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Please make sure all your friends and advisors are signed up for the newsletter. And thank you to all those who contributed ideas for a new name for our newsletter!

2024 Out Of State Grand Assemblies

Upcoming New England Grand Assemblies
Maine - May 17-19 - For those who have previously registered.
Massachusetts - June 28-30 -  Please let Mom Needham know if you will be attending. Deadline to register with the CT delegation is May 15th.
New Hampshire - July 5-7 . Please let Mom Needham know if you will be attending. Deadline to register with the CT delegation is May 15th.
Rhode Island - July 12-14. - Registration will be on your own. Their registration deadline is May 18th.
CT IORG will cover the cost of visiting one out-of-state Grand Assembly for each Grand Representative and each Grand Officer for registration, room (4 in a room), and meal cost. Transportation is your responsibility. 
If you are planning to visit an out-of-state Rainbow event, you must let Mom Needham know before you go.

Join us for Planting
We will again be planting individual plants in pots for the residents of the apartments of Masonicare. Join us on May 11th, starting at 9am. We will start at the Picnic Pavilion of Ashlar Village to plant - please wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty! Once we have planted all the plants we will head down the hill to distribute the plants. We are asking adults to bring snacks to share. 
This is a great opportunity to connect with the wonderful people who live at Masonicare. 

Upcoming Events
May 11th - Planting at Masonicare, 9am to noon
June 23rd - Skills Day -  Informational classes and School of Instruction, and then a Pot Luck Lunch. After lunch, we will start sewing tote bags for those going to Supreme. Further details to follow. This event replaces the GO Day previously announced. 
August 3rd - Grand Picnic - Y Outdoor Center in Trumbull
September 7th - GO Night and Grand Masters Class.


Change The World With CT IORG

In April, May, and June we are supporting our first responders. Seek out those community connections, and let them know how much we appreciate their commitment. 

Supreme 2024

For those who have reserved a spot for Supreme 2024 in Hampton, Virginia, reservations are now being finalized, with further information to be shared as it becomes available. Please advised Betty Laferriere of your travel plans and when you will be arriving and departing from Supreme. We will also be making CT tote bags for all going to Supreme. We will start assembling the bags on June 23rd in the afternoon. 
Brielle Laferriere, GWA, will be participating at Supreme Assembly in the Cavalcade of Flags, and Calleigh Cotter, JPGWA, will be representing our state as Supreme Page to Supreme Faith, and she will be participating in the Memorial Service as Faith.

Majority Association

The Majority association would like to ensure that they are sending their information to all majority members. Please send your email to Jenn Wilcox at if you are a Majority Rainbow girl and are not receiving updates from the majority association.
Do you have something you would like added to the Newsletter next Month?
Submit your event at the link below:
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