June Chapter Meeting

Jim's Latest Tools and Tips
Taught by Jim Busby

This month's technical will be taught by Jim Busby and is titled "Jim's latest tools and tips". The class will be divided into two parts: The first part is on rebushing hammer and wippen flanges using a new tool that Jim made for each participant. This tool will make the job significantly easier and the method Jim will demonstrate is nearly fool proof. Each person will practice using the tool, and learn how to avoid the common, frustrating mistakes we all make. Jim will also teach you how to do an emergency bushing repair when you don't have "the right stuff". 

The second half of the class is on new tools and tips that haven't been shown before. We'll spend time with each tool so you'll get hands on experience. If time permits, we'll review some of the older tips.

In addition, we will be voting on chapter officers at the beginning of this meeting. If you have any nominations, please get them to Jerry Benson as soon as possible (contact info can be found at the bottom of the email). 

Thursday June 20, 7pm
Social half hour starts at 6:30, and there will be refreshments
Summerhays Music
5420 W Green St,
Murray UT, 84123

Please park in the rear parking lot on the west side of the building. Enter through the door that is furthest south (right) on the west side. The meeting will be downstairs and there will be signs to direct you. 


Next month will be the national convention and we won't have a chapter meeting. June 17th is the last day to register with the best rates. Visit https://www.ptgconvention.com/ for more information and to register. 
In Review...

Last month Jason Cassel's aftertouch class on both grand and uprights was informative as we learned to 'Keep it in the ballpark AND catch the ball' in regards to aftertouch. We also learned how to use the aftertouch gauge properly and to let the piano tell you what it wants.


SLC PTG Leadership 

Jerry Benson, President                  208-380-9850 jerry.benson@gmail.com
Barbara Ellis, Vice President           208-251-2254 butterflyellis@yahoo.com 
Carl W. Teel, Treasurer                    801-936-7510 carlteel@gmail.com
Emily Davis, Secretary                    423-737-2814 emilydavisrpt@gmail.com
                                                                           Stay Tuned!
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Emily Davis, newsletter editor: emilydavisrpt@gmail.com

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