
AAUWNC STEM Education Newsletter May 2024

SPECIAL EDITION - emerging STEM careers for women and opportunities for advanced education in North Carolina

With high school and college graduations in the coming weeks, students will be thinking about their next steps. Many will have reached decisions on career pathways from internships, apprenticeships, undergraduate colleges, or even advanced professional schools. We introduce here a few career fields in science and mathematics that you may not have considered. 

SPACE and AVIATION - Friday, May 3rd is national Space Day. There are over 2 million employees in the space industry across the United States and only 20% are women. Consider the following:

  • Elizabeth City State University degrees in aviation science.

  • Programs at many of the 16 UNC campuses offer undergraduate science and engineering degrees with space related research opportunities. The NC Space Grant will award $8,000 per student, for approximately 14 student awards per year.
    Melika Osareh, currently a second year doctoral student in biomedical engineering at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Melika earned a NC Space Grant scholarship in 2021 while an undergraduate at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Here is Melika's presentation of her undergraduate research.

OCEANOGRAPHY and MARINE SCIENCE - North Carolina's Atlantic coastline runs 320 miles, second in length (behind Florida) among East Coast states. The Pamlico Sound, one of eight major North Carolina sounds, is the largest lagoon along the East Coast at 80 miles long and 15 to 20 miles wide. Check out UNC Wilmington's Center for Marine Science not only above the waves but piloting remote robotic ocean vehicles. 

AGRICULTURE and TECHNOLOGY - According to, there are more than 200 agricultural technology companies operating in the state, North Carolina is an international hotbed for plant science. There are several ways to enter this important economy including Sustainable Vegetable Production Registered Apprenticeship program (SVP) 

FORESTRY and GLOBAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS - While serving on the Women in STEM panel at Find Your STEM in March at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, former meteorologist Jaclyn Shearer announced that she is pursuing a masters in applied geospatial analytics. AND, that she had just landed a job with the national Forestry Service using her mapping skills. North Carolina is home to four national forests. Learn more


AAUW STEM Ed for Girls - webinar series REGISTER HERE

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 | 7:00- 8:30 PM EST In this session we will explore different mentorship relationships (coach, mentor, champion, etc.). Create plan to identifying a mentor(s) along the STEM journey.
Discussion with STEM Ambassadors about their STEM journeys and their career experiences through the lenses of advancement and leadership. Following the panel students will partake in a problem-solving with the use of a simulation that teaches biology skills.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 | 7:00- 8:30 PM EST In this session we discuss how caregivers can work with school leaders and counselors; how can school administrators provide support for caregivers in helping girls in STEM advance to the next level of her STEM education (e.g. course selection, AP course support, completing a research project, after school clubs, advocacy, internships, advancing from grade-to-grade, etc.).



Livingstone College and Catawba College Camps
Da’Tarvia A. Parrish, Ph.D. AAUW Salisbury Branch President

Catawba College Discover Camp July 23 to 26
Livingstone College STEM Summer Camp

Greensboro, UNCG and NCA&T Summer Youth Programs
Laura Tew, AAUW GSO Stem Ed

June 10 to 14 Intersection UNCG technology camp for girls 4th through 8th grades. Pre-registration available through April 15th -  to secure a spot. Limited to 30. Scheduled and Parent Information Registration links with $25 fee will be sent to pre-registered parents. Intersection. AAUW participation in Intersection UNCG is made possible in part by a grant from the Future Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro.

JUNE 22, 2024 – JULY 02, 2024 Tech4Good day attendance OR residential attendance for rising 10th through rising 12th grade high school students (coed) from across the state. Scholarships available. Technovation for Good, made possible by Alex Lee, Inc. is a day and residential programThe program will be administered by the Information Systems and Supply Chain Management department in the Bryan School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina Greensboro.  Details:  Student Admissions Application

North Carolina  A&T State University Summer Youth Programs The camps allow young people to explore, learn new skills, prepare for the future – and have fun! Check the website for details


Western Carolina University DAY CAMPS
 Mickey Randolph, AAUW WCU President

June 17 to July 26 camps for high school, middle school, AND elementary school boys and girls  Registration Details Here


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