May 31, 2024

A Different Kind of Evangelism: 
A CLEAN Community Connection

"What if we’ve been going about evangelism all wrong?" That’s the question William "Billy" Hungate, a pastor who previously served at Sunnyside Adventist Church, posed as he wrote, “Believe, Become, Belong, Bless” in a vertical stack on a large sheet of paper in front of him.

“Traditionally, our evangelism starts with an evangelistic series that asks people to believe the things we do,” Hungate said, pointing to the first word. “Then you can become a Seventh-day Adventist through baptism. Once you’re baptized, you belong to our group. Then, after some trust is built and background checks come through, you can now bless people alongside us. That’s the basic trajectory we’ve had for people.”

But Jesus did it differently. “Belonging came first. Then we see He blessed people. He healed them. After that, He asked them to believe and follow Him, which for us is the process of becoming a disciple of Jesus. That’s the trajectory we want to use at CLEAN.”

If you haven’t heard of CLEAN yet, the best way to describe it might be a combination of nonprofit addiction recovery ministries, small group meetings and a public-facing urban center of influence — all of which coalesce into the CLEAN ministry. Keep reading...

2023 Financial & Statistical Report
Videos Now Online

First premiered during this year's town hall meetings in May, these videos share 2023 financial and administrative statistical reports. Watch the videos...

Oregon Conference Leadership Structure Explained

Recent transitions in Oregon Conference leadership have brought questions about how the leadership structure functions in our region. Learn more...

Adventist Health
First Friday: June

You are invited to a free night of worship, praise, and fellowship on June 7 at Adventist Health Portland. This month's featured speaker will be Jon Holland with music by the Pleasant Valley Church Worship Team. Learn more...

CORRECTION: Last we mistakenly reported the name and church of a Pathfinder in the article "Pathfinder Fair Wraps Up Exciting Year". Kate McWilliam is a member of the Cedar Creek Church Pathfinder Club. We regret the error.

Starting Tuesday, June 18 at 7:30 PM, everyone in the Oregon Conference in invited to pray together on ZOOM for the Holy Spirit. From then on, we will be meeting on a regular basis once a month, on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM.
Join us at

Farther Afield

WWU Participates
in Tri-College Community Day

Walla Walla University partnered with Walla Walla Community College (WWCC) and Whitman College to host Tri-College Community Day on April 21, where students from all three colleges, as well as community members, came together to serve the Walla Walla Valley. Read more...

Pentecost 2025 Initiative Voted by the NAD Executive Committee

On May 29, the North American Division Executive Committee voted to approve Pentecost 2025, an initiative for church leaders and members alike to mobilize evangelism in 2025. Sign-ups open in July, with the option to apply for startup funds. Learn more...

Adventist TV Caravan Promotes Health Fair, Drives Outreach in Brazil

The TV Novo Tempo Caravan is now a tradition, an event that engages the network’s presenters across Brazil for a special program that includes the public. Read on...


Glimpses of Regional Convocation – Sometimes, you need a reminder to recommit to Jesus and respond again to His call by saying, "Lord, send me!" Every day is an opportunity to renew your faith, to be a beacon of His love and light in a world that desperately needs it. With the 48th gathering of Regional Convocation now a memory, let's take a moment to reflect on our journey, seek His guidance and step boldly into the purpose He has for us. How will you answer His call?
See a Facebook photo gallery plus a livestream archive...

Events & Announcements

Evensong Vespers at Sunnyside
Sunnyside Adventist Church presents another Evensong on June 8, 4:00 PM, featuring Michael Koller at the organ and Pastor Seth Pierce, Ph.D. presenting the spoken word. Come and enjoy a blessing of spiritual connection on this Sabbath afternoon. Sunnyside Church is located at 10501 SE Market Street, Portland, Oregon 97216.

Memorial Service for David Hiebert
Sunday, June 2, at 1:00 pm, there will be a memorial service for David Hiebert, who passed away on January 27, 2024. The memorial service will be conducted at Sunnyside Adventist Church, 10501 SE Market Street, Portland, Oregon.

CARE Project Community Engagement Workshop
Join us at Walla Walla University's Havstad Alumni Center for a special CARE Project Community Engagement Workshop. Take a deeper dive into a church's role in community transformation, which will include topics such as understanding your why, goal setting, and measuring success. June 8, 6:30-8:00 PM and June 9, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. All church leaders are welcome. Registration is $25 or free for CARE Project locations. Learn more and register at

Big Lake Youth Camp: In search of Golf Cart or Side-by-side
Big Lake Youth Camp is looking for a gently used golf cart or a side-by-side/Ranger style of vehicle for camp use during the summers. If you have one you'd like to donate, please reach out to our office: or call (503) 850-3583.

Scribes and Manuscripts Seminar Sabbath
Biblical scholar Jonathan Campbell, PhD (Burman University) will be coming to the Mount Tabor church on June 8 to present on the creation and history of the Bible. During the worship service at 10:45 AM, he will be preaching on "Why I Trust Our Bibles." After the service there will be a potluck, and in the afternoon at 2:00 PM he will present on "The History of the Bible." This will be a great event to invite friends to, Adventist and non-Adventist alike! Have questions on why the Bible was written, compiled, and translated the ways it has been? Come out to ask and learn! Mount Tabor Adventist Church is located at 1001 SE 60th Ave, Portland, OR 97215.
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