in rural Alberta.
Leona Ferguson, Board of Trustees (4 Year Term) 
Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooks, Alberta
Leona, a lifelong member of the Lutheran Church, is a founding member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Brooks, Alberta. A retired Registered Nurse, she is currently the Vice President of Trinity’s Church Council, active with the Trinity Lutheran Church Women and assists with many volunteer opportunities for her Church. She is Chair of the Transition Team which is currently searching for a second pastor for Trinity, has taught Sunday School, is active with the church Mission Group and has travelled with the mission team on five different occasions to Haiti, Belize(twice), Costa Rica and Jamaica. She recently assisted with the updating and revisions to Trinity’s Constitution. Leona is the mother of two adult children and grandmother to three wonderful granddaughters, was born and grew up in Alberta and is proud to call Brooks her home. Leona is thrilled to be elected to the National Council and willing to assist wherever Christ leads her.
The following names were removed from the Roster of Pastors:
  • Pastor Marc Lapointe by reason of retirement – St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Kamloops, BC
  • Pastor Manfred Schmidt by reason of retirement – Martin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church, Vancouver, BC
  • Pastor Rex Lo by reason of retirement – New Life Chinese Lutheran Church, Vancouver, BC
  • Pastor Ron Chetney (interim minister – pastoral vacancy was filled) – Golden Valley Lutheran Church, Viking, AB
  • Pastor Edmund Roste by reason of retirement – Sharon/Peace Lutheran Church, Wainwright, AB
  • Pastor Rick Berg by reason of retirement – Extended Ministry Grief Counseling/Education, Victoria, BC
  • Pastor Harry Huff by reason of retirement - Extended Ministry Grief Counseling/Education, Sullivan, ON
The following names were added to the Roster of Pastors:
  • Christiaan Koch – Pastor-in-Training - Golden Valley Lutheran Church, Viking, AB
  • Pastor Rick Berg, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Cochrane, AB – Parish Pastor
  • Pastor Johnson Hang-On Leung – Pastor Extended Ministry – Vancouver, BC
  • Pastor Harry Huff, St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (interim), Sullivan, ON – Pastor Emeritus
  • Pastor Marc Lapointe, Kemptville, ON - Pastor Emeritus
  • Rev. Dr. Kebede F. Dibaba, Peace Lutheran Church, Fort St. John, BC. 
  • Pastor Lawrence Don-Elysyn, St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, Cornwall, ON. (Ordained November 12, 2023)
The following candidates are pursuing studies at the Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT) toward a call to the pastoral ministry 
  • Fedkiw, Kelly, Faith Calgary, Calgary, AB (Supervisor: Pastor Chris Jukes). 
  • Landon Jack, Camrose, AB.
  • Christiaan Koch, Golden Valley Lutheran Church, Viking, AB (Supervisor: Pastor Alvin Sorenson).
The following pastors, who have been trained by and served in another Christian denomination, are pursuing studies at the Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT)  toward a call to the pastoral ministry in a CALC congregation. 
  • Pastor Ray Chan, Faith Lutheran Church, North York, ON (Supervisor: church council).

President Jim Bredeson and Pastor Ed Skutshek co-hosted a  townhall discussion on congregational revitalization. The discussion was preceded by remarks from Pastor Ed. He proposed a definition for vitality in a congregation. He shared  some of the vital signs of CALC congregations: attendance and pastoral leadership. He provided  questions that can be pondered by CALC congregations as they  embark on the path to vitality. Click here for a copy of Pastor Ed's opening remarks. 
CALC and the Anglican Network in Canada (ANIC) are co-hosting a weekly Bible Study in Kitchener, Ontario. The study is led by Pastor Zena of ANIC. The group meets weekly on Wednesdays. They are studying the last chapters of the Book of Daniel and will study the Book of Haggi before a summer break. If  you can't be there - tell a friend you may know in the Kitchener area.  

Wednesdays at 1:30 -3:30 PM
Sessions in May: 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29  

Hope Lutheran Church 
30 Shaftsbury Drive
Kitchener, ON, N2A 1N6

All are welcome!  Any questions? You can contact Glenn Kahle (519) 616-3536 or with any questions



By: Rev. Timothy J. Swenson, ILT Dean of Chapel

Sixth Sunday in Easter May 5, 2024
The figures of speech which Jesus used to say things to the disciples and to the crowds were parables. Parables were Jesus’ common form of discourse (cf. Mt. 13:34 & Mk. 4:33 & Lk. 8:10). Sometimes, when Jesus had used a parable as a figure of speech with the crowd, he would explain it to the disciples, see for example Jesus’ explanation of the Parable of the Sower (Mt. 13:18-23). Here in this passage, Jesus announces that the time for figures of speech will come to an end. Jesus will speak plainly about the Father. You can hear the Apostle Paul echo this plain speaking when he writes of “knowing fully even as I am fully known” (1 Cor. 13:12). Both Jesus and Paul—along with the rest of scripture—assure us that clarity, full knowledge, and complete understanding are not possible to us while we are in the flesh, broken by sin, and bound to this world that is passing away. We receive the clarity of the gospel: “Your sins are forgiven for Jesus’ sake.” Much of the rest suffers under our sinners’ speculation and awaits that coming hour when plain speaking is manifest.

