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Carnation Farmers Market - Celebratig 20 Years!
Tuesdays, 3-7pm - King County's Tolt-MacDonald Park Barn Shelter - 31020 NE 40th St, Carnation WA
2024 Season
Opening Day Tuesday June 4th

Every Tuesday in June, July & August
3 to 7pm @ King County's Tolt-MacDonald Park

Thanks to Joe Lee Davidson for this gorgeous 2024 poster art! Look for these posters popping up soon all around the Snoqualmie Valley.
Donate Now to CFM
CFM is growing! In 2024 we expect more record-breaking sales and attendance days, but all this growth means more expenses than ever before... We need your help to keep the community tradition alive: Please donate to Carnation Farmers Market right now. Your contribution makes a huge positive impact right here at home!

CFM is a non-profit charity serving Snoqualmie Valley farmers, eaters, artists, families, kids, other local nonprofits, local businesses, and more. All of our programs are free and open to the public. Here are some of the services we provide:
  • Critical food access for local residents
  • Helping farmers earn a livelihood selling locally
  • Food access and charitable food assistance programs
  • PoP Kids Club providing fun activities and free fruits & vegetables weekly
  • Two local music acts for a thriving local arts scene
  • Hands-on art activities and interactive lessons
  • A platform for local non-profits to engage with the public
  • Educational opportunities for all ages
  • Special events
  • And more...
Vendor fees only pay a small fraction of our operating costs. To keep the market going, we depend on the support of grants, sponsors, and donors like YOU! If it is within your means, please donate to Carnation Farmers Market today.

Donate Now to CFM
GiveBIG is a state-wide day of giving where Washingtonians strengthen local non-profits and charities. Join thousands of others and get that GIVING feeling. There's no need to wait; you can make a tax-deductible donation right now on our Washington Gives page.

Carnation Farmers Market is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, a registered Washington charity, and a Washington public benefit corporation.
Coming Soon
Stay tuned for updates...
  • New Staff Announcements 馃榿
  • Official vendor lineup: We have had over 20 food & farm product vendors apply already. We are seeking more vendors, especially prepared food. Apply here.
  • Concert calendar: We've got some great bands and solo acts booked for our Music on the Grass Concert Series. Musicians, we have a few open time slots left, but probably not for long! Sign up for a two-hour set and get paid on market day.
  • SNAP Market Match: Starting this season, CFM is boosting the purchasing power of our SNAP/EBT customers with SNAP Market Match, making local healthy food more accessible! Details to come.
  • Attention Potential Sponsors! One of the best ways to get name recognition and connect with local audiences is sponsoring CFM. If your business or organization wants its logo on the 2024 sponsor banner, sign up by May 21.
  • Community Spotlight Booth timeslots are filling up fast. Go ahead and reserve your spot.
NOW is the time to sign up if you want to join us. Only 30 days until Opening Day!

If you're a market supporter, here are some other ways to get involved.
CFM Thanks Our 2024 Sponsors

If your business or organization is thinking about sponsoring CFM, check out CFM's sponsor packages, or email our Market Manager for details.

Check out these trusted local businesses and organizations:
Land Acknowledgment
Carnation Farmers Market supports the Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands Movement: We acknowledge that our market operates on the Indigenous Land of Coast Salish peoples who have sovereign, inherent Tribal rights to this land, specifically the Snoqualmie Indian Tribe (sduk史albix史).  We thank these caretakers of this land who have lived and continue to live here since time immemorial.
Copyright 漏 2024 Carnation Farmers Market, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Carnation Farmers Market
8014 361st Ave NE
Carnation, WA 98014

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Carnation Farmers Market 路 8014 361st Ave NE 路 Carnation, WA 98014 路 USA

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