I am writing to you on a very warm day and the forecast is for warmer temperatures across the continental United States June through August. After a pleasant and wet May, the heat and the lack of rain in central North Carolina is quite a shock to the plants, animals, and people. Check the Environment and Climate Observing Network (ECONet) https://climate.ncsu.edu/current-conditions/ for the science, the facts, and helpful coping techniques.
Let's prevent summer learning loss:
We know about the COVID pandemic learning loss, and educators expect the "summer slide" to show up in August. So how are parents, students, and communities to cope? I've found a resource that may be helpful: the official website of the North Carolina State Library. From there, I discovered that National Summer Learning Week is a celebration dedicated to elevating the importance of summer learning! July 15-19, 2024. They even had suggestions such as this draft proclamation for local governments to help bring awareness to the issue and to possibly highlight things that are going on in our communities to help motivate summer learning.
Monroe Science Center - submitted by Dr. Pamela Oviedo
Monroe Science Center honoring Union County native, Dr. Christine Mann Darden, a Mathematician featured in the movie 'Hidden Figures'. This center also has STEAM stations with hands-on, engaging activities for students to learn more about S.T.E.A.M. Monroe Science Center is open from Monday- Saturday 9 am - 5 pm
Admission - Adults $10
- Seniors $9
Livingstone College and Catawba College Camps
Da’Tarvia A. Parrish, Ph.D. AAUW Salisbury Branch President
Catawba College Discover Camp July 23 to 26
Livingstone College STEM Summer Camp

Greensboro, UNCG and NCA&T Summer Youth Programs
Laura Tew, AAUW GSO Stem Ed
JUNE 22, 2024 – JULY 02, 2024 Tech4Good day attendance OR residential attendance for rising 10th through rising 12th grade high school students (coed) from across the state. Scholarships available. Technovation for Good, made possible by Alex Lee, Inc. is a day and residential program. The program will be administered by the Information Systems and Supply Chain Management department in the Bryan School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Details: https://tech4good.uncg.edu/ Student Admissions Application
North Carolina A&T State University Summer Youth Programs The camps allow young people to explore, learn new skills, prepare for the future – and have fun! Check the website for details
Western Carolina University DAY CAMPS
Mickey Randolph, AAUW WCU President
June 17 to July 26 camps for high school, middle school, AND elementary school boys and girls Registration Details Here