
Dear <<First Name>>,

Join us on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 (rain date May 22) from 1:00 -2:30 p.m. to learn about O+ (pronounced “O Positive”) and view its murals in midtown Kingston. Participants must be able to walk and stand for 90 minutes.

The tour will start and end at the Red Owl Collective (25 Cornell St., Kingston, NY). There is a public parking lot across the street.

Registration on ProClass is open now. The class is limited to 50 participants. 

The mission of O+ is to provide free healthcare for artists in exchange for art. Currently, this is done both through the O+ Festival and the newly established year-round wellness clinic in Kingston. 

We will divide into two groups of 25 people each, led by Aimee Gardner and Lindsey Wolkowicz 
Presenter: Aimee Gardner is an educator and arts administrator, and is the operations director for O+. Aimee’s professional background includes working as curriculum director for technovation, education manager at the Computer History Museum, and as an instructional designer of seminars relating to the arts, technology, science, and the future of New York at CUNY.
Presenter: Lindsey Wolkowicz is an artist, educator, writer, arts administrator, and the art director for O+. She received a BFA at the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design and an MFA at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. She has taught drawing around the world and works in the realms of photography, public murals, sculpture, video, and performance installation.
If you wish to contribute to this organization, you can do so online at O+ or in person the day of the tour.
The Kingston Mural Tour is produced by Suzanne Holzberg and Eleanor Wieder.

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