Dear friends,

This Sunday is the 4th in Eastertide. In the Gospel reading Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd and so this Sunday is traditionally the day when we pray for the Bishops and Priests who shepherd us and for an increase in vocations to the sacred priesthood. But we also reflect on how the risen Christ is the one whom we turn to in times of adversity, the one who keeps us safely in his fold. Click here for the Scripture Readings. 
Music on Sunday
This Sunday the choir will sing the Missa Brevis by Andrea Gabrielli and the beautiful Cantata 208 by JS Bach with the words, Sheep may safely graze.

Midweek Masses
Thank you to all of you who have supported the daily mass. Coming to a quieter mass in the week is a powerful way of deepening your spiritual connection with God and also fellowship with one another. I will also be in church at these times for anyone who needs to speak with me. And there is still some fizz to enjoy together after mass on Tuesdays!

I am available to hear your confession before any of the weekday masses. Please speak to me for more details.

Open Church
The weekends are the busiest time for footfall around the church, if you are able to spend an hour on Saturdays or Sunday afternoons to help keep the church open for visitors please speak to me.

Instagram and Facebook
Please check out our refreshed Facebook page allhallowsgospeloak and our new parish Instagram account @allhallowsnw3 

With blessings,
Fr James
Mass Times

Sunday 21st April
Easter IV
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee

Monday 22nd April 
Mass 10am

Tuesday 23rd April
Mass 6pm followed by drinks

Wednesday 24th April
10am Mass followed by coffee

Thursday 25th April
Mass 12pm followed by lunch

Friday 26th April 
Mass 12pm at S.Benet's Fr James' day-off 

Saturday 27th April
No Mass 

Sunday 28th April
Easter V
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee


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