May 3, 2024

Big Lake Youth Camp Makes Newsweek's America's Best Summer Camps list for 2024

With so many camps nationwide, though, parents have a challenging task in picking the right one for their children. Choosing a summer camp requires aligning its offerings with the personality and interests of the camper, as well as the safety and financial concerns of the parent. To help, Newsweek partnered with data researcher Plant-A Insights Group to present the second annual ranking of America's Best Summer Camps.

Our own Big Lake Youth Camp made the list as the only 5-star overnight camp in Oregon and the only Adventist camp east of the Mississippi! Read more...

Outreach Ministries Team Announces Transitions

In recent weeks, two members of our Oregon Conference Outreach Ministries team have announced their transitions to new career opportunities. Read more...

Town Hall
Quick Reference Guide

All church members are invited to attend the Together in Mission town hall meetings starting this next week. We've created a reference guide that notes the major landmarks in the process as the conference responds to current budget challenges.
Check out the guide...

Camp Meetings Around the Pacific Northwest

Just because Gladstone Camp Meeting isn't happening this year doesn't mean you can't have a camp meeting experience. Several other camp meetings will be happening across the PNW this summer.
Learn more...

Bible Reading Plan
for May Now Available

May is almost here! Save this link to access your Bible reading plan for the month of May. By following this Bible reading plan day-by-day and month-by-month, you will read through the entire Bible in one year. Find May's reading plan here...

Town hall meetings will continue this week with those being held in the Portland/Vancouver-metro areas. All church members are invited to attend the Together in Mission town hall meetings this spring. These meetings will be your chance to interact with conference administration, ask questions, and share your perspective.

Each meeting will start at 7:00 PM:

May 7– Greater Portland – Sunnyside Adventist Church
May 8 – SW Washington – Meadow Glade Adventist Church
May 14 – Central Oregon – Bend Adventist Church

Mark your calendar and join us this next week!

Farther Afield

WWU Team Creates Affordable Aquarium Controller

Walla Walla University computer science, biology and engineering professors and students created a new device controller for aquarium tanks that helps to measure ocean acidification. Their work is now featured in a peer-reviewed scientific report. Read more...

Lake Union Pledges a Million Dollars to Attract New Teachers & Pastors

Beginning fall 2024, the scholarships will cover four years of study in either teaching or pastoral ministry. Driving this initiative is the decreasing number of students pursuing careers of critical importance to the church. Learn more...

African American Church Provides Worship in Spanish

Shiloh Adventist Church has stood as a beacon of hope for nearly 120 years, serving a predominantly African American community. However, a new wave of immigrants from Central and South America, fleeing political turmoil and violence, found themselves seeking refuge in the urban landscape. Read more...


“My mom grew up as an Adventist in the Philippines, but left the church when she was a teenager. When my grandma was on her deathbed, she told my mum’s friend in Australia to encourage my mum to come back to church and to take my sister and I with her.  My mum chose to honor her wish and started taking us to a Filipino Adventist church. My dad had Catholic roots but he wasn’t practicing, and because my mum didn’t drive, my dad would drop us off at church. He supported our spiritual walk and knew that our church connections were positive.

I went to a Catholic girls high school and finished my first degree in environmental science at a big secular university in Australia. I wasn’t in the Adventist bubble. Most of my connection to ‘the church’ was just my local church, and a lot of my friends still today aren’t Christian.

I graduated during the recession in 2009-2010. Jobs in the science field across the country were being cut. However, I was offered a position as a research assistant in environmental sciences at my university. We traveled all over the country and did field work in some of the most remote places. Although it was a well paid job with flexible full time hours, I knew something was missing. Keep reading...
Oregon Adventist Stories is an online storytelling series focusing on the formative lived experiences of Seventh-day Adventists in the Oregon Conference territory. Pastor Rosemary Andrykanus is today’s storyteller.

Events & Announcements

Milo Adventist Academy Family Weekend

Get ready to make memories and connections at our upcoming Family Weekend, May 10-12! Whether you're already part of our close-knit Milo community or considering joining us, this event is your opportunity to connect with fellow families and staff and discover what sets us apart as a place to learn and grow. Join us for family brunch, horse show, worship and fellowship, guided campus tours and much more! Make sure to reserve your lodging and get further details by giving us a call at 541-825-3200 or emailing us at We can't wait to share this special weekend with you!

Gladstone Open Disc Golf Tournament
You're invited to The Gladstone Open disc golf tournament on May 19 at the Gladstone Park Conference Center in Gladstone, Ore. Singles round ($35) 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, doubles round ($35) 1:00-4:00 PM. Player pack includes custom event disc. Tournament benefits Livingstone Adventist Academy after school programs. Register at Questions? Contact Kirk Betz at

Oregon Adventist Men’s Chorus Concert
Oregon Adventist Men’s Chorus annual Festival Concerts will be presented on May 18 at 3:30 PM and 7:00 PM, at Sunnyside Adventist Church. Joining OAMC will be Portland Adventist Academy’s Bell Canto handbell ensemble. OAMC is a group of Christian men who join in worship, praise and public sharing of their faith through music. Under the direction of Ben Purvis, OAMC performs anthems, selections from the master composers, traditional hymns, newer inspirational works and spirituals. For more information about the 2024 Festival Concert and OAMC, visit Sunnyside Adventist Church is located at 10501 SE Market St, Portland, OR 97216.

Smash-a-Car for PAA Fundraiser
Come join PAA’s Auto Mechanics teacher Adam Hinckley for PAA’s Smash-a-Car for PAA Fundraiser. The old car is headed to the wrecking yard, so we’ll see if we can wreck it first! It’s for PAA’s Auto Mechanics program and all the other work that takes place at PAA for students. It’s Sunday, May 5, 10:00 AM-12:00Noon at PAA’s Tech Building parking lot (past the gym). For $10 entry you’ll get as many hammer swings as you can get in 30 seconds, and you can enter more than once! Invite a friend you to see who can get in the most swings in 30 seconds! Come early to see if you win the drawing to be the first one to do damage. Questions: 971-351-9028 or

Class of 1974 Laurelwood Academy 50th Class Reunion
The Laurelwood Academy Class of 1974 will celebrate it's 50th Class Reunion, May 24-26. The class would love to connect with all of their 1974 members. The May 24-25 reunion activities will be held at Gladstone Park Conference Center in Gladstone, Ore. The May 26 reunion event will happen at the LACE Center in Laurelwood. Please text or call 503-709-3030 and leave a message, or email for additional details. RSVP appreciated.
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