
Week of June 13, 2024                                                        PRAYER LIST 

Sunday, June 16: The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
9:15 a.m.      Nursery Opens
10:30 a.m.    Holy Eucharist: BULLETIN

Livestreamed services can be found on the on the Christ Church YouTube channel


If the only prayer we ever say is thank you, it will be enough.   –Meister Eckhart

Many of you have heard me use this favorite quote from theologian, philospher, and mystic, Meister Eckhart. As I reflect back on these sixteen years of ministry together, I still find myself with this simple prayer, “Thank you!”  

Thank you, God.  

Thank you to the people of Christ Church.  

Thank you to the bishops and people of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.  

Thank you to Helen, Ethan, and Jay for supporting me and being part of this journey.  

Thank you to the people of the congregations in which I previously served. You helped to shape and form me with the needed experience to be ready for this unique calling at Christ Church. 

Thank you to my parents, brother, and grandparents for introducing me to the Christian faith and life.  

Thank you to the many lay leaders who have been true partners in ministry at Christ Church. 

Thank you to all previous staff and clergy who have served God and the church in partnership with the members of our congregation.  

Thank you to all current members, lay leaders, staff, and clergy for your dedication to Christ Church and your commitment to continue the good work that God is doing in our midst.  

This will always be home, and I will be forever grateful for the blessing of living and serving among you.  

Thank you! 


Transition Update from the Vestry

With Michael and Helen retiring in the coming days, we thought it would be helpful to review the three phases of a rector’s transition outlined a couple months ago:

  1. Celebrate the current rector and seek an interim rector.
  2. Conduct a search for the next full-time rector.
  3. Welcome and integrate the new rector into the life of the church.

We have made great progress on the first phase. A wonderful celebration is planned for this Friday and Sunday to celebrate the ministry of Michael and Helen. Secondly, we are in the final stages of hiring the interim rector, including coordinating the announcement at the interim’s current church and Christ Church. We plan to communicate more fully about the individual next week and welcome them to the role later this summer.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Ships of the Sea Museum this Friday at 5:30, as well as at Christ Church on Sunday as we celebrate with Michael and Helen!

Tomorrow: Farewell Party for Michael and Helen

Friday June 14, 5:30–7:30 p.m. 

Please join us tomorrow for a time of food, fun and celebration as we bid Michael and Helen farewell for now! Dress is comfortable casual, and the party will take place outdoors.

Everyone is invited! Join us at Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum (41 MLK Jr. Blvd.)


Deadline Today: Appreciation for the Ministry of Helen and Michael White

If you would like to express your gratitude to the Revs. Helen and Michael White for their years of faithful ministry to Christ Church, we have set up a "purse" to collect monetary gifts that we will present to them on their final Sunday, June 16. You can contribute via the website, or make checks payable to Christ Church and put "purse" in the memo line. Today is the final day open for contributions.

Any words of gratitude left in the online "comments" form will be passed on to Michael and Helen. You can also send a physical note by placing it in the alms basin at church, or mailing it to 28 Bull St, Savannah, GA 31401.

Contact Catherine Gussler (912-222-0888) with any questions.

Next Week at Christ Church

Sunday, June 16: Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
     9:30 a.m. Choir rehearsal
     10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist

Monday through Friday, June 17–21
     10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Docent Tours


Thanks to Mills Fleming for the photographs
Centered in Worship
All are Welcome
Joyful Living

Servant Leadership

We invite you to worship with us at Historic Christ Church.
Copyright © 2023 Christ Church, All rights reserved.
Church Location: Johnson Square | 28 Bull Street
Our mailing address is:
28 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401

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