
May in Florence

Brunelleschi's dome of Santa Maria del Fiore glistens in the sunlight after a May shower

Brunelleschi's dome of Santa Maria del Fiore glistens in the sunlight after a May shower

Here at Florence-On-Line we are officially proclaiming May a transition month in the tourism calendar. It is a great time to visit Florence - the weather is warming up, outdoor vendors have returned to the piazzas, the flower gardens are in bloom, and the city is beginning to get ready for the major events of June, most notably the Calcio Storico and Feast of San Giovanni.

However while there are a few timely exhibitions to see (details below), there really are no major events for tourists scheduled for May as there have been in the past. One of my favorites was the Mille Miglia - it would come right through the center of town - across the Ponte alla Carraia and through Piazza Signoria. This year the race goes around and not through Florence - bummer!

And then there is the mystery of the Gelato Festival - that was also a May event when it started in the mid-2000s, then moved to the fall, but now I don't see any events at all scheduled on their website.

But don't worry - you are in Florence, the sun is out, and there is still plenty to see if you need more beyond the usual riches of Florence's churches and museums

Here are some exhibits to check out before they end:

  • Anselm Kiefer's "Fallen Angels" at the Palazzo Strozzi (ends July 21, 2024)

  • "Returns. From Modigliani to Morandi." at the Museo Novecento (ends September 15, 2024)

  • "Salvatore Ferragamo 1898 - 1960" at the Ferragamo Museum (ends November 04, 2024)

  • Visit the Florence Iris Garden (open until May 20th! The Rose Garden is also open in May but we're having a hard time confirming the specific days)

So take a stroll through centro storico, sit outside at a cafè, maybe take a walk up to San Miniato al Monte for the views and gardens, but most of all - enjoy Florence in the Spring!

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