What a great playing workshop with Pat last month in Chapel Hill. I hope that everyone gained new skills and enjoyment from that experience.
The April Workshop is right around the corner and will have many opportunities for you to develop more skill and enjoy playing with other players from the surrounding areas. I hope you have your plans made to attend that event on April 20th in Durham!
Our recital in June will be here quicker than we think! I hope you are making plans to share a piece of music either as a solo or in a small group. I have received one person’s notice so far and am looking forward to hearing from more of you soon! Please email me at sawrightmusic1@gmail.com with your planned music piece.
Our final group playing session will be in May and led by Phil. We all look forward to the music he will share with us that day, so make sure you are planning to be in Durham for that session!
Keep inviting people to join our sessions and help us build our chapter in strength and numbers!
He will replace longtime AR Editor Gail Nickless, who will be retiring after 30 years of service. Geoffrey is a recorder player who has written extensively about the late influential recorder maker Friedrich von Huene.
As the summer workshop season approaches, ARS members can avail themselves of a valuable member benefit: a scholarship. Two types are available -- one to help with a weekend workshop (defined as four days or fewer), and another to help with a week-long workshop. Proof of financial need is not necessary. The deadline is May 15.
Play-the-Recorder Day Virtual Event Held on March 16
Our annual recorder-centric month is nearly over, but the commemoration lives on. ARS Member Benefits Committee Chair Natalie Lebert hosted a Play-the-Recorder Day Zoom webinar where attendees were able to engage in a Q&A session with Jamie Allen, composer of Play-the-Recorder piece een mentaliteit.
Take advantage of our 1/2 price rate for first-time members! Get immediate access to all the information available on our website, as well as other member benefits including the quarterly American Recorder magazine.