Final Issue Alert: Stay Connected with Our New EHESO Newsletter!
Dear Colleagues,
We are thrilled to share the latest updates on the European Higher Education Sector Observatory (EHESO). This newsletter serves as the final issue under the current format, so subscribe to our new EHESO newsletter to continue receiving updates.
Launch of the European Higher Education Sector Observatory
The newly established Observatory will appear as a new section under the National Policies Platform. It will combine the best of the current EU data tools and capacities in one single place, while further enhancing their use and relevance for policy makers, universities, students and researchers. The Observatory aims to leverage the strengths of existing EU data tools and capacities, including the European Tertiary Education Register (ETER), U-Multirank (multidimensional institutional benchmarking), Erasmus+ database (student and staff mobilities, transnational cooperations of HEIs), Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR), Eurostudent (Social dimension of Higher Education), Eurograduate;(higher education graduate outcomes), Eurydice higher education policy data (Bologna Process Implementation Reports, Mobility Scoreboard, National Education systems descriptions), and other relevant data sources.
Objectives and Capabilities
The Observatory will make it possible to compare, analyse and showcase the higher education sector’s performance across various fields. Institutions and governments will be able to strengthen their evidence basis on key topics such as inclusion, learning outcomes, progress on digital, green and entrepreneurial skills, technology transfer, employability, students and labour market needs. This process will also reinforce the institutions’ role in innovation ecosystems, and transnational cooperation in the higher education sector.
ETER Country Reports and New Data Additions
ETER Country Reports, describing the structure of the respective national higher education system, focusing on the institutional types as defined by national categories are now available for a total of 35 countries. The latest additions include for the first-time reports for Bulgaria, Czechia and Slovenia and updated reports for Hungary and Serbia. Recently, new data for France has been added, which include student numbers for additional institutions, such as many private business schools.
Transition and Continuity of ETER
The ETER dataset and website will remain available at until the integration into the National Policies Platform is completed. Post-integration, ETER data and activities will be fully incorporated into EHESO, ensuring uninterrupted access to ETER microdata throughout the transition.
Why Subscribe to the New EHESO Newsletter?
To stay informed about upcoming activities, news, and the latest updates from EHESO, subscribe to our new newsletter. This will keep you at the forefront of developments in European higher education.
We look forward to making significant contributions to the European higher education sector. Thank you for your continued support and engagement.
Warm regards,
Benedetto Lepori on behalf of the ETER Project Team
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The opinions expressed in this message are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
Service Contract EAC-2021-0170
The European Higher Education Sector Observatory is possible thanks to funding from Erasmus+, the European programme for education, training, youth and sport. It is an initiative by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture. It is operated by a consortium under a service contract with the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).