In this week’s Newsletter Mary has highlighted the subject of ‘Metabolic Syndrome’ and I am sure you will find it as fascinating a read as I did.
Our overriding desire in writing this Newsletter is to inspire and help you, our reader, to live a fitter, healthier, happier life for as long as you possibly can.
Every week we receive lots of emails from our readers and sometimes one strikes a chord that makes me think that the writer’s words sum up so well what I am sure many of our regular readers also feel – that it’s worth getting a grip and making a fresh start to lose a few lbs and take a look at where we might have slipped a little. We all have those memories when, a few decades ago, we might have lost lots of weight, but over time and living life as we all do, almost inevitably, some of those pounds might have unfortunately crept back on and our fitness regime might have reduced somewhat. It’s called life! But we can all give ourselves a boost to get back on track if we have the desire to do so.
I loved reading the following email and I felt it explained so well how many of our readers feel. With her permission, here is part of it as I felt it might inspire those of you who need to regroup and turn over a new leaf to get back on track.
Dear Rosemary.
I joined your Diet and Fitness classes in Wiltshire in May 2001 and weighed 13st 10lb! Shock horror. I knew I was overweight as I had always been on the slim side, but at 55 and having a sedentary job, the pounds had piled on. I was immediately determined to stick at the Diet & Fitness plan, and regularly went to my class and in August 2002 (15 months later) I weighed 8st 10lbs. Excellent.
I thoroughly enjoyed going every week and worked hard at maintaining each week, until the class closed when my teacher left in August 2012. I felt lost at the time, but was determined to continue as best as I could on my own, following all the routines I had so enjoyed for 11 years, with all the benefits etc I was feeling. I still weigh myself first thing on a Thursday morning – the same day of the week I attended my class.
However, over the last 12 years I have steadily put on a stone. I now weigh 9st 10lb. Recently I bought a nice stretch pair of M&S jeans in a 12R. Too tight! I have now bought the same jeans in a 14R but this made me so demoralised.
In a lightbulb moment I thought ... I wonder if Rosemary has a website? I am amazed I hadn’t thought to check this before, as I think I must have all your books, weekly record books and kitchen items. I was such a fan of the Classes that helped me to lose 5 stone. I was thrilled to see you do a weekly Newsletter, so immediately I signed up and received my first one on 8th March. I’m looking forward to today’s edition immensely.
I’m sorry if I have ‘gone on’ a bit, but I just wanted to ‘talk’ to you, as I just felt you would understand. The inspiration I felt I was given from you and Mary in last week’s Newsletter (8th March) has really spurred me on. I actually lost 1½ lb this last week. I’m doing more hip and tummy exercises, kept better check on my food portions, and loved the result yesterday. I’m so thrilled I’ve found your site now, and it has given me so much encouragement. I do attend a Pilates class weekly and use the toning band a lot at home.
I was 78 in January and want to keep going with my diet and fitness and this is why it means a lot to me to get your regular helpful Newsletters, including Mary's articles and exercises, to get me back ‘into shape’ and fuel my enthusiasm all over again. Thank you!
I would like to congratulate the author of this lovely letter (who asked me not to use her name) for managing to lose 5 stone in 2002 and for keeping most of that weight off for over 20 years! That is inspirational! I absolutely love that she truly understood and grasped the ‘healthy eating and exercising regularly’ message and has lived by that mantra to this very day. That is music to Mary’s and my ears!
From Mary’s and my point of view, we are delighted to sit at our laptops each week and put our thoughts and encouragements into our Newsletters to help you achieve the best possible ‘you’ that you can be. As you will read in Mary’s piece below, keeping our weight down and our fitness levels up is critical to our health and wellbeing.
Serves 4
Per serving: 200 calories 10.8g fat (excluding accompaniments)
Prep time 5 mins
Marinating time 30 mins
Cook time 15 mins
8 lamb medallions, all visible fat removed
1 tbsp blackcurrant jelly
2 garlic cloves, crushed
150ml vegetable stock
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint
freshly ground black pepper
- Place the lamb in a shallow dish and season with freshly ground black pepper.
- In a small saucepan heat together the blackcurrant jelly, garlic and vegetable stock for 2 minutes until the garlic is soft. Allow to cool, then stir in the mint.
- Drizzle the sauce over the lamb and leave to marinate for 30 minutes.
- Preheat the grill to high. Place the lamb on a baking tray and cook under the hot grill for 4 - 5 minutes each side, turning regularly. Serve hot with 100g boiled new potatoes (with skins) and unlimited other vegetables per person.
Chef's tip: Lamb medallions are the leanest cut of lamb available and they can be cooked and eaten pink.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of this recipe if you click on the image above to go to this recipe's page on the website.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

During a recent conversation with my walking group, I brought up my concern about the enormous increase of people who have what is called 'metabolic syndrome'. No one had ever heard of it but they were all keen to learn more just in case they had it! Interestingly, that would be almost impossible with this group of older ladies because they are all very active and pay a lot of attention to what they eat and drink.
