

Here in Nova Scotia we are enjoying our first sunny and warm days of Spring. It really does feel like new beginnings! So I figured it was the perfect time share that I  was recently invited to join Peer Gallery, a wonderful space in historic downtown Lunenburg. Formed in 2001, the gallery showcases artwork in a variety of different mediums from 16 talented artists. Re-Opening for the season April 18th! 


If you are one of the many people who have asked me over the years: “Where can I go to see your work?” this is a great spot. You are of course still always welcome to contact me directly. 



And speaking of new beginnings, that eclipse! I couldn’t pass up the chance to see it so a friend and I jumped in her car and drove up to Meat Cove, on the most northernly tip of Cape Breton Island. What an adventure! Any design ideas I might have had in advance seemed instantly inadequate after experiencing it in real life. There is a huge difference between seeing a two dimensional image on a screen and watching 3 unimaginably large orbs gently gliding past each other in outer space.

Wow. I can see why people chase eclipses. 90 seconds of totality was not nearly long enough to absorb everything that was happening. I hear there’s another on in Iceland in 2026. Who’s in? :)

Night Sun

I made this One-of-a-kind reversable pendant in 2002. And although it doesn’t deal directly with the idea of an eclipse it does still manage to capture the contrast and richness of the change in the light as the moon moved in front of the sun.

Photo Credit: Dream Imagine Believe Photography

Twilight Series

Sterling Silver Eclipse Earrings
Sterling Silver, Baffin Island Amethyst

Custom Carved Wedding Bands: Rooted in Tradition

Like so many people I have spent a lot of time in recent times reflecting and re-evaluating. In unsettled moments I often find myself at the bench, grounded in the familiarity and comfort of skills that I have honed over decades. No matter how uncertain things feel at least my hands know what to do!

One of my favourite things to do is is wax carving. It’s a very meditative skill and the design possibilities are endless.


Because each band is hand carved, even the simplest ring has a solid feeling about it- totally different to one that has been industrially made. Once the final wax is approved it can be cast in sterling silver or gold. It is often also a perfect way to re-use family gold, making the final ring even more meaningful. 


Please feel free to reach out anytime if you would like more information. I’m always happy to help. 

Artist Statement

The reward is in the act of observing. Stone colours, textures, the shape of leaves, the ebb and flow of the sea, the changing seasons - all of these things continue to inspire my work. A gesture of thanks and appreciation.

At first it was a technical challenge - to really learn to see the natural world and to develop techniques to capture a sense of it in metal. But as time has passed I am now realizing another purpose: Connection. People connecting to place, places connecting to each other and our shared connection to the world around us.

Almost 20 years ago one of my students said the following to me:

"The moon casts three shadows you know."

I am still thinking about it.

Allyson Simmie

Handcarved Wedding Bands

Sterling Silver

For more information please contact:

I was able to pick up the ring on Friday. It’s gorgeous! And it fits perfectly. I’m very pleased and can’t wait to show it off.

Thank you for your beautiful design and for working with me to create a personal piece that I will treasure.”

Jewelry Designer and Goldsmith, Instructor- Inspired by the Canadian and Arctic Landscapes

I spent years travelling and living across Canada and in Canada’s Arctic, giving workshops, establishing jewellery studios, teaching and encouraging others to pursue a career in the arts.

In 2000 I moved back to Nova Scotia and began work on Seal Rock Studio. My family and I currently live on Nova Scotia’s scenic South Shore. I continue to work as a professional artist, exploring the theme of the Canadian and Arctic landscapes – sharing my experiences both North and South.

To read complete bio click here.
Copyright © *2024 Allyson Simmie Metal Arts. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
#228-100 High Street, Bridgewater, NS B4V 1V9

Phone: 902 277 1739


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