Prayers from those who need relief from their idle speculation . . .

Father in heaven your love is plain and obvious in your Son Jesus Christ, grant that we would enjoy the forgiveness of our sin in his name. For Jesus’ sake. Amen

Father in heaven your love is plain and obvious in your Son Jesus Christ, confront us with our guilt in the killing of the love you sent us in Jesus Christ that we may be repented unto faith. For Jesus’ sake. Amen

Father in heaven your love is plain and obvious in your Son Jesus Christ, hold us in such faith, repent us again and again into it, and keep us continually returning to the promise of our baptism. For Jesus’ sake. Amen

Father in heaven your love is plain and obvious in your Son Jesus Christ. As we live out the promise of our baptism, grant us to see our neighbors with new eyes that we would be useful to them by providing them with daily bread. For Jesus’ sake. Amen

Father in heaven your love is plain and obvious in your Son Jesus Christ. As we provide our neighbors with daily bread, work upon them, Father, that they would be instrumental in providing daily bread to us. For Jesus’ sake. Amen

Father in heaven your love is plain and obvious in your Son Jesus Christ. Grant to the Institute of Lutheran Theology the proclamation of this Son of Yours so that its participants would know of your steadfast love and faithfulness. For Jesus’ sake. Amen

Father in heaven your love is plain and obvious in your Son Jesus Christ. As I await the coming of your Son in glory, keep me patient and useful in these days of my baptism. For Jesus’ sake. Amen
ILT Table Talk  
By: Rev. Timothy J. Swenson, ILT Dean of Chapel
Sixth Sunday in Easter May 5, 2024

Table Talk is a free weekly devotional that provides writings for use as a bulletin insert for congregations and for use in family devotions. It follows the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) used by SOLA Publishing. ILT makes it available every week, free of charge, on our Resources page and by email subscription. Table Talk's message delivers God's devotion to you, his wayward people, through his Son Jesus Christ.

CLICK HERE to read the latest TABLE TALK  -     PO Box 833 Brookings SD   -   (605) 692-9337
The Board of Trustees plans for the hiring of employees as needed to advance CALC’s mission and vision and sets their salaries. (Article 13, Sections 3.5 and 3.6 of CALC's constitution) They are tasked with preparing job descriptions for employees. The General Convention approves the salaries of employees as a part of the annual budget. 

In October of 2021, the delegates to the annual general convention (AGC) approved the creation of the position of Administrative Coordinator (AC). The AC was a permanent position tasked with assisting the President in the administration of CALC’s day-to-day operations and other administrative duties. Dr. Sarah Dunphy, PhD, was hired as CALC’s first AC in 2022. 

The 2022 AGC was held in April of that year. The National Council put forth an amendment to the budget for that year, specifically creating the position of Past President who acted as interim transition coordinator, involved in transitioning the  President and AC into their respective rolls. The budget was approved. Pastor Ed Skutshek (President of CALC 2009-2021), was appointed to this role.  

The 2023 AGC approved the change to the title of Pastor Skutshek’s position to President’s Assistant, with the role expanded to acting as liaison with the Institute of Lutheran Theology and pastoral recruitment (including acting as liaison for  the Shepherd’s Pathway). 

From 2021 to 2024, the tasks undertaken by Dr. Sarah Dunphy and Pastor Ed have changed and expanded in many areas. The Trustees deemed that the job descriptions for the AC now named “Managing Director,” and the President’s Assistant now named “Special Assistant to the President” be changed to reflect the practical realities of these jobs. These changes were approved as a part of the Trustees report. The salary for the Managing Director was increased and approved by the delegates as a part of the budget. Click here to view the job description for CALC's  Managing Director and the Special Assistant to the President. 
CALC Budget 2024

The National Council submitted a budget for 2024. It is found in the column to the right of  column designated as "2023 Actual". The delegates to the convention approved the budget found in last column (to the right of the National Council's Budget). 
Dr. Leon Miles was the keynote speaker for this year's Friday Learning Event an integral part of our convention weekend. His presentation focused on the impact of societal secularism on the faith and life of Christian congregations. 

