
Week of May 30, 2024                                                        PRAYER LIST 

Sunday, June 2: The Second Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 a.m.      Nursery Opens
10:30 a.m.    Holy Eucharist and Baptism: BULLETIN

Livestreamed services can be found on the on the Christ Church YouTube channel


Last Sunday, the First Sunday After Pentecost, is also known as Trinity Sunday. It’s a Sunday when clergy hope someone else is preaching. Theologians have written a great deal trying to explain the Trinity doctrine, which is best seen as our human attempt to explain the unexplainable. In addition, the early Church also codified the Creeds, which are, in a sense, our theological guardrails. The earliest, the Apostle’s Creed, is said as a part of our Morning and Evening Prayer services. The Nicene Creed, hammered out in 325 by the Council of Nicea, tries to describe the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We know it best because we say it every Sunday. The third Creed, the Athansasian, is much longer and “weightier” and can be found on page 864 in Historical Documents section of the Book of Common Prayer where we read: “The Catholic faith is this: that we worship one God in trinity, and trinity in unity: neither confounding the persons nor dividing the substance. For there is one person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost; but the Godhead of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost is all one.” One can see clearly why this Creed is found not in our worship, but in the Historical Documents section!

We are not Unitarians, but Trinitarians, and at every baptism and multiple times in our worship we pray and bless and baptize in the name of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We also are reminded that God and those who follow God are shaped by Christian relationship. The doctrine of the Trinity teaches us of the communal inner life of God, the relationship among the three divine aspects of the Trinity. We also affirm that it is of the essence of God to be in relationship. Our journey is to find home in God’s love and share that love and compassion with all of our fellow sisters and brothers. Ultimately, the Trinity is not an abstract concept, but a tangible way of living and of being in relationship, with ourselves, with our neighbors, and with our God.

As St. John reminds us, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, to that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”


Young Adults at Starland Yard: Thursday, June 6, 5:30 PM

Come hang out with other Christ Church young adults at Starland Yard (2411 DeSoto Ave)! We'll gather at 5:30 p.m. for food, drinks, and conversation. Starland Yard is a kid- and pet-friendly space, so feel free to bring them along. Feel free, too, to use this as an excuse to treat yourself to a sitter—whatever you find more convenient.

Please let the Rev. Samantha McKean know if you plan to attend.

Christ Church Book Group: The Sweetness of Forgetting, by Kristin Harmel

Thursday, June 13, 10:30 a.m.

All are welcome to join the Christ Church book group as they discuss The Sweetness of Forgetting, by Kristin Harmel. A baker in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, must travel to Paris to uncover a family secret for her dying grandmother—and what she learns may change everything. The Sweetness of Forgetting is the book that made Kristin Harmel an international bestseller.

Farewell Party for Michael and Helen

Friday June 14, 5:30–7:30 p.m. 

Everyone is invited! Join us at Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum (41 MLK Jr. Blvd.) for a time of food, fun and celebration as we bid Michael and Helen farewell for now.


Appreciation for the Ministry of Helen and Michael White

If you would like to express your gratitude to the Revs. Helen and Michael White for their years of faithful ministry to Christ Church, we have set up a "purse" to collect monetary gifts that we will present to them on their final Sunday, June 16. You can contribute via the website, or make checks payable to Christ Church and put "purse" in the memo line.

Any words of gratitude left in the online "comments" form will be passed on to Michael and Helen. You can also send a physical note by placing it in the alms basin at church, or mailing it to 28 Bull St, Savannah, GA 31401.

Contact Catherine Gussler (912-222-0888) with any questions.

Baptism of Charlotte Monroe Dent on Sunday

Charlotte Monroe Dent was born on March 17, 2024 to Elizabeth and Will Dent. Elizabeth is a lifelong member of Christ Church, and she was baptized, confirmed, and married here. The Reverend Michael White married Elizabeth and Will at Christ Church in 2017, and they are thrilled that he will now baptize their first child. Will is a native of Augusta, Georgia, and the family currently lives in Alexandria, Virginia, where Elizabeth is a policy specialist for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, and Will is Director of Federal Government Relations for a pharmaceutical company. Charlotte’s godparents are Elise Barton and Austin Tull, both of Atlanta. The Dent and King families are so thankful for God’s blessing of precious Charlotte.

Next Week at Christ Church

Sunday, June 2: Second Sunday After Pentecost
     9:30 a.m. Choir Rehearsal
    10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist and Baptism

Monday through Friday, June 3–7
     10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Docent Tours

Thursday, June 6
     5:30 p.m. Young Adults at Starland Yard



Thanks to Mills Fleming for the photographs
Centered in Worship
All are Welcome
Joyful Living

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Church Location: Johnson Square | 28 Bull Street
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28 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401

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