May 2024
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Countywide Transportation Plan - Survey Now Open!

Dear Community Members,
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) is actively developing a Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP) outlining strategies for advancing safe, equitable, and sustainable transportation improvements. As part of this effort, understanding community challenges and priorities is vital to creating a Plan that truly reflects our community’s needs. We invite you to share your perspective by taking part in a brief, 5-minute survey. Feedback will be used to guide our planning and decision-making processes, helping us to better serve you and the entire Marin community.

Take The Survey Now!

Your participation is encouraged, and your impact will be significant. The survey will remain open until May 31. Feel free to forward this invitation to any friends, family, or colleagues who may also wish to provide their input.
Thank you for helping us make Marin County a better place to live, work, and travel!

Take The Survey Now!
Marin Commutes Spring Commute Challenge through May 31!
Join Marin Commutes from now until May 31st for the Spring Commute Challenge. It's more than just getting to work—it's about earning rewards and making a difference with each step you take and each pedal you push. Don’t forget, walking and biking to transit, the grocery store, and dinner count too!

Spring Commute Challenge Highlights
  • Weekly Prizes: Each week, we invite you to log your bicycle or walking trips for a chance to win one of three $25 gift cards. Simply record at least two active trips per week to qualify for the weekly drawings. Engaging with us on social media by sharing your commuting experiences can increase your chances to win additional prizes.
  • Grand Prize: Log at least eight bicycle or walking trips by the end of May to automatically enter our grand prize drawing for a $250 gift card, perfect for gearing up for your summer adventures. Gain bonus entries by recording your first active trip and by participating in Bike to Work Day on May 16th.
How to Participate
Join the Spring Commute Challenge between May 1st and May 31st, and find more information here.
Participate In The Spring Commute Challenge!
Bike to Work/Wherever Day is May 16!
BTWD 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Bike to Work Day! This annual event has inspired thousands of people to give biking to work a try! Join TAM, SMART and the Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC) at the Larkspur Energizer Station at the foot of the Central Marin Ferry Connector Bridge over Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. This is a perfect location to enjoy the many recent improvements to expand the North-South Greenway, including the new bridge over Corte Madera Creek and the brand-new pathway along Old Redwood Highway to the Pedestrian Overcrossing. Great access to the Larkspur Ferry, Larkspur SMART station and beyond! We’ll have coffee and snacks! Combine your biking with our Spring Commute Challenge and log your miles to win prizes, learn your GHG reduction and how much money you can save by biking! MCBC has organized many other energizer stations throughout Marin, view their webpage for BTWD activities and events throughout the month.
Log Your Miles To Earn Rewards!
Attend the Bellam Boulevard Workshop! May 29 at 5:30 PM
The Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) is planning to improve access from US-101 to I-580 and the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge. Currently, drivers have to exit the freeway to access I-580 and the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, causing traffic on Bellam Boulevard (San Rafael) and Sir Francis Drake Boulevard (Larkspur).
Join TAM for a public workshop devoted to identifying community needs and usage patterns for the Bellam Boulevard corridor. This workshop is an opportunity for you to share your insights and give input on future transportation needs in your community. The workshop will include an informational presentation followed by small group discussions.
Please feel free to share this invitation with friends, family, and colleagues who may also be interested in helping to shape the Bellam Boulevard area.
  • When: Wednesday, May 29, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
  • Where: Marin Community Clinic, 3110 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael, CA
In June, a Spanish language workshop will be hosted. Details are forthcoming. Spanish translation can be provided at the May 29 workshop on request. 

Sign-up for Project Updates! Or contact the project team with questions/comments at

5/13: Executive Committee Meetings
5/20: Citizens' Oversight Committee Meeting
5/23: Board of Commissioners Meeting
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
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TAM Website
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