I am thrilled to announce that our annual April/May trip to beautiful Club Med Turkoise will be back for 2025!  Don't worry if you missed the boat; I was able to hold a few extra rooms at these great prices, which will be allocated on a first deposited, first served basis.

You know you're going to end up going, so why not lock in these prices by putting down a deposit of 25% of the room cost plus the $60 per person membership fee today and then forget all about it until final payment is due in January?

As a reminder, there are no requirements or activities associated with our group trips; we just block off rooms at discounted prices to help everyone get the best rate possible.

Here are the details (all prices in USD):
Saturday 4/26/25 through Saturday 5/10/25*

Superior Room, double occupancy: $199** per person, per night
Superior Room, single occupancy: $297 per night

Deluxe Ground Room, double occupancy: $258 per person, per night
Deluxe Ground Room, single occupancy: $387 per night

Deluxe Ocean View Room, double occupancy: $288 per person, per night
Deluxe Ocean View Room, single occupancy: $431 per night

Membership: $60 per person
Round-trip transfers: $50 per person

Neither air, nor travel insurance is included; travel insurance quotes available upon request.

If you'd like to book, please reply with the following information for each member of your party:

G.M number (if you've been to CM before)
Full passport name
Date of birth
Passport expiration date
Credit card number, expiration date and CVV
Name as it appears on the credit card
Billing address
Phone number
Email address
Dates of travel
Room category (Superior, Deluxe Ground, or Deluxe Ocean View)
Bedding preference (one king, or two twins)
Any special room requests (number, location, floor, etc.)***

Cancellation Policy
Please note that in addition to any Club Med penalties (which are determined by the size of the group as well as the timing of cancellation relative to travel), Shama Travel will charge a $100 per person fee for all cancellations at any time after booking.

*   Two week stay not required; you may book as many or as few nights as you wish during this window. Pricing to add dates before 4/26 or after 5/10 available upon request.
**  The superior room, double occupancy rate in my original emails was incorrect.  The price is $199 per person, per night, as listed above.  My sincere apologies for any confusion, or disappointment the typo may have caused.
***  Special requests will be submitted to Club Med, but please keep in mind that they are only requests; there is no way to guarantee a room number, location, floor, etc.
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