June 7, 2024

Hispanic Youth Leaders Learn How
to Disciple the Next Generation

In Hispanic ministries we believe that youth ministry leaders play a crucial role in shaping the spiritual lives of our young people. May 17-18, our Oregon Conference Hispanic & Latino Ministries sponsored RED Jovenes at the Holden Convention Center in Gladstone; an event designed to empower youth leaders to connect better with our young people.

Our leaders play a crucial role in creating safe spaces that foster community and growth for young people. This year’s theme is discipleship. We broke it down to three different phases: Rooted - Planted - Fruitful. Each of these are the themes for our three yearly big events. Jason Calvert, Oregon Conference Youth Ministries director filled the role of keynote speaker and seminar presenter, sharing insights on discipling Gen Z.

What is RED Jovenes? RED is an acronym for Redimir, Entrenar y Discipular (redeem, train, and disciple). This RED event was one of three yearly youth events put together by the Hispanic and Latino ministries. The goal of RED events is to equip leaders and this year, more than 100 youth ministry leaders in attended. Keep reading...

Lift Jesus Higher Summer Events
Planned for OC Families

Join us to celebrate Jesus this summer! These events will be engaging for all ages. Kite making, bubble play, a scavenger hunt, and more! We will end with a time of worship for the whole family. RSVP by July 7 to be entered into a prize drawing! Learn more...

How the OC Works: Oregon Conference Executive Committee

Have you ever wondered who exactly makes up the Oregon