
Special Edition - Save the Date 

Keeping the members of CALC connected

June 16, 2024

Canadian Association of Lutheran Congregations (CALC) 

The  date for the 2025 CALC Annual General Convention has been changed to FRIDAY APRIL 11 and SATURDAY APRIL 12, 2025.

The date for CALC’s Annual General Convention for 2025  set by the delegates to the last convention was for the weekend of Friday May 9th and Saturday May 10th, at Holiday Inn and Suites Edmonton Airport and Conference Centre. These dates were not available at the Holiday Inn. Other venues were considered and asked to submit bids. Their costs exceeded our budget. As a consequence the dates for the convention were changed. 

The  date for the 2025 CALC Annual Pastors' Study Retreat  has been changed to THURSDAY APRIL 10, 2025.

By reason of the change of the date for CALC’s Annual General Convention for 2025, the date for the Pastors' study retreat has been changed   to coincide with the convention. 
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Christ School of Theology Receives ATS Accreditation

It was announced last week that the Christ School of Theology, ILT’s seminary and graduate school, has been awarded accreditation by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). This is a very big step for the Christ School of Theology. The accreditation status was given retroactive to March of 2024 and does not need to be renewed for seven years. This is the longest period of initial accreditation awarded by ATS.

Why just the Christ School of Theology? Why did we have to separate the Christ School of Theology from the rest of ILT? While it is true that all ILT is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), accreditation from ATS is different. ABHE offers institutional accreditation for colleges and universities. ATS, on the other hand, only accredits seminaries and theological graduate schools. As a part of that, we needed to set apart the seminary and graduate school of ILT so that it alone could be accredited by ATS.

Again, just to be clear. ILT is accredited by ABHE. ILT’s Christ School of Theology is accredited by ATS. The Christ School of Theology is still a part of ILT, but for ATS accreditation purposes it is named separately. This additional accreditation assures that our seminary and graduate school are held to the high standards of other seminary and graduate schools in North America. 

ATS accreditation brings with it not only academic recognition, but also many opportunities for our students and faculty to participate with other ATS accredited schools. This is a major achievement and a milestone for the growth and maturity of ILT generally and the Christ School of Theology specifically.

We want to thank all our staff, faculty, students, and donors who have supported us through this process. We give thanks to God for His grace. To God be the glory..  -     PO Box 833 Brookings SD   -   (605) 692-9337

We will not be publishing a regular issue of the e-Connector for July or August.  Our regular Fall edition of the e-Connector will be available Sunday September 1st. 

If your congregation is celebrating a milestone, such an anniversary, the installation of a new pastor, new construction,  a mission activity, and/or the launch of a special new ministry, let us know. We would love to share your joy with the other members of CALC     

Contact info for the editorial team: 
Pastor Ed Skutshek: Tel: (250) 801-3860  Email: 
Sarah Dunphy: Tel: (613) 324-6554 Email:  

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