He began his presentation by making the claim that the world around us seems to be going the wrong direction in many ways. This may lead us to wonder where God is in the middle of all these things which seem to be getting worse each day. God does have a plan for these things, however. As the world seems to get worse, the message of God’s love and forgiveness shines even more brightly. He laid out the many ways in which the world is turning away from God. He helped us to see that rather than view what is happening as an existential threat, we must see our situation as an opportunity to speak the gospel in new and distinct ways to a new generation of people who do not know the love that God has for them. Through the inevitable hardships and suffering coming into the world through the evils we see all around us, we can share the love of God with them. 

Dr. Miles (EdD, Dr. of Education, South Dakota State University), pictured above, is the Executive Vice President and a member of the faculty of the Institute of Lutheran Theology. His responsibilities center around business management, including, finances, reports, analysis, forecasting, budgeting, and the yearly audit. In addition to teaching, he also works on institutional assessment, vendor relationships, human resources, and financial aid for students. Recently earned a Doctor of Education degree. Dr. Miles has often attended CALC conventions and pastors' retreats as a representative of the Institute of Lutheran Theology.
The annual pastors' study conference was held on Thursday April 18, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Holiday Inn & Suites Edmonton Airport - Conference Center, 1100-4 Street, Nisku, AB, T9E 8E2.  Thirty-two attended this year's conference. Participants included, CALC pastors and some of their spouses.  Guests included Leon Miles of ILT, and  Michael Gillingham of LAMP. 

This year's conference was unique in a number of ways. It featured one presenter who spoke only at the retreat. It was held on one day rather than the traditional two days.  The pastors' conference is typically held at a Christian camp near the convention venue. The conference was held at the same venue as CALC's annual general convention. The meals prepared by the hotel were excellent.  These changes were well received by the participants. We look forward to next year's retreat! 

Professor Dan Lioy was this year's keynote speaker. His major claim was that as Western culture increasingly embraces expressive individualism and rejects external moral authorities, Christians can winsomely engage their communities by articulating a biblical vision of human purpose, identity, and ethics centered on their union with Christ. His presentation analyzed two of Carl Trueman's recent books that explained how the concept of an autonomous, normative self arose. According to this concept every person is capable of charting their own life's course. This concept was the driving force behind  the sexual revolution which still torments the church. He traced the genesis and evolution of this myth of the autonomous self, how it came to dominate Western culture and explored the consequences of its dominance in the West. Lastly, he critiqued this self-centric view through the lens of Paul’s teachings in Romans 1:18–32, especially highlighting its contrast with Christian doctrine. He compared and contrasted the Hebraic, New Testament, philosophical   and secular understanding of the "person."   His presentation sparked very lively discussions during his sessions and after. Thank you Dr. Lioy! 

Dr. Lioy (PhD, North-West University),  pictured above, is a professor of biblical theology at the Institute of Lutheran Theology (in South Dakota). Moreover, he is a dissertation advisor in the Leadership and Global Perspectives DMIN program at Portland Seminary (part of George Fox University in Oregon). Professor Lioy is active in local church ministry, being dual rostered with the Evangelical Church Alliance and the North American Lutheran Church. He is widely published, including a number of academic monographs, peer-reviewed journal articles, and church resource products.
We welcomed Pastors Brendon Fairley and Steve Perkins to our convention. They represented the Alliance of Renewal Churches ("ARC"). Pastor Perkins is ARC's executive director. The ARC is a growing network of evangelical, sacramental, and Spirit-filled church leaders, that is designed with the care and concern of those individual leaders in mind. They exist to encourage ministry partners and pastors with leader care, coaching, community, worship and development. They addressed the convention briefly and invited interested parties to speak with them during breaks.

Their support network connects pastors & ministry leaders to one another in group, day away, and retreat settings that encourage free and open discussion in an accepting and confidential community. Leaders can form a support group or join an existing group.  Retreats happen annually, offered in Minnesota and California. Each month, passionate and experienced experts-in-the-field offer a 60 - 90 minute Zoom video coaching call. These interactive calls equip pastors and leaders  with new tools and templates, cultivate growth, and offer valuable guidance, accountability and support for your ministry goals. Life Together Days (10:00 AM to 2:00 PM) provide leaders with an opportunity for distraction-free worship, lunch with other ministry leaders facing the same blessings and challenges, uplifting guest speakers, and time to hear from God in community. These are offered in Minnesota and California. 

ARC's website can be reached by following this link: Click here
President James Bredeson and Special Assistant to the President Ed Skutshek and his wife Deni, attended the 2024 annual gathering of the Northwest District of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ, (LCMC), in Lebanon, OR. 
The LCMC is organized into Districts. Districts are defined as “flexible partnerships between congregations.” Each LCMC congregation is free to join as many districts as they would like and may choose to not belong to any district. Districts are organized “around geography, theology, values, shared interests, congregational characteristics, worship styles, etc.”  Northwest District is geographic. Any LCMC congregation in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Canada can join this district. There are a total of 61 congregations in the NW District and 9 individual members. Five Canadian LCMC congregations are members of the NW District. Four are members of CALC. See the chart at the end of this article for details. 

