This Week at Northlake UU Church

Sunday Service



Earth Day (Multigen)

Sunday, April 21st
Join us in person or Zoom!

As we celebrate Earth Day we will reflect on our relationship and responsibility to this earth, as we delve into what this means for how we live on this planet. The choir will perform Creation is a Song, and I am Willing by Holly Near. We will also plant seeds.

Please be sure to bring something from the natural world to place on the altar. This might be a rock, feather, leaf, stick, flower, shell etc. Whatever speaks to your heart.

Making Good Trouble

A collective program in defense of democracy, coordinated by the Womenโ€™s Group, Meaningful Movies and Ministerial staff

Meaningful Movies, Good Troubles: Sunday, April 28th 4:00pm. The Meaningful Movies Project will show "Good Troubles" about John Lewis and his voting campaign available to all sites as a group even via zoom. Democracy First will help lead the panel. Click here to Register for this free event.

Faithful Democracy: Northlake is coordinating a Kirkland Faith-based entry in the July 4th parade to demonstrate that faith groups are pro-democracy.  Plan to join us, and plan to help organize this event by contacting Rev. Nancy at

Good Trouble Congregation: Join with us in the UU the Vote program called Good Trouble Congregation. We need to meet two or more criteria in each of the two categories below. Contact Rev. Nancy at

A Service of Ritual & Transitions

On Sunday, June 2nd, we will hold our annual service recognizing milestones in the lives of our church members.  We will be holding  space for these recognitions:
New Members
Naming Ceremony (or Child Dedication)
Bridging (those leaving high school)

Life Transitions (retirement, new direction such as seminary or change in career)
Volunteers at Northlake
New Board Members
Interim Search Team
If you want to be part of the ceremony on this Sunday, or have a life event we can honor, please contact Rev. Nancy so you can be included!

Earth Month with the Zombie Apocalypse Team!

Carbon Calculator & Grab-n-Go Bags: Come learn what your carbon footprint is, and stay to learn how to be prepared to leave home if an emergency happens, or what you need to shelter-in-place.  Madeleine Nelson will show us the carbon calculators and Chris Findley will talk about Grab-and-Go bags and supplies. Sunday, April 21st noon.

Earth Sunday:  April 21st our worship service will be around celebrating our earth, with guest speaker Rev. Kara Markell. Please bring in leaves, flowers, rocks, sticks or anything of the beauty that surrounds you, and we will build an altar to the earth. We will also plant seeds and focus on our beautiful planet!

Climate Change- The Facts: movie about what's happening with climate change, followed by a discussion with Rev. N and the ZAT, noon on Sunday, April 28th.

Camera Free Zone and Service Videos

As you may know, we make a video recording of every Sunday's service on Zoom. Have you wondered what happens to those videos? We have made one sampler video which includes short clips from services from the past year, which we will put on the "for visitor's" page of the website so they can see what a service is like before they attend. Other that, we generally don't do anything with the video recordings. We do use the audio recordings to produce our podcast (find episodes at - for those we typically edit them down to just the sermon. So, most of the videos aren't used. However, if you want to be sure you don't appear on camera for Zoom sessions or on recordings, just stay in the camera free zone under the balcony. If you have any questions, ask the tech team!

EIM: Teachings from Anam Thubten


Thursday, May 2nd
In Seattle and online

Rather than practice together in Kirkland as usual, on May 2 Eastside insight Meditation will instead be joining Seattle Insight Meditation Society in Seattle to hear teachings  from Tibetan Teacher Anam Thubten. He is quite an extraordinary being, so it's worth crossing the  lake for this event.
You can join in person or online, click here for the link.

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