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A News Source for Friends of Duke Urology  •  Spring 2024
Message from the Chair
This has been an exciting and challenging first year for the Department.  The challenges, while demanding, have served as catalysts for growth, pushing us to innovate, adapt, and overcome obstacles. Yet, the rewards have been equally abundant, materializing in the form of achieved milestones, collaborative victories, and a shared sense of accomplishment. Witnessing the team's dedication translate into tangible successes has been immensely gratifying. Navigating through uncertainties has honed our collective resilience and fostered a culture of collective problem-solving. The bonds forged, the collective spirit, and the positive impact we've made together reinforce the deeper sense of purpose that comes with being a department. In this dynamic journey, the challenges have become opportunities, the rewards have become motivation, and the fulfillment has become the driving force propelling us forward as a cohesive and high-achieving team.
Our Department and the Duke Health system is keenly aware of the critical significance of fostering growth in clinical market share, especially in the Triangle region. Recognizing that market share is indicative not only of organizational success but also of the ability to reach and serve a broader population, our Department is committed to strategic initiatives that are in-line with Duke Health that enhance our presence in the healthcare landscape. By understanding and leveraging market dynamics, we aim to tailor our services to meet the evolving needs of the community, ensuring accessibility and quality care. This shared commitment to growth is reflected in collaborative efforts with Duke Health to invest in faculty growth, embrace cutting-edge technologies, expand service offerings, and when appropriate, strengthen partnerships with other healthcare entities.
The emphasis on market share growth is not merely a numerical pursuit; but a testament to our collective dedication in improving health outcomes, engaging with diverse patient populations, and fortifying our position as a trusted and indispensable healthcare provider within the region and nationwide. It is my pleasure to introduce three new faculty members, Jeffrey Gahan, Rohit Tejwani, and Reza Nabavizadeh.
Dr. Gahan received his medical degree from Baylor and completed his urology residency at the University of Miami.  He then completed his fellowship in endourology and minimally invasive surgery at UT Southwestern.  He remained in Dallas as a faculty at UTSW and rose to the the rank of Associate Professor.  While at UTSW he was Chief of Robotic Surgery at the North Texas VAH, served as Medical Director of Urologic Oncology and Parkland Memorial Hospital.  He is a recognized leader in minimally-invasive surgery for both benign and oncologic urologic disease.  In addition, Dr. Gahan has a strong research interest in artificial intelligence.  Dr. Gahan will join our Raleigh campus colleagues this month.  Jeff will also spearhead the Department efforts to establish and grow our AI program.  
Dr. Tejwani received his medical degree from Duke and remained here to complete his urology residency.  He is completing his endourology fellowship at Stanford and will join us late summer early fall and will provide additional support for our growing stone program as well as developing our HoLEP program on the Durham campus as well at the Durham VA.
Dr. Nabavizadeh received his medical degree from Virginia Commonwealth University and completed his urologic residency at Emory University.  He is completing his urologic oncology fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  He will also be joining us in late summer or early fall.
The Department of Urology congratulates Drs. Deborah Kaye and Chad Gridley who recently completed the Duke Clinical Leadership Program this year.  Congratulations to Dr.  Charles Scales who was recently named the Vice Dean for Clinical and Translational Research within the Duke School of Medicine.  Finally, congratulations to Dr. Michael Lipkin who was named the Surgical Chief of Ambulatory Surgery for Duke Health.  
Congratulations to Dr. Thomas Polascik who was honored with the Lawrence C. Katz Distinguished Professorship for his pioneering research in prostate cancer imaging and his leadership in in the evolving discipline of focal therapy in the treatment of prostate cancer here at Duke as well as around the world.  

