May Chapter Meeting

The Aftertouch Ballgame 
Taught by Jason Cassel


What is Aftertouch? Why is it important? What regulation points influence it? How is it set on an upright and a grand? Come unravel these regulation mysteries as we work through the Aftertouch process with videos and live demonstrations! The piano is trying to tell you something. Are you listening? 


Thursday May 16, 7pm
Baldassin Pianos
441 12300 S suite a500 
Draper, UT 84020

Special thanks to Rick for letting us meet in his store.

In Review...

Last month, Emily Townsend (from the Boston chapter) taught an excellent class on the Pythagorean Comma. She explained why we tune intervals as ratios, and why we use an equal temperament. 

In addition, BYU wrote an article about our January chapter meeting.

SLC PTG Leadership 

Jerry Benson, President                  208-380-9850
Barbara Ellis, Vice President           208-251-2254 
Carl W. Teel, Treasurer                    801-936-7510
Emily Davis, Secretary                    423-737-2814
                                                                           Stay Tuned!
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