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Issue 165 ~ 31st May 2024


It is something of a coincidence that both Mary and I have undergone orthopaedic surgery on one of our legs within days of each other. Thankfully, we have both come out smiling post-operation and are looking forward to a full recovery with new ‘bits’ added to our bodies which will make moving around less painful and enable us to continue our active and busy lives that we enjoy so much. Mary explains her situation later and I am sure you will be as fascinated as I was to hear how science has progressed in recent years.

Thankfully, we both have a very positive mental attitude and are grateful that we are fit enough to be able to undertake such procedures. However, there is one thing that really shocked me about myself.

When I had a similar foot op on my other foot in 2019, I was only 72. I had been ice skating regularly, teaching aerobics in my classes and I look back now and realise how fit I must have been. Then the pandemic hit and we were all in lockdown for months, more than once, over the next couple of years. Life – and even the world – changed.

Working practices altered as more people continued to work from home, even after the world was ‘back to normal’ if it is appropriate to say that? Consequently, we don’t see our colleagues every day and that has its downsides. For instance, Peter, my PA, still primarily works from his home.

By the time we were back to what we could call ‘normal’ it took a while for me to realise that my body had changed during that period. I had lost 1½ ins in height for a start, presumably caused by the changes in lifestyle. Just not rushing around in my normal busy life meant that my body was living ‘differently’ with the result that I now realise that my muscles had become weaker and I had lost the confidence to continue to ice skate. 

So here I am, five years on from that first operation on my right foot and having to face the reality that my whole-body strength, despite my best efforts at keeping fit, has definitely declined quite significantly. Climbing up the stairs on my backside is harder this time. Scooting myself around on a typist chair has had to be swapped for using a wheelchair - although I still refuse to be pushed. (I am self-propelling using my two arms and one good foot!)

I acknowledge that I am probably being a bit hard on myself as admittedly, over the last eight months or so, it hadn’t helped that I had a very painful left foot which restricted me hugely from being as active as I would have liked to have been in my sessions at the gym, teaching my classes and in doing my weekly ballet session. Everything had to be modified and tuned to minimise the pain.

The conclusion I have drawn from this is very clear. Every bit of activity, exercise, keep-fit, movement, walking or even standing up that we do, is really important to our strength. Mary has written about this many times before, explaining that part of the ageing process involves our muscles reducing in size and strength. Even if we work at our fitness and stay active, almost inevitably, we will become weaker. And that’s why we emphasise to you all and to ourselves, the importance of doing our strength exercises at least three times a week. This way we can minimise that deterioration. I can’t wait to get back to normal!

So, if you are fit and able, please try your absolute best to maximise your efforts today, as today is the youngest you will ever be! While you are able to go for a one-hour walk, please do it. While you are able to play tennis, badminton, golf, dance… whatever, please do it. While you are able to tend your own garden and mow the lawn or trim the hedge, please do it. We must make the effort while we can – and that applies to losing our excess pounds too. Yes, let’s do it!

It was somewhat ironic that last week I had the honour of officially opening the new Occupational Health and Wellness Centre at Leicestershire Police Headquarters. The centre is all about supporting and assisting both officers and police staff to maintain, improve or regain their fitness. That includes checking the medical fitness of new recruits, helping injured officers get back to work and looking after the mental health and wellbeing of all staff. The fact that I turned up in a wheelchair and had to lean on the counter as I stood on one leg to pull the ceremonial curtain open was a joke not lost on Chief Constable Rob Nixon!

Recipe of the Week

Crushed Bean Rigatoni

Serves 4
Per serving: 280 calories, 3% fat
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes

200g rigatoni pasta tubes
1 vegetable stock cube
200g frozen baby broad beans
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint
100g extra light soft cheese with chives
2 tbsp 2% fat Greek yogurt
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tsp capers

  1. Cook the pasta in a pan of boiling water containing the stock cube. Drain when cooked.
  2. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, boil the beans until soft. Drain and mash with a potato masher.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients to the mashed beans and mix well.
  4. Spoon the drained pasta onto warm serving plates and top with the bean mixture.
  5. For a special treat, sprinkle with a little grated parmesan cheese and serve with a large salad.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of this recipe if you click on the image above to go to this recipe's page on the website.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I often think how lucky we are to be of a generation that can have medical procedures that were impossible even just one generation ago. Both my parents had joint replacements in those early days when such procedures were just in their infancy with the operation taking a full 8 hours and recovery was slow. Now a knee replacement takes just 1½ hours and can even be done using a robot!

My family history regarding knees is not good. We have a congenital disorder where we have split knee caps and I vividly remember my Aunt Francis having both knee caps removed. I am not sure that they would do that today. 

Also, joint replacements are commonplace and three of my siblings have already had replacements of either knees or hips. Arthritis is a most debilitating condition and of course worsens with age. It can only be managed and not cured, so that means you must keep moving and you must do strength exercises to keep the muscles that surround the joints strong so that they are giving plenty of support to the joint. 