The purpose of the NW District is to assist congregations and pastors in the call process; establish and support mission congregations;  sponsor  events that inspire and educate their members (including  their annual gathering); inspire and equip congregations as they strive to be faith filled, scriptural and confessional communities; sponsor youth events and confirmation programs that inspire young people to be rooted in scripture and our Lutheran Confessions.    
The NW District gathering was held at Christ Community Lutheran Church of Lebanon, OR. Seventy-five delegates and visitors registered for the gathering.  The gathering met under the theme “I love to tell the story” – Isaiah 55:10-11. 
The gathering began Friday morning with a session for the pastors attending and their spouses. The theme verses were unpacked and discussed by the pastors in a session led by Rev. Christian Huntley, Coordinator for Leadership and Pastoral Development.   Rev. Huntley later addressed the gathering and spoke of LCMC’s strategies for the development of pastoral and lay leadership. The strategy includes the greater involvement of Districts in coordinating and coaching their member congregations in the call process. He spoke of the need to develop material for the development of lay leadership. Rev. Julie Smith, LCMC Coordinator for Districts and Fellowship Groups, addressed the gathering on her role as coordinator for LCMC’s districts.   

There were many opportunities for worship. The gathering was opened with worship and praise on Friday afternoon. Following supper, we gathered for another worship service with Holy Communion. Pastor Elvin Borg preached on the power of the word of God. As a part of the sermon, his brother Melvin recited (completely from memory) the entire Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7). It was amazing! Closing worship on Saturday, with Holy Communion, was led by Pastor Christian Huntley of the LCMC. A district choir of about a dozen was formed and practiced during the event. The choir provided special music during worship. 

Rev. Dr. Ebassa Berhanu (pictured below)  was the gathering’s keynote speaker. He is currently the pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Torrance, CA. He is an immigrant to the US from Ethiopia. He described the impact of communism on Ethiopia from a very personal vantage point (his own experiences) and the experiences of his father and other pastors who were persecuted, jailed  and even martyred. Communism put the Lutheran church in Ethiopia on its heals, with less than half a million members. The Word of God prevailed and when it went out into the country, the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus grew  to 10 million members. Presenters and exhibitors included: Institute of Lutheran Theology (Leon Miles); St. Paul Seminary; Hand in Hand Farm Ministry;  Harvest Workers (pastoral training); Wilderness Ranch, near Claresholm, AB; Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute (CLBI), Camrose, AB.

The annual NW District youth retreat will be held October 18 to 20, 2024 at the Shoshone Mountain Retreat camp located at 29216 Coeur d’Alene River Road Wallace, Idaho. It is open to students enrolled in grades 7-12. The theme of the retreat is "Saved - Romans 6:23." These questions will be explored: "What are we saved FROM?" and "What are we saved FOR?"  The weekend will include high energy games, fellowship and opportunities to grow in faith. If you are interested please contact Pastor Travis Powers of Christ Lutheran, Odessa, WA at:

Elections for District Board members were held. Pastor Ed Skutshek was elected as a Board member and appointed Vice Chair. Two of the eleven member board are Canadian, Pastor Ed and Pastor Grant Crichton, of Victory Lutheran, Medicine Hat, AB. 

Next year’s District gathering will be held May 2-3, 2025, at Victory Lutheran Church in Medicine Hat, Alberta. As details on this gathering become known, we will share them in the e-Connector. 
Contact information for CALC

All general correspondence addressed to CALC should be mailed as follows: 
Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations
Att: Sarah Dunphy 

5583 South River Drive,
P.O. Box  6295
Manotick, ON K4M 1J4

Telephone: (613) 324-6554

Correspondence  to CALC's Treasurer should be addressed as follows:

Helen Zacharias, Treasurer 
890 Gilmour Street,
Morden, MB,  R6M 1R9


As always, we hope you were blessed by this month's edition of the e-Connector. Our hope and prayer is that this electronic newsletter will truly keep CALC informed and connected.

If your congregation is celebrating a milestone, such an anniversary, the installation of a new pastor, new construction,  a mission activity, and/or the launch of a special new ministry, let us know. We would love to share your joy with the other members of CALC     

Contact info for the editorial team: 
Pastor Ed Skutshek: Tel: (250) 801-3860  Email: 
Sarah Dunphy: Tel: (613) 324-6554 Email:  
Copyright © 2024 Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations, All rights reserved.

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