| | News and thoughts from PRUMC | | | | | NOTICE Beginning with this issue, News and thoughts from PRUMC will be published monthly. The newsletter may return to bi-monthly publication later this year. | | | I read this quotation from Martin Luther in one of my daily devotionals: "To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." As I pondered this statement, I searched the scriptures, noting through the gospel writings how many times the writers told of our Lord Jesus withdrawing from His disciples and/or the crowds who followed him in order to have time with His Father. He needed His alone time to talk with God. Dear friends, if our Lord needed time to be alone with His Heavenly Father to talk with Him, doesn't it make sense that you and I need to have our time with Him even more? In our prayers (our talks) we can place all our cares and concerns in His hands and then leave the consequences to Him. This truly is our "Blessed Assurance!" Blessings, Pastor Ann | |
| | | How many of you know that our church has a library? Well we do! Now it is not as big as one of the Public Libraries you would find out in town, but it is available to any of us, no card needed. Our library is located in Fowler Hall, go down the hallway, pass the restrooms and it is in the last room on the left. This was our old children’s Sunday Schoolroom. Along the entire back wall is a nice collection of reading material. Now I know that so many folks use their electronic devices to access books and publications, but it is so nice to have books to enjoy. I love the smell of books, holding them in my hands and turning the pages. Perhaps you do too. We have devotion books, people of the Bible books, Bible Study material, Bibles, self-help books, children’s material, youth and teenage material and much more. Visit when you have time. No need to worry about checking them out or logging them out, simply return them when you have finished. It’s that easy! Okay all you bookworms – happy reading.
Blessings, Delane Wells – Lay Leader | |
| | May 12 Evelyn Grabenbauer May 13 Phyllis Wilson
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| May 5 Adult & Children Sunday School 9:45 a.m Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 4:00 p.m. May 8 Women in Faith 3:00 p.m. May 12MOTHER’S DAY Adult & Children Sunday School 9:45 a.m Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 4:00 p.m. May 18 Bishop Holston Visits Walterboro District at Sand Hill UMC 9 am - 1pm May 19 1st SUNDAY OF PENTECOST Adult & Children Sunday School 9:45 a.m Church Council 12:30 p.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 4:00 p.m. May 26 Adult & Children Sunday School 9:45 a.m Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 4:00 p.m. |
| | Sunday School and Bible Study |
| Have you ever wondered how certain scriptures relate to you or some circumstance you may be going through? If so, the Adult Sunday School program is for you. Continuing in the month of May, you will be handed a scripture passage where you will research it in the Bible, get the context and then see how it relates to you. I can’t think of a better way to not only get into God’s word but to see that the Bible was written for us to use today as it was thousands of years ago. Join Pastor Ann in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 9:45am each Sunday for this wonderful time.
Our Children’s Sunday School meets across the hall from the nursery in the Narthex near the sanctuary. From 9:45 -10:00am the children have a time of learning songs with two members of our choir. Their Bible lessons are currently being taken from the New Testament and are followed by an activity relating to the lesson. Our children also have a short children’s message during each worship service to further learn about God and Jesus. Nursery is provided for those children 4 years and younger during worship service.
Also, don’t forget our Sunday evening Bible Study which starts at 4:00pm. The Chosen Series is being shown and discussed each week. This series is a very moving and “come to life” depiction of Jesus and his Ministry. This series is based on the stories in the gospels.
| | Palm Sunday On March 24th in the evening, our church had a beautiful Easter Cantata! Our choir was joined by the choir from St.Paul’s Methodist Church in Ridgeland and they performed “No Stone Could Hold Him” So much rehearsal and work went into making this a memorable service. A reception was held afterwards in our fellowship hall. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this celebration. Holy Week The Easter Cantata kicked off our Holy Week observance with the following clergy/speakers: Monday the 25th –Dr. Rev Christopher Thompson from St. Luke’s UMC; Tuesday March 26th– Rev. Bryson Williams from Carteret Street UMC; Wednesday March 27th – Wally Cole our District Lay Leader; Thursday March 28th– Rev. Gary Finch from the Hendersonville Charge; Friday March 29th - Rev. Angela Ford Nelson from New Life UMC.
