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May 30, 2024
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This Sunday at First Unitarian Church

June 2, 2024 @ 10:30 a.m.
Livestreamed on YouTube

 “From You I Receive, To You I Give” 

Join us for our annual multigenerational Flower Communion.  Please bring a flower to share as we celebrate the abundance of life and love.  
Introduction to UU 06/02/2024 11:30 AM
This is a short and informal overview of our church and UU in general, presented by Rev. Kate and church members, geared toward those seeking more information about our faith. This meeting will take place in the Priestly room. 

Share the Plate for June 2024 (CeaseFirePA)

Our Share the Plate Recipient for June is CeaseFirePA. We last shared the plate with CeaseFirePA in April 2023, and several members of First Unitarian and Rev. Kate recently lobbied in Harrisburg with CFPA, so we are already friends.

Gun Violence is widespread and rising in PA: 33 people die each week by guns. Our Pittsburgh community is far from immune. CeaseFire has created a Common Agenda for legislation to end Gun Violence and does organizing and education work throughout PA to further the agenda’s goals: ~Extreme Risk Protection Order

~Lost/Stolen Gun Reporting

~Universal Background Checks

~Safe Storage of guns.

Many community organizations (in healthcare, Veterans Services, and Faith Communities, for example) work with CeaseFire PA to press our legislature to bring these items forward. It is a challenge, and as CeaseFire’s website tells us, NO ONE IS FREE FROM GUN VIOLENCE IN PA UNTIL WE ARE ALL SAFE.

We will be joined (Sunday, June 2) by Beth Foringer, CeaseFire Coordinator for Western PA, to enlighten us further about this important work.
Visit to learn more.

Donate Now
From the Board of Trustees

The following motions were passed by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on May 15, 2024

·        Confirmation of the email vote to appoint Michael Lotze to fill a vacancy on the Nominating Committee.

·        Amend the 2024 budget to provide 50% spousal health insurance premium to additional professional staff.

·        Transfer $1,697.53 from the Habitat for Humanity Fund account to the EECM Mens Shelter Dinners account. To erase a deficit there and provide reimbursement of volunteer costs for shelter meals

·        Transfer funds from the sinage reserve, from the Rain Garden reserve, from the Environmental Justice Exchange, from LRE Sabbatical fund, and the adult library fund, to fund a ministerial intern for 2024-2025.

·        Resolved to support our church continuing as a teaching congregation for a ministerial intern

·        Approve Jean Schmidt and Kyle Gracey as delegates to UUA General Assembly

At the May 19 Annual Congregational Meeting:

Quorum was set at 61 voting members (25% of voting members). There were 88 voting members represented (65 casting votes online and 23 paper ballots issued in person at the meeting), thus establishing a quorum.

The Congregation elected these individuals to the Board of Trustees for July 2024-June 2027:

·        Jim Pashek

·        Maria Lauro

·        Richard Dum

The Congregation elected these individuals to the Nominating Committee for July 2024-June 2027:

·        Bill Schuetz

·        Becky Studer

·        Mary Weidner

Congratulations, and thank you for serving the congregation!

News and Updates
Our business manager, Rita Gates, will be on leave for the month starting in June. 
First Unitarian Church's Fantasy Auction  Southside Slopes Step Hike
The Fantasy Auction offered a Southside Slopes Step Hike on June 11, 6 to 8 PM. There are still a couple of spots left if you'd like to join the group, $20 per person. Contact Nancy Latimer to sign up
The South Side is home to amazing city views and unique stairways. Join Nancy Latimer, an experienced trip leader, for a two-hour, three-mile hike up and down the streets and stairs. The tour will include some history and interesting city facts.
Difficulty: Moderate
Almost there! Khasi Hills 2023-2024
We are almost there! We have about $1300 left to raise to meet our 2023-2024 fundraising goal. If we add in another 10% to cover the cost of the UUNEI portion that is withheld for local efforts, we have approximately $2300 to raise. This comes to about $26 from 50 church members or $46 for the higher amount.
I know we will be able to reach this goal because... drum roll, please... our 12th grade students again had a 100% pass rate this year! We couldn't be more proud, and we hope you are, too. (above is a picture of our talented teachers, Da-emika Marsharing and Lamborian Syiem.)
To make a donation, send a check to the church (memo line: Khasi Hills) or go to the link below indicate KHASI HILLS as your recipient:
From the Khasi Hills Partnership Team
Medical Equipment Loan Program
Most of you know that First UU maintains a list of medical assist equipment (such as crutches, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, bedside items, and much more). These items are owned by and kept at the home of individual members and are loaned to members in need of them. Contact Ioulía at to request an item.
What you may NOT know is that we keep several basic items at church (a wheelchair, walker, cane, and crutches) in case of sudden need during a service or event. But it won’t help to have them if no one knows where they are!
• The walker, cane, and crutches are in a cabinet in the Schweitzer Room.
• The wheelchair is under the coat rack in the basement, near the bathrooms.
We ask that each of you please take a few minutes some Sunday to find them so you know specifically where they are located. YOU may be the person who needs to secure an item for someone in emergent need!
Upcoming Meetings and Events
June is Pride month!
Reach out to acquaintances, friends and family to let them know how special our church can be.
UU's in Pittsburgh Pride Parade  06/01/2024 10:00 AM
Lineup will begin at 10:00 AM along Liberty Avenue between 11th Street and 16th Street in the Strip District. Meet up with other UU's around 11th and Liberty at 10 a.m. or look for the UU's of Greater Pittsburgh. Wear your favorite Pride and UU outfits.

From Liberty Avenue at 11th Street the march and parade will bear right on 7th Street along Liberty Avenue. The march and parade will continue across the Andy Warhol Bridge and proceed to Allegheny Commons Park West!
Click Here for the Map
Need an answer to a question and don’t know who to ask?  Want to pass along some feedback and not sure who to contact?  Reach out to your Board Ombudsman Ebe Emmons.  Ebe will coordinate with staff, committees, and the board to get an answer or pass along feedback.  Ebe can be reached at
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605 Morewood Ave. Pittsburgh Pa. 15213

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