
Jewels Academy is excited to share what we have going on this spring and what is coming up in the summer! Scroll down to learn more.

Jewels Academy is heading into a busy summer.  We will be at Goodrell Middle School with all new programming in June and July.  Jewels Academy is going rural the last week of June.  We will be traveling to Newton, Melbourne, State Center, and Albion Public Libraries with a focus on agriculture and bioplastics.  Jewels Academy will also be having our annual YES Program.  We are so excited to be focusing on Aerospace technology.  Our program coordinators are doing NASA training at ISU this month and we promise it will be an amazing experience for our students.

We are also excited to announce Jewels Academy is having a virtual peer mentoring program this summer.  It will run from June to July.  The students will have an opportunity to learn skills to help them find scholarships, learn financial literacy, goal setting, resumes and so much more.  Students who complete the entire program will receive a free laptop or a $50.00 Amazon gift card.  Any student from ages 14-19 can register for this amazing opportunity.

Click Here to Register

The YES summer program is every Saturday in July. It starts on July 6th and goes until the 27th from 9am-12pm. The students get to travel to Iowa State and visit Aerospace Technology, do flight simulations, create a space crawler, and so much more fun!

Click Here to Register

Jewels Academy is excited to share with everyone the Principal Apprenticeship Program. The open house is on May 22, 2024, at 4:00 pm. During the open house, from 4:00 to 5:00, we will discuss the apprenticeship program, hear from Principal employees Perseverance Narcisse and Cole Myers, both of whom are thriving at Principal, as well as provide an overview of the hiring process. We will hold “office hours” immediately following the open house from 5:00 to 6:00 pm for applicants to ask individual questions and meet some of the hiring leaders. Applicants can RSVP directly via email to

To volunteer or ask questions about volunteering please email Gena Wolgamott at