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May 16, 2024
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This Sunday at First Unitarian Church

May 19, 2024 @ 10:30 a.m.
Livestreamed on YouTube

“Ancient Steps to Repair the World”

Jewish teachings are rich with teachings about forgiveness, the Theme of the Month. However, the most important teachings may be repairing relationships and engaging in repentance. 

The Share the Plate Recipient for May, is Tree Pittsburgh

Tree Pittsburgh celebrates 18 years of growing and protecting our urban forest through tree planting, care, education, advocacy, and land conservation. The organization works to ensure all people have equal access to the many benefits that trees provide by directing resources where they are needed the most. As the impact of climate change grows, cities are particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures and severe weather events.  Tree Pittsburgh has collaborated with communities to plant nearly 60,000 trees, distribute more than 25,000 to County residents, graduate over 3,000 residents from its Tree Tender course, and continues to grow more than 30,000 trees annually in its Heritage Nursery located in Lawrenceville. Learn more about how to get involved at

Want to take a deeper dive into tree equity in Pittsburgh? View Tree Pittsburgh's presentation here.

Donate Now
A Share the Plate Testimonial 
"I am always impressed with the Share the Plate organizations and proud that we share the donations 50/50. However, I don’t donate through church because my employer matches our donations so I make a point of donating through work to benefit these orgs even more. If your employer matches employee donations, consider this option. It’s still tax deductible."    Nancy Latimer
From the Board of Trustees
The Board Approves Policy on Alignment of Activities with our Principles and Values click here to learn more
Candidates for Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is putting forward the following Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee candidates for congregational approval at the Annual Meeting on May 19, 2024.
Click here to see the Nominees
News and Updates
All Call for Covenant Groups
For those of you interested in connecting with a covenant group, there are several possibilities. Please see the website under Connect heading for more about covenant group membership.

At a recent meeting of people who are interested in becoming part of a group, we found the following
*Monday evening meeting time at 7:30 *Tuesday evening meeting * A parent group
If you are interested in and available for any of these, please go to
the church's covenant group page . Where
 you will find the Covenant Group Interest Form. Please complete it; in the box “Tell us about yourself,”  provide one or 2 facts about yourself and indicate which group you are interested in joining.

A reminder that a covenant group is a commitment to make the meeting time a priority for your time. It is a covenantal relationship, meaning that the group adopts a written agreement (covenant) for how you want to interact with each other, based on the principles of Unitarian Universalism.
Covenant group members respect confidentiality, agree to listen without needing to judge or offer advice, speak from their hearts, and take what insights they gain into the world to live our faith.
First Unitarian Church's Fantasy Auction 
The Auction was a Success! Thank you to all the volunteers, everyone who donated and everyone who purchased Items. If you would like to know what was purchased and if you won the Silent Auctions, you can still  see the Auction Booklet.  
New Name Tags
 Please use the new name tags. We don’t want newer members to feel less or different because some members have more official looking nametags. We switched styles as the gold nametags were no longer available. Last year, a nametag was printed for everyone in Breeze. If you don’t see your new nametag on the board, ask at the welcome desk as it may still be in the card file. If not, we can print one easily for next week. Also, several nametag versions are available including clips, pins, and lanyards, just ask at the welcome desk.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Ensemble Vitelotte
7:30P M SAT. MAY 26th
Kiyoe Matsuura, violin Sun Chang, piano Performing Sonatas by female Romantic-era composer Emilie Mayer

Ensemble Vitelotte presents music by unrepresented composers. It actively engages audiences with spoken program notes that humanize the stories and experiences of the music’s creators.
First Unitarian Church 605 Morewood Ave, Shadyside $15 donation at the door or Pay What You Will
Annual June Picnic
Let us celebrate life and community at our annual June Picnic, on Sunday, June 9, 12 - 2 p.m. at Schenley Park, Bartlett Playground. Bring a chair, your picnic supplies, some food to share, and a game to play. There is a grill on-site, grilling is welcome.
Need an answer to a question and don’t know who to ask?  Want to pass along some feedback and not sure who to contact?  Reach out to your Board Ombudsman Ebe Emmons.  Ebe will coordinate with staff, committees, and the board to get an answer or pass along feedback.  Ebe can be reached at
Copyright © *2022* *First Unitarian Church*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
605 Morewood Ave. Pittsburgh Pa. 15213

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