
Upcoming Events

June 15th, after 5:15 p.m. Mass, Dine Out With Fellow Senior Parishioners at Vito's. More info below.

June 16th, Ice Cream Sunday after 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Mass. More info below.

Various Community Parties. More info below.
Celebrating Fr. Tucker and Angela Pancella with Ice Cream Sunday!

We will have a reception after each Mass this weekend to celebrate Fr. Tucker and Angela as they move onto the next phases of their journey. There will be ice cream and fellowship!

Sign up to volunteer here!
A group of hands forming a circle

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We need to hear from you!

For the past year and a half, we at College Church have been involved in a parish racial equity review, a process by which every aspect of our parish life is scrutinized to understand how systemic racism is being preserved. We’ve undertaken this review in partnership with Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training, with whom we’ve been in a relationship since 2018. A critical component of the review is a parish survey.  It is an opportunity for all members of our community to share your perspective and experience.  Your participation will help us begin to realize our parish vision of becoming an antiracist parish and, more importantly, to more fully live our faith. 

If you have already submitted the survey, we thank you. If you have not, this is the last week it will be available. It will take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous.  You can access the digital version of the survey via this link, or by clicking the bar below. Paper copies of the survey can be found this weekend in the back of church and at the Lindell entrance. There is a box in the vestibule for depositing the completed paper surveys.  

The importance of your willingness to take part in this survey, in our effort to become an antiracist parish, cannot be overstated.  If you have questions, please contact Winnie Sullivan or Lisa Burks,

Thank you!

Seeds of Justice Network Seeks a Part-Time Communications & Engagement Coordinator

The Seeds of Justice Network (SOJN) Communications and Engagement Coordinator is a part-time contract position. Primary  job responsibilities center around leading communications efforts, especially the weekly e-newsletter, and engaging the wider community in the work of the organization. The Coordinator must demonstrate a commitment to social justice and Catholic Social Teaching as well as a willingness to champion the SOJN mission and vision:

Mission: Seeds of Justice Network, a collaborative of Catholic and faith-based individuals and groups, promotes the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and social justice in the St. Louis region and beyond.

Vision: Seeds of Justice Network (SOJN) achieves its mission by fostering communication, collaboration, education, and advocacy among individuals and parishes in the Catholic community and with other faith-based and secular groups. In a spirit of openness and mutual respect, SOJN is nonpartisan and independent, conducts its efforts in accord with the Church’s mission of social justice, and addresses local, national, and international issues.

For more information on the position and how to apply, please visit:

Applications accepted on a rolling basis; initial interviews begin Monday, July 1.

More information here!

Vote our Future: Everyone Thrives. No Exceptions!

Saturday, July 13 from 9am-12pm

In Gaudete et exsultate, Pope Francis said “We cannot uphold an ideal of holiness that would ignore injustice in the world.” This election year, we invite you to join with NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice for Informed, Engaged, and Committed, a training to build community, talk about the issues that matter to us, and build our skills toward effectively communicating our values and vision for a more just world.

Saturday, July 13, 9 AM - 12 PM, with optional lunch to follow

St. Francis Xavier College Church

3628 Lindell Blvd, St. Louis MO 63108

Register here: 

Please note: If the link does not work, you can sign up here.

Access our bulletin online

Here is our bulletin for June 16th, The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. We look forward to welcoming you to Mass either in-person or online.

Our Masses will be 8 am and 10:30 am. 

The bulletin has the text of the songs that will be sung at our weekend liturgies. The livestream of the 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be available to access at any time on our YouTube channel.
We are grateful for your generous support of College Church. Click here to sign-up for online giving or adjust your regular contribution. 

Online giving is our only "touchless" contribution option. It requires no processing of checks or trips to the bank. If you have any questions about how to set up online giving, please contact

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St. Francis Xavier (College) Church
3628 Lindell Blvd
Saint Louis, MO 63108-3302

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