If the only prayer we ever say is thank you, it will be enough. –Meister Eckhart
Many of you have heard me use this favorite quote from theologian, philospher, and mystic, Meister Eckhart. As I reflect back on these sixteen years of ministry together, I still find myself with this simple prayer, “Thank you!”
Thank you, God.
Thank you to the people of Christ Church.
Thank you to the bishops and people of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.
Thank you to Helen, Ethan, and Jay for supporting me and being part of this journey.
Thank you to the people of the congregations in which I previously served. You helped to shape and form me with the needed experience to be ready for this unique calling at Christ Church.
Thank you to my parents, brother, and grandparents for introducing me to the Christian faith and life.
Thank you to the many lay leaders who have been true partners in ministry at Christ Church.
Thank you to all previous staff and clergy who have served God and the church in partnership with the members of our congregation.
Thank you to all current members, lay leaders, staff, and clergy for your dedication to Christ Church and your commitment to continue the good work that God is doing in our midst.
This will always be home, and I will be forever grateful for the blessing of living and serving among you.
Thank you!