So, already you have guessed it. It is entirely down to your lifestyle as to whether you would ever be diagnosed as having it. Basically, ‘metabolic syndrome’ is a cluster of health conditions that puts you at greater risk of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes.
The considerable problem with this syndrome is that you may not have any symptoms that cause you to seek medical advice, so you may live with it for many years and not even know you have it. It is estimated that a quarter of adults in the UK suffer from it and an even greater percentage than that worldwide.
Metabolic syndrome has only been known about since the late 1980s when the combination of several conditions together was identified. It coincides with the rise in obesity levels and the incidence of Type 2 diabetes.
What are the Leading Causes of Metabolic Syndrome?
- Being overweight or obese, particularly around your middle (abdominal fat). It is important that you measure your waist.
- High Blood Pressure (known as hypertension). Unless you test for it you will not know if you have it!
- High Cholesterol. You need to know your level of Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL- referred to as the 'bad' cholesterol) compared with your High-density Cholesterol (HDL – referred to as the 'good' cholesterol).
- High Triglycerides. This is the amount of fat circulating in your blood and a standard blood test is all you need.
- High blood sugar (glucose) leading to what is called insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. A blood test will show this.
- Being inactive. Sedentary people are more at risk.
It is thought that if you have three or more of these conditions then you have metabolic syndrome and your risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes is very high. Most of these causes require you to get tested or you will be totally unaware of the risks.
Lifestyle Change is the Key
It is so easy to write about lifestyle changes but we know that it is one of the hardest things to do – habits developed over a long time require a huge commitment to change and establish new, more healthy ones. But it can be done and for those who know they have at least three of those conditions mentioned above, then that may be all the motivation you need to make it happen.
- Change your diet. Particularly work at reducing the amount of sugar in your diet. It serves no nutritional purpose, ruins your teeth and is the leading cause of the development of insulin resistance. Also completely cut out snacks between meals – snacking is a new habit promoted by the food companies.
- Get active! Whatever you currently do, think about whether it is enough. One lady I know recently had to visit the health centre regarding a joint problem and was asked what exercise she did. She walks a lot and comes to my classes once a week. She was shocked to hear that she was not doing enough and particularly needed to focus on more strength work. Music to my ears as you can imagine!
- Reduce Alcohol. I recently read in a science magazine that there is no justification for any amount of alcohol. Difficult to read when you enjoy the odd tipple! When we are told it is rich in polyphenols which are good for us, the argument in this article was that there are plenty of other sources of polyphenols! Basically, we need to be very mindful of our intake.
- Don't Smoke! Thankfully, I rarely come across a smoker these days. You see a lot more vapers of course, and we are not yet sure of the long-term effects of that addiction. Alarmingly, it has taken more than 50 years to reach this point.
Get Tested
In the next few weeks in my bit for this Newsletter, I will be encouraging you to look at further health checks and to test for all these conditions, so you can feel confident that you are at low risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Of course, some tests can be done in the comfort of your own home, such as knowing your BMI and your waist measurement and you can check your blood pressure with a home monitor, but some require you to visit your health centre to be tested by a health professional.
To live life well we need to be armed with this information!
This Week's Fitness Challenge
Your exercise regime should include cardio, strength and stretch. This week check if you need to address the balance between the three.
If your daily 30+ minute walk sees you getting out of breath then that probably covers the cardio requirement, but if you want to really go for it try the HIIT Workout. Always remember to do the Post Walk Stretches every day.
- Do 3 sessions of Strength work.
At the bottom of each page of the website you'll now find buttons to make it easy to share the page with your friends on Facebook or X (Twitter). So if you have found something on our website you think is worth telling someone about, why not share it with them?
Did you know...
Saint George's Day, celebrated on the 23rd April, is the feast day of England's patron saint. It is the traditionally accepted date of the saint's death and, by chance, coincides with the birth and death dates of English playwright and poet William Shakespeare.
The Royal Society of St. George is an English patriotic society established in 1894 with the noble object of promoting "Englishness" and the English way of life.
The society quickly attracted the support of many distinguished public figures in England and throughout the then-British Empire. Its first Royal Patron was Queen Victoria and the society has enjoyed the Patronage of every reigning monarch since. Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II granted the society its own Royal Charter in 1963 and the society was further granted a Coat of Arms in 1990.
The objects that are specified in the terms of its Royal Charter are:

- To foster the love of England and to strengthen England and the Commonwealth by spreading the knowledge of English history, traditions, and ideals.
- To keep fresh the memory of those in all walks of life, who have served England or the Commonwealth in the past, to inspire leadership in the future.
- To combat all activities to undermine the strength of England or the Commonwealth.
- To further English interest everywhere to ensure that St. George's Day is properly celebrated and to provide focal points all the world over where English men and women may gather together.
And finally...
Thank you to so many of you for your lovely comments about Vizzi, our new pup. As I have tried to have a morning of peace and quiet to write my part of this week’s Newsletter, I bribed Vizzi with a delicious lightly cooked beef bone! He has been the quietest he's been since he joined us.
He too thinks our Newsletters are great … 'if it means I get a fresh bone every week!’
Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL