| |  | |  | PRIDE?
by Ricky Chelette, Executive Director
<<First Name>>,
You might have noticed that June is Pride Month. For many Christ-followers, the month may be confusing, and rightly so. The name of the month, "pride," is part of the confusion.
For most Christians, pride is a sin, as clearly pointed out in scripture.1 n the sixth century, Pope Gregory the Great codified the seven deadly sins as Pride, Envy, Avarice [Greed], Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth. St. Thomas Aquinas, the author of the landmark thirteenth-century Summa Theologica, reaffirmed that pride (or "vainglory") is rebellion against God's authority, a condition from which all other sins, therefore, emanated.2 I am inclined to agree.
Interestingly, the term' pride' has been adopted by various entities, each with its own interpretation. The dictionary, for instance, lists' pride’ with multiple definitions. The first one, contrary to popular belief, is not about an inflated sense of self but rather about (read the rest of the story here).
| |  | Just Love Themby Marsha Inman, Friends & Family Director
When communicating with friends and family about how to interact with a child or loved one who has walked away from their relationship with the Lord to embrace a gay or transgender identity, we often hear, “I’m just going to love them.” What exactly does that mean, and what does it look like? Love can mean different things to different people, so it’s worth looking to God’s word to see what He says love is. First, 1 Corinthians 13 is almost too familiar to most of us. We’ve heard it from pulpits, at weddings, seen it on plaques, and been quoted it by Christians and non-Christians alike. The danger of anything so well known is that we don’t give it the attention it deserves. Since loving each other is supposed to be a hallmark of a Christ follower, let’s go back and see if we’ve absorbed what it tells us. Maybe there is a lot more we need to learn about love.
The first three verses list wonderful activities a person could do and receive praise and recognition for doing – speak in an unlearned language, prophesy the deep mysteries of God, have faith strong enough to make physical things move, or even give all their worldly possessions to the poor and live a life of deprivation. Each of these things could bring worldly acclaim, but if they were done to promote self and without love, they would mean nothing. God takes our motives very, very seriously, and as we all know, it’s difficult to have (read the rest of the story) |
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Finding Healing For Relational Idolatry
One of the goals of Living Hope is to help the relationally broken relate in healthy ways with other believers in their local church. Living Hope has and is providing the encouragement and advice I have needed in moving forward with this. Life is still difficult and the struggle is real, but I am learning to be vulnerable. I am beginning to see relational idolatry for what it is and to embrace the slow, awkward and messy process of Christian fellowship. The bridge is still full of broken planks, but that is the bridge of false hopes in broken people (including myself). Through the counsel of those at Living Hope, I am learning what it looks like to find shelter in the Most High instead of in the shadow of another woman. And each step forward with my God in whom I trust is born up by his angels. I am learning to accept that my flesh will always be weak, but my Living Hope is Christ who has overcome, and by Him alone will I reign victorious. -LHM Women’s Participant |
| | Everybody Needs A Little Help Sometimes
Feeling understood and supported can make all the difference when you're facing challenges. That's why for over 35 years, Living Hope Ministries has been a reliable friend, providing free, confidential, twice-monthly support groups for men, women, friends and family, and wives of men who are struggling with SSA. We would love to help you. Interested? Reach out to us for an intake interview! |
| | You Are Invited to Attend |
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The Institute of Biblical Sexuality (IBS) Conference is an event for believers to be equipped to respond to all areas of sexuality with a balance of Truth and Grace that will draw all sinners into His Kingdom and restore their lives.
Join us and invite your friends and church leaders as we explore why sexuality is a gospel issue. We will gather experts and practitioners with decades of experience to discuss this critical and culturally relevant issue in the church. Click the picture above to register today!
|  | | The IBS Conference will culminate with a Fundraising Celebration for Living Hope Ministries, 35th Anniversary. We hope you will join us for this incredible evening of worship, testimonies, and the power of the gospel on display! |
|  | | Preparing the Church and Christ-Centered Organizations
Unlock new perspectives on sexuality and gender identity by inviting Living Hope to your church. We bring our expertise to help you understand and engage with our society's fixation on sexuality, gender, and identity. We can also help you nurture gender-healthy children in a world of gender confusion. Secure your spot for 2024 as our calendar fills rapidly. Don't miss this unique opportunity; reach out to us now!
| |  | Young Men Finding Freedom and Hope!
For more than a decade, LHM has offered a highly accountable discipleship house for young men needing a reset and time to deal with their struggles. However, we have recently seen a decline in the number of young men seeking help. We don’t believe it is because there is a lack of need; rather, they do not know this resource is available. Will you help us get the word out to young men in your church and circles of influence?
The Hope House is for young men between 18-26 who are interested in a highly accountable discipleship house to grow in their understanding of what it means to be a man of God. Life change happens when we are intentional. Find out more about the LHM Hope House. |
| | Weekly Insights on Sexuality and Culture
Dive into the riveting world of podcasts with LHM! With a stellar selection of over 240 podcasts, we offer thought-provoking discussions on contemporary subjects linked to biblical sexuality and culture. Our listeners can't get enough - one recently shared, "Your podcasts are phenomenal. They're a beacon of encouragement and helping to transform my life!" Don't miss out. Find our much-loved podcast, HopeCast, on your favorite podcast platform. Remember to share the love and hit like! |
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