Gary J. Faerber

On April 10th, we had a special Grand Rounds to discuss and celebrate the legacy of
Women in Duke Urology.  We had enlightening talks from our first woman graduate Nancy Little (1989) and first Black woman graduate Regina Norris Monroe, (2008) followed by a panel discussion led by Duke faculty member Ashley Wietsma Johnston (2021) and also featuring Kristy Borawski (2009) and Stevie Knapp Sexton (2020). We were also joined by other female faculty members from UNC Urology and many DYSURICs virtually. We discussed the challenges women in urology continue to face but celebrated how far we've come in 35 years. Our Department is committed to gender equity and we look forward to more events in the future that celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion.
L-R: Tara Morgan MD (Duke Raleigh), Nance Little MD (Lohi, CA), Ashley Johnston MD (Duke Pediatric Urology), Stevie Sexton MD (Womack Army Medical Center, Ft. Liberty, NC), Kristy Borawski MD (UNC-Chapel Hill), Regina Monroe MD (Greenville SC), Jodi Antonelli MD (Duke Endourology), Diana Aponte-Colon MD (PGY4), and Ming Hu MD (PGY1)

L-R – Regina Monroe MD, Kristy Borawski MD, Stevie Sexton MD, Nancy Little MD
Panelists in front of slide showing 18 female graduates of Duke Urology and 6 current female residents (bottom row)
We are proud to see our chief residents complete their six years of training and move on to the next stages of their careers.

Armand Akjanjari MD will be fulfilling his obligation to the US Air Force and is heading to Elgin AFB in north Florida.

Scott Campbell MD will be entering private practice in Charlottesville, VA.

Tyle Hobbs MD will be heading to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh for a two-year fellowship in pediatric urology.

Chris Kim MD will be joining Georgia Urology in Atlanta
Our fellows are set to embark on their careers as well following graduation.

Endourology - Ezra Margolin, MD - Columbia University Valegos College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. 

Urology Oncology - Rand Wilcox Vandeberg, MD - University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle.

Reconstructive Urology - Kiran Sury, MD- Allegheny Health Systems, Pennsylvania
The ninth annual symposium was held on April 19, 2024 with a focus on Urologic Effects of Aging. Over 90 people attended the day-long conference with eight featured expert speakers from across the nation. The annual research day is part of the Duke KURe K-12 program is funded by NIH and supports five young investigator with early career research awards.
Duke Urology resident Diana Aponte MD won the award for best poster in Translational Science for “Assessing Financial Toxicity in Pediatric Urology: Validation of A Patient-Reported Outcome Measure Tool in Spina Bifida.”  Her mentor is Jonathan Routh MD MPH, a former K-12 grant awardee.
 Thomas Polascik, MD - was named the Lawrence Katz Distinguished Professor of Urology

Glenn Preminger MD, Thomas Polascik MD, Dean Mary Klotman, Gary Faerber MD

Drs. Alireza Ghoreifi and Michael Abern received the AUA Urology Care Foundation Research Scholar Awards for 2024. 
AUA Southeastern Section Award: Alireza Ghoreifi, MD, will receive support for a one-year research project titled “Urine-based methylation markers in the diagnosis and surveillance of upper tract urothelial carcinoma” at Duke University School of Medicine, under the mentorship of
Michael Abern, MD.

Judd Moul, MD On June 7th, Dr. Moul was awarded the Martin Dresner Alumni from Jefferson Urology. 

Pictured: Mrs. Ellen Moul, Dr. Susan Aldridge, President of Thomas University, Dr. Judd Moul and Dr. Leonard Gomella, Chair of Urology.


Reconstructive Urology Fellow Kiran Sury, MD won first place in the Montague Boyd Essay Contest at the Southeastern Section of the Americal Urological Association annual meeting in Austin TX for his paper "Material Fatigue in the Artificial Urinary Sphincter Pressure Regulating Ballon." His mentor is Drew Peterson MD MPH. He also won Honorable Mention in the 2024 AUA Residents and Fellows Committee Essay Contest for his paper "The Kids are Alright: The Evolution of Urologic Training,"

Samantha Eaker DNP was elected President-Elect of the North Carolina chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.
Aaron Lentz, MD recently spoke at the Durham County Dept. of Health, June 17th, 2024, Men's Health council: "Men: Common Urology Conditions"  They had about 70 men who attended dinner and the presentation.
Duke Urology celebrated Administrative Professional's Day on April 24 by honoring the important contributions of our administrative team members towards our success.  The Department hosted a special luncheon, and the Pediatric Urology team spent the evening at a Durham Bulls game with their families.

Dr. Edward Scheffer, Northwestern

Dr. Rosalia Misseri, Riley Pediatric Urology

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