I only mention all this because I have just had a knee replaced and expect the other one will need doing pretty soon too. For as long as I can remember I have had a problem with my knees. In fact, on my referral form before seeing a consultant, there was a reference to my right knee in 1961 when I was just 11 years old! I was found to have the family congenital split kneecaps. After then leading a very physical life as a PE teacher, followed by being an aerobics fan (when we jumped about in bare feet!), and finally, rather foolishly, taking up running at the ripe old age of 48, it's hardly surprising that I need new knees.

On one occasion, a few years ago now, when I was seeking guidance on what kind of treatment I was ready for with my knee trouble, I was told in no uncertain terms that they would not be replaced until I could hardly walk!  I have to say I struggled to agree with this policy, as, if I was at the stage when I could no longer put one foot in front of the other, then I would be in a very unfit state by then. This puts us at risk of possibly more serious health issues, like having a heart and lungs no longer functioning very well. 

So, this last time I saw a Consultant, I was very firm about the fact I am still working (teaching exercise - which I intend to keep doing) and I am responsible for a lot of older people's health in my community, and with the current state of my knees I am unable to fulfil that role to my satisfaction. As it happened, he just took one look at the X-ray and said 'Blimey, that's a knackered knee!' (I was a little shocked at the non-medical terminology!) and a TKR (Total Knee Replacement) was needed.


I wanted to go into the whole procedure with my leg muscles being as strong as I could make them so I did a lot of extra leg strength exercises, as well as upper body strength to prepare me for using crutches. At my pre-op physio I was expounding my intention to work really hard at my recovery and she became concerned that I might try doing too much too soon. Basically, the body needs to start healing before I blast it with too much exercise which might compromise the whole operation. So, the first couple of weeks should be very gentle and I promised to do exactly what she recommended.

The night before the op you have to stop eating and only drink water. I had completely forgotten about this and had booked a fish and chip supper at the Golf Club the night before. The realisation that I would be only drinking water and watching a crowd of mates eating fish and chips and drinking beer was a hard call! I left early!

Operation Day

When I am given a time to be somewhere, that is the time I will be there... and often far too early, much to the annoyance of my husband! On this occasion, being at the hospital half an hour before the allotted time of 7am paid huge dividends! I was registered first, and even better, was top of the list for surgery that day.

The arrival of the anaesthetist marked the start of some unexpected decision making, as I was given the choice of a full general anaesthetic or an epidural with sedation. Now I have to say my preference was to be completely conked out, but with the experience of previous surgery many years ago, I did not relish the full general anaesthetic, and these days most seem to opt for the epidural (spinal block) and sedation.

My Consultant had recommended the robotic knee replacement, which is where many calculations had been taken of my knee via a CAT scan a month previously and the robot is then able to assist the surgeon, particularly in relation to the precise positioning of the joint. My husband had both knees done by the same process and his recovery has been rather remarkable.


As I write this Newsletter, I am now almost a week in from the surgery and after an uncomfortable first 2 days, I am amazed at how mobile I can be so quickly. The crutches are a bit of a pain, but every time I pick them up I remind myself that Rosemary cannot even put her foot to the floor for 12 weeks! So determined is she to walk well again that I know she will do exactly as she is told. A hard call Rosemary, but I know you will see it through!

Many of us are at an age now where such procedures are commonplace and likely to be necessary. Just among my group of friends I know of four joint replacements currently planned. And without this wonderful opportunity many of us would be confined to a far less active and mobile life. I thank my lucky stars every day that in no time at all I will return to being as fit as I possibly can be, despite all the other limitations that ageing puts upon us. 

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. I have often pointed out that the older you are the further up the exercise priority scale is your strength work. With my legs being currently not the best, I have constantly called upon my upper body strength to take over. So, do 3 Strength Programmes this week and always include some press-ups!
  2.  On your daily 30+ minute walk take a slightly different route every day and hopefully they may get a bit longer each time.
  3. Do something you have never done before this week. It might be Pilates or Ballet from our website – or perhaps a bit of Tai Chi (good for balance) or Yoga (great for flexibility), that you can find elsewhere online. Or try something you have not done for a very long time and you know you enjoy it.
Did you know... 

The definition of Orthopaedics is: a branch of medicine concerned with the correction or prevention of deformities, disorders, or injuries of the skeleton and associated structures (such as tendons and ligaments).

The word orthopaedic comes from the Greek orthos meaning "straight, correct" and paideia meaning "rearing of children." The term was originally used for the kind of treatment children received for skeletal deformities like bow legs or knock-knees. Nowadays it is more often thought of as a range of treatments for older people such as those suffering from a joint disease like arthritis or when recovering from a broken arm or leg or those needing a replacement for a worn-out joint.

And the reason so many modern medical and surgical terms stem from the Greek language? Well, that's all down to Hippocrates, (c. 460 – c. 370 BC), a Greek physician and philosopher who is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. He is traditionally referred to as the "Father of Medicine" in recognition of his lasting contributions to the field, such as the use of prognosis and clinical observation and the systematic categorisation of diseases. 

And finally...

Perhaps relating our experiences of orthopaedic surgery will encourage you to talk to your doctor and get checked out if you have a foot/knee/hip/shoulder that is giving you grief. The sooner you get it diagnosed, the sooner you can take action and transform your life from being one of constant pain to being active once again.

Have a great week.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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