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CHAMPP at Pitt's Staff Appreciation Day Picnic, May 15
Welcome to New CHAMPP Staff!
Welcome to Daniela Bruemmer, who is Clinical Research Assistant for TREETOP. For the past two years, she has been working on Dr. Jane Liebschutz's Optimizing Retention, Duration and Discontinuation for Opioid Use Disorder Pharmacotherapy Study.
Welcome to Jenn Mikelonis, who is Quality Assurance Coordinator for TREETOP. She comes to CHAMPP from University of Pittsburgh CTSI, where she worked in the Screening Office with the All of Us Research Program, Pitt + Me, and Discovery Program. 
Welcome to Neville Caceres, Research Assistant for the BEST study. He is a recent graduate of Carnegie Mellon University. He received his B.S. in Decision Science, in which he took a special interest in policy and behaviorally informed interventions.
Merlin Gives UCSF Seminar
On May 22, CHAMPP Director Dr. Jessica Merlin gave a seminar entitled "Pain and opioid complexity in patients with cancer: state of the science" for the Pain and Addiction Research Center at the University of California San Francisco.
A list of previous UCSF PARC seminars is posted at
May CHAMPP Works In Progress Meeting

Thank you to CHAMPP Affiliate Faculty Paul Joudrey, MD, MPH, who presented "Implementing shared decision making for methadone treatment within opioid treatment programs" on May 8 about a planned pragmatic hybrid type II effectiveness/implementation trial to evaluate the implementation of shared decision making within opioid treatment programs.

To be notified of future Works In Progress meetings, sign up for CHAMPP's mailing list by sending email to
Anderson Receives SGIM Award
Congratulations to CHAMPP Affiliate Faculty Tim Anderson, MD, MAS, who received the Frederick L. Brancati Mentorship and Leadership Award at the Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting on May 15!
Notable Recent CHAMPP Publications
Opioid pain management in cancer survivorship is a complex and understudied topic. In a forthcoming article in Cancer, CHAMPP Associate Director Dr. Hailey Bulls, CHAMPP Core Faculty Dr. Megan Hamm, and co-authors conducted in-depth, qualitative interviews to understand clinician approaches to opioid pain management in chronic cancer pain and to generate ideas for improvement. 

The use of simulated patients to assist in the clinical implementation of evidence-based practices for patients exhibiting concerning behaviors associated with long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain is the subject of a just-published case study co-authored by CHAMPP Director Dr. Jessica Merlin, CHAMPP Core Faculty Dr. Megan Hamm, and others in Implementation Science Communications.

CHAMPP Affiliate Faculty Dr. Katie Fitzgerald Jones and CHAMPP Director Dr. Jessica Merlin are among the authors of a new article in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management about the creation of the Palliative Harm Reduction and Resiliency Clinic, a palliative care clinic founded on harm reduction principles and including formal collaboration with addiction psychiatry.

Find the full list of CHAMPP publications on our website.
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