May 2024
If it seems like it's been a while since you read one of our newsletters, that's because it has been nearly 6 months! In November of last year several email service providers instituted new security policies to protect their customers from spam and fraud. It took us a while to get our website and email in compliance with the new security requirements but thanks to Mr. Tim McClure, our previous Club President we're back! Over the past few years every area sporting club has had to significantly raise their dues, some have increased by more than $100 per year. We keep our yearly dues as low as we can while being able to fund club operations, expenses and improvements. The key to our ability to do this has been the tradition of relying on our membership to volunteer their time for the overall good of the club. Everything you do such as taking a bag of trash with you when you leave the range, ensuring that used targets aren't left on the target stands to litter our property, picking up your own shell casings and volunteering during our work days, helps to keep our dues low and maintain the condition of the club. Unfortunately over the past year we have had a decline in volunteers willing and able to perform these tasks, and an increase in members failing to follow our basic rules. Next time you visit the Lisbon Fish & Game, please do your part to maintain or improve the condition of our facilities.
Our work day this year will be Saturday June 8th from 9am-1pm. We've planned ahead and our rain date is Saturday June 22nd, 9am-1pm. Around 12pm we'll be serving burgers and hot dogs. .
During this work day we will be Checking the Property line and re-marking where needed, Leveling the 25 yard rifle berm area, spreading gravel on the road to the pistol range, repairing the pistol range berms, spreading lime, cutting trees and clearing brush, trash removal, erecting a canopy over the 25 yard rifle firing line,
Volunteers are encouraged to bring gloves (all jobs), Tractors (spreading and moving material), brush hog, excavator or back-hoe. This is a lot of work that we’ll try to accomplish in one day, we greatly appreciate everyone who volunteers their time for the good of the club!
Raffle Status
The Drawing for the ice fishing equipment was held during our May membership meeting with the winning ticket belonging to Ella Fitzmaurice!
The drawing for the Lifetime Membership will be held at 12:00PM on our work day. Many tickets are still available!
Women’s Group
Thank to our Women's group leader, the Women's group has continued to meet the first Wednesday of each month and will continue doing so for the remainder of the year. The hours are 4:30PM-6:30PM. The next women’s group meeting will be Wednesday June 5th from 4:30PM – 6:30PM. The women’s group meeting is free to members (or their significant others).
Outdoor Skills Day
The Maine IFW, Lisbon PD and Lisbon Rec Department will be hosting an outdoor skills day at Beaver Park Saturday June 8th at 10am. While we hope you'll be in attendance at our volunteer work day, this is a great opportunity for our community to learn and participate in various outdoor activities.
If you are using a shotgun, for target practice or sighting/ patterning, you MUST be on the rifle range and MUST be using one of the metal target stands provided exactly for this purpose. The metal target stands are located at the 25 yard and 50 yard berms. Do not place the metal target stand in front of the wooden target stands. These metal target stands are ONLY for use with shotguns and are not to be used with rifles or pistols.
Steel Shoots & Trap Shoots
Trap Shoots are held on the first and third Sunday of each month. The Steel shoots will be held on the Saturday before the trap shoots (same weekend).
Long Term Volunteer Opportunity
We are seeking a (or several) dedicated volunteers to perform trash removal for our facility. The task includes collecting trash from the ranges (Trash Cans, Destroyed target stands) and clubhouse and bringing the trash to the dump. The board of directors is willing to provide a volunteer dedicated to taking on this weekly task with a free club membership in exchange for providing this service.
Hope to see you at our Volunteer Work Day!
Brandon Corkum
Lisbon Fish & Game