Even though it is very early in the morning, what a blessing it is to hear and experience the last week our Lord spent on this earth. If you were able to attend this year I hope it lifted you up each day. I know it did for me! Make plans for next year….you won’t regret it. Good Friday Service This is no more beautiful service in our church calendar than Good Friday. I love that our Pastor knows that we cannot be Easter people without experiencing Good Friday. How do we understand the resurrection without seeing and feeling what Jesus did for us on that Friday. The Bible is filled with words spoken by Jesus, yet those precious few he used while hanging on the cross are the ones that Good Friday is all about. So at the end of our Good Friday service, when we walk out to the front of the church, solemn and remorseful, we hammer a nail to the cross to represent our sins knowing he died to forgive them all. So many days I do fall short but I know the rest of the story! Easter Sunday I was thrilled to be the liturgist on Easter Sunday. It was a glorious service. It was good to see our visitors and children that day. I pray that our visitors will come and be with us again and that they were inspired this Easter. I was joined by John Wells; Lay Servant, Vicki Young; Certified Lay Speaker and Pastor Ann in serving Communion as we reflected on the resurrection. Our Easter Bunnies; Linda Lowther and Charlene Wentworth, together with their helpers sponsored our wonderful Easter Egg Hunt after the worship service. I loved how they had a section for our“little ones” that was separate from the “older” children. That way they all had a grand time hunting for those “hidden” eggs.. Of course candy and treats were plenty. Blessings, Delane Wells, Lay Leader |
| | | Sunday, May 19th, is the first Sunday of Pentecost. Pentecost is the recognition of the gift of the Holy Spirit upon the 120 or so Apostles and Disciples of Jesus Christ gathered in Jerusalem. It occurs on the 50th day following the Resurrection of Jesus. The description of the event is set forth in the book of Acts, Chapter 2. It is often referred to as the beginning of the Christian church. |
| | Where are you in your overall happiness? Are you content with your lot in this life or are you continually searching for something else? Are you on that perpetual wheel, going round and round, only to find yourself back at the same place you began, unhappy and discontented?
I recently saw a t-shirt with the quote, “Bloom where you are planted”printed on the front. It reminded me that I used to have a t-shirt years ago with that quote. I’ve long since donated that tee, but I remembered when I saw it on the store rack with its loose interpretation of a scripture verse, I was intrigued and just had to buy it. If I recall correctly, the scripture on the t-shirt I bought was based on a verse from 1 Thessalonians (but I could be wrong and I don’t remember which verse). I did a little research and found that this simple phrase has been loosely based on multiple verses and books from scripture.
“Bloom where you are planted” to me translates as being content where you are – to make the most of every day and just . . . BE HAPPY! Simply saying the word “bloom” conjures the feeling of watching one of those time lapsed videos of a rose bud transforming right before my very eyes into a beautiful exhibit of velvety petals, fully extended.
So,plant yourself right in the middle of that happy faith garden and watch yourself bloom as you walk each day with God, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit!
In faith & with gratefulness, Tammy Szucs, Worship Chair | |
| | | Taco Tuesday, June 18 Founded in 1978 Salkehatchie youth and Adults volunteer together for a week of home repair missions throughout South Carolina. Last year 920 volunteer's repaired over 80 homes for families in need. While working in Beaufort county PRUMWF will provide a "Taco Tuesday" lunch for all the volunteers. Taco Bell is pleased to sponsor the majority of the food, and the PRUMWF donate and help serve the meal, which starts at noon. If you would like to donate food or your time please contact the church office 843-524-2005. |
| | | Administrative Professionals Day |
| So many wonderful observances are done throughout the year and particularly in the business/non-profit sector is Administrative Professionals Day. Our church Administrative Professional is Tammy Szucs who works out of our church office. Our Chair of Church Council and Pastor honored Tammy at church recently with recognition and flowers. Tammy is truly a blessing to our church and is Pastor’s right hand. Even though our church is small, we have so much going on and Tammy handles everything wonderfully. Long hours are spent getting weekly bulletins ready, handling phone calls, setting up appointments,handling incoming and outgoing postal mail, keeping updated records on members,and assisting our Pastor with schedules. This is just a fraction of what she does. Our Chair of Church Council says and I quote,“There were times I wanted to scream for her, please leave me alone! But that is not our Tammy who goes above and beyond to serve her Lord by serving us.” Tammy also serves as our Worship Chair and prepares the sanctuary weekly for worship. She is a member of our choir and also is in our Praise Band; Rock Solid. Tammy serves in the United Women in Faith and is a Certified Lay Servant. She is a whiz with Children’s sermons and serves as Liturgist. She loves working with our children learning songs and teaching them in various programs. I can tell you she is also a great friend and has the patience of Job. Tammy does this as a volunteer and has from day one of taking on the responsibility. It’s her love of this church that she gives of her time. Tammy thank you for all you do, you are appreciated more than you will ever know. | |
| | Taking care of repairs and maintenance on the property of our church and parsonage is an ongoing commitment by our Trustee Chair; Mike Szucs and his committee. Our campus and buildings are quite old and just like our residence things wear out and breakdown. A few months ago water pressure coming out of the faucet in the sink in Fowler Hall was very low and shortly thereafter two leaks appeared. These leaks affected the water pressure of the toilets in both restrooms. One leak was in the ceiling of the Scullery and another one in the ceiling in the hallway near the women’s restroom. As per our procedures multiple estimates were gathered and Andy Creech Plumbing was awarded the job. Mike highly recommends them as they were very professional and got to work right away. They discovered that our pipes in the ceiling were old and had broken. Pipes were replaced in the ceiling areas going from the scullery on through to the women’s restroom and out through the yard to the meter, as well as replacing pipes through the walls leading into the kitchen. Drilling through the cinder blocks of that building was tedious. The plumber also discovered a problem with the lines from the meter out to the street which was a BJWSA issue. So we in fact had two issues. A generous donation was made by a member of the church that helped offset some of the cost associated with this unexpected expense. Yea, God is so good! As we struggle through these hard economic times we continue to pray that necessary repairs and projects continue at the church and on the property. The Trustees are preparing to look at future projects and proceed as they can. |
| | All parts of our worship services are meaningful, but if I confess, the music is one of my very favorites. We have been witnessed to so many wonderful songs and anthems in the last few Sundays. Many times I will just close my eyes and drift away in the beautiful words of these Hymns being sung. All of those who lift up their voices with the gift that God has given them, may never know how much they touch those of us sitting in the pews. We have had a Cantata, Easter solo’s and a special music Sunday in the last few weeks. Our special music Sunday was April 14th with our very own Rock Solid Praise Band…..they were rocking for Jesus! So much time and effort go into making these performances special. I even saw our Music Director; Carol pounding on the keyboard with the Praise Band. So cool! Thank you to all!
While our Pastor took a well-deserved and much needed vacation, Vicki Young our Certified Lay Speaker filled in on Sunday April 7th. Tammy Szucs was her Liturgist and what a great service it was. It’s wonderful when our very “own” are able to fill in when needed. It makes me quite proud. So many others who teach classes, usher,count each Sunday and fill so many roles who are not always seen, but they are so appreciated.
Let us not forget the cooks! We have some of the best cooks in the world. Seems like our kitchen in Fowler Hall has been getting plenty of use. I’m thankful. There were breakfasts during Holy Week, Fellowship receptions after Sunday worship, pot lucks sponsored by The United Women in Faith and The Choir. I know I’ve put on some extra pounds recently because I had to sample everything. I’ve even been hearing folks asking each other for recipes.
On a somewhat more somber note, a Memorial Service was held in our church for our beloved Joyce Powell, who went to her heavenly home recently. It was a very special service, with so many sharing stories and remembering Joyce and her love for everyone.. Eighty plus of her immediate family and church family were there and a wonderful meal was served to the family after the service. Beth Brittman, John O’Neill and Tammy Szucs along with Carol Hyde provided the music. It’s great to be a part of such a caring, loving church. We have so many who work so hard to make events happen. I have missed naming some who work behind the scenes to keep our church going. God knows and sees them. Thank you to everyone! Delane Wells, Lay Leader |
| | | Our most recent Lay Servant School was held March 16th at New Life UMC in Walterboro. Condensed to a one day class it started early and ended late with pre-class assignments before arriving. This was necessary in order to complete 10 hours of class study so certificates of completion could be awarded. We had eight attendees and one instructor from Port Royal. Of our eight (4) were in the Basic Course. The other four were completing additional courses. Once you complete the Basic Course you are a Lay Servant and can participate in delivering messages in your home church. Others who have taken certain approved courses are then Certified Lay Speakers and are authorized to deliver messages in other churches. Pastor Ann is thrilled that some of our attendees have agreed to participate in messages at our church over the rest of the year! I’m excited to see how God uses them to inspire us and to see how our church uses Laity in so many different ways. For those who might consider Lay Servant School in the future, please know that you are not required to deliver messages. You may want to go to just learn about the Methodist heritage or maybe you just want to learn more about a certain topic. There is never any pressure to do anything after taking a Lay Servant course. The Basic course must be taken first before signing up for additional classes. I will keep you informed of any upcoming sessions.
Delane Wells – Lay Leader |
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