
Dear <<First Name>>,

The 2024 SummerFest catalog is here, giving current members and nonmembers the opportunity to take some wonderful courses. 

SummerFest Course Dates
On campus: Fridays, June 7, 14, 21, and 28. 
The one off-Friday course is on Monday, June 3. 

SummerFest Catalog
The catalog is now available in ProClass.

Link to Catalog on ProClass
Or to access it on the LLI website, click here.

SummerFest Registration
Opens on Friday, May 31, at 9:00 a.m. and continues until June 14.

Course enrollment is done through ProClass on a first-come, first-served basis.

Reminder: always scroll to the bottom of every page in ProClass to see if there is an additional page of courses. 

Nonmembers Invited!
Nonmembers are also welcome to try us out for $25 a course. If you know of anyone who may be interested in Bard LLI, please forward this email message to them. 

Tips For Nonmembers
Nonmembers can speed up the registration process by creating a user account in ProClass before registration opens. Instructions on how to set up an account can be found in the fifth section of the Applying to LLI page on the website. Choose your own relationship to LLI, such as applicant (if you want to apply for membership) or friend of LLI (if you simply want to take SummerFest courses). Be sure to click Save when you are done. Please write down your username and password, although you can recover them  later if necessary.

Nonmembers will be asked to enter their credit card information at the end of the registration process. Nonmembers can only purchase a course after they have set up a user account in ProClass.

Questions? Contact

COVID Vaccination Policy
LLI’s policy regarding COVID-19 is aligned with Bard’s. The requirement that all members, presenters, and guests be fully vaccinated and boosted remains in place.

During SummerFest, our plan is to continue with the “mask-friendly” policy that has worked in previous semesters. Anyone who wants to wear a mask on campus is welcome to do so, and presenters can set a mask policy in their own classrooms. It is important for everyone to remember to carry a mask in case of need.

Moreover, out of consideration for others, we ask that you don’t attend class or any other LLI event if you are feeling unwell, including dealing with a persistent cough, sniffles, or other signs of an easily communicable virus.

No one will be able to register on ProClass for any in-person class until they have presented proof of vaccination, including at least one booster. 

If you have not already done so, please email your proof of vaccination, including at least one booster, to You may email a photo or screenshot of your CDC COVID-19.

Members are reminded to wear their lanyard at all times while on the Bard campus or at an LLI event off campus.

We wish you a healthy, rewarding, and enjoyable SummerFest.

You can check our website at for more information.

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