May 17, 2024

Redistricting Plans Released
for Oregon Conference Churches

In recent months, the Oregon Conference has worked through some truly difficult decisions as financial restructuring decisions were processed. After months of work our churches have now undergone a plan of redistricting – church districts have been created, updated, or expanded with pastoral leadership appointed for each district.

While a few details remain to be ironed out, we want to share all we can about how pastors will be assigned to revised districts in the coming weeks.

This list represents a lot of change: many of us will be getting to know a new pastor, learning how to share a pastor, or learning how to employ additional lay leadership in our church. As we learn, let’s pray together that each of us will be patient with each other and put Jesus at the center of our communities.
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Juan Pacheco
Accepts Call to Pastor
in Florida Conference

Pastor Juan Pacheco, who has served as Assistant to the President for Communication since July 2023, recently accepted the Lord’s call to the Florida Conference.

Does God Really
Have a Plan?

The thing is, in that season of life—while I didn't really know it—I was growing. I was changing. Though I wasn’t mindful of it, I was actually developing into the person God needed me to be today.
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Vacation Bible Schools Starting Soon at a Church Near You!

Vacation Bible schools are a great way to share Jesus with your kids, grandkids, neighbors, or friends. Find one near you on the list compiled by Children's & Family Ministries! See the list...

Farther Afield

Harris to Lead Northwest Secondary Education

Brian Harris accepted an invitation from North Pacific Union to serve as the next director of secondary education. He will be replacing Keith Waters, who plans to retire this summer. Read more...

Arthur Selected as La Sierra’s Next President

The La Sierra University Board of Trustees on May 9 unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. Christon Arthur to serve as the university’s 6th president. He arrives from Andrews University in Michigan where he has been provost since 2016. Read more...

ADRA Mobilizes Urgent Humanitarian Response to Aid Crisis-Hit Communities in Gaza

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is taking urgent action to address critical food security needs among displaced communities in Gaza in response to the escalating humanitarian crisis in the region. Keep reading...


Join the Washington Conference family in praying “Thy Kingdom Come” at this year’s Camp Meeting, June 17-22 at Auburn Adventist Academy. Kingdom living is not just a future, but a present reality. Discover that reality in June and prepare for greater things. Learn more...

Events & Announcements

Mindfit – A Journey to Mental Fitness at Gladstone Park
Did you know that over 20% of Americans and Canadians experience mental illness in any given year? What’s causing this epidemic – and more importantly, what can be done to help fight it? Join Jim Reynolds for Mindfit, as he seeks to shed light on our current mental health crisis and give people coping tools and help find quality therapists. The problems run deep . . . but there is REAL hope, for both those who are struggling and those who love them.

Admission is free, free study guides, and free childcare available. Four uplifting classes are offered at the Gladstone Park Adventist Church: May 23, Thursday at 7:00 PM, May 24, Friday at 7:00 PM, May 25, Saturday at 11:00 AM (missiontalk) and 2:00 to 4:00 PM with a free healthy lunch in between the Sabbath classes. The address is 8378 Cason Road in Gladstone, Oregon. Questions? Call 503-655-2614.

Dinner with the Doctor Event at Castle Rock
You are invited to have Dinner with the Doctor on Tuesday, May 21, at 6:00 PM at Castle Rock Adventist Church in Castle Rock, Wash. Dr. Arvi Generoso will be our speaker. His topic will be  “Maybe the Mind Thing”. Bring yourself and a friend and enjoy the light meal. Questions? Call Wanda at 360-967-2165. Castle Rock Adventist Church is located at 7531 Old Pacific Hwy N, Castle Rock, WA 98611.

Gladstone Open Disc Golf Tournament

You're invited to The Gladstone Open disc golf tournament on May 19 at the Gladstone Park Conference Center in Gladstone, Ore. Singles round ($35) 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, doubles round ($35) 1:00-4:00 PM. Player pack includes custom event disc. Tournament benefits Livingstone Adventist Academy after school programs. Register at Questions? Contact Kirk Betz at

Class of 1974 Laurelwood Academy 50th Class Reunion
The Laurelwood Academy Class of 1974 will celebrate it's 50th Class Reunion, May 24-26. The class would love to connect with all of their 1974 members. The May 24-25 reunion activities will be held at Gladstone Park Conference Center in Gladstone, Ore. The May 26 reunion event will happen at the LACE Center in Laurelwood. Please text or call 503-709-3030 and leave a message, or email for additional details. RSVP appreciated.

Big Lake Youth Camp: In search of Golf Cart or Side-by-side
Big Lake Youth Camp is looking for a gently used golf cart or a side-by-side/Ranger style of vehicle for camp use during the summers. If you have one you'd like to donate, please reach out to our office: or call (503) 850-3583.
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