
Vol. 17: Valuing Growth, Advancing the Kingdom, and Imitation


The future you will be more mature, more fruitful, and more Christ-like because of the spiritual work the Holy Spirit is doing in you today.

Jesus was passionate. He felt deeply: joy, happiness, sorrow, righteous anger, purpose, wonder, and so much more. When we are moved to strong emotion by what we encounter in the world around us, we both honor and model His humanity.

Growth honors God. It acknowledges the great gift of life that Christ purchased for us on the cross. All growth (spiritual, mental, and emotional) says, “I value the life I’ve been given: the freedom, the purpose, the joy, the countless good things that come from being reborn through faith in Jesus, and I will steward this life well.”

The work of the Holy Spirit in sanctification is primarily spiritual. The Spirit works within us to achieve godliness. But godliness is a banner over every area of our life. And so the work of sanctification impacts our relationships, civic duties, health, and so on. God values wholeness.


On our role in advancing God’s Kingdom

"No one has been chosen by God just to be a recipient of the redemptive work of His Kingdom. No, everyone who has been chosen to be a recipient has also been commissioned to be an instrument of the work of that Kingdom to bring about the completion of our redemption. God chooses to use ordinary, messy people to accomplish this extraordinary divine work."

- Paul Tripp

THIS WEEK’S BLOG POST: The Power of Imitation

If someone young in their faith copied your faith, what would their faith look like? Let’s go a step further: If your children modeled the faith they see you live, what kind of faith would they have? I don’t know about you, but these questions stop me in my tracks. 


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