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New CHAMPP Logo!
CHAMPP has a new logo! While we loved our old logo, we felt we needed something more dynamic to capture our role in the fight to end pain and addiction. It was designed by Hilary Schenker of Green Comma Media. Please contact Michael Lain if you need a copy of the new logo for any use.
Congratulations and Welcome to ...
Melessa Salay is now Scientific Program Director within CHAMPP and TREETOP. Congratulations, Melessa!
Welcome to Emily McFerran, who is Clinical Research Coordinator for Dr. Karlyn Edwards and Dr. Lakeya McGill. Previously, she worked as an Immunotherapy Research Technician at Pitt.
Welcome to Nikki Bills, MPH, TREETOP's Research Program Coordinator. Before joining TREETOP, she worked with the All of Us PA research program.
And we're still continuing to grow - we'll introduce even more new CHAMPP staff members next month!
Thank you to all who visited us at USASP's Annual Scientific Meeting in Seattle! We really enjoyed meeting you and we hope to see you again next year!
April Works In Progress Meeting
Thank you to RAND Corporation's Natalie C. Ernecoff, PhD, MPH, who presented "Understanding Treatment for People Living with Co-Occurring Opioid Use Disorder and Alzheimer's Disease or Related Dementias" at CHAMPP's Works In Progress meeting on April 10.
To be notified of future Works In Progress meetings, sign up for CHAMPP's mailing list by sending email to
TREETOP is Hiring!
TREETOP is currently hiring an Interventionist. This position participates in evidence-based clinical programming and provides extensive technical assistance to clinical staff. More information at Pitt's Talent Center.
TREETOP is also looking for a Peer Facilitator. Qualified candidates will have personal lived experience with opioid use disorder, chronic pain, and taking buprenorphine (currently or previously). More information at TREETOP's careers page.

Notable Recent CHAMPP Publications
A team led by Pitt researchers, including CHAMPP's Dr. Katie Suda, found that supply disruptions increased for many drugs at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic - which suggests that work is needed to protect U.S. drug supplies from future supply shocks.

CHAMPP Directors Dr. Jessica Merlin and Dr. Hailey Bulls; CHAMPP Core Faculty member Dr. Megan Hamm; CHAMPP Affiliate Faculty members Dr. Katie Fitzgerald Jones and Dr. Risa L. Wong; and CHAMPP Staff members Paula Escott, Sarah Orris, and Elizabeth Escott were all among the authors on a methodology for the “Opioid Therapy for Pain in Individuals With Metastatic Cancer: The Benefits, Harms, and Stakeholder Perspectives Study” in JMIR Research Protocols.

CHAMPP core faculty Dr. Erin Winstanley co-authored the chapter "The Impact of Opioid Use Disorder on Families and Children" in the new Oxford University Press textbook The Oxford Handbook of Opioids and Opioid Use Disorder.

Find the full list of CHAMPP publications on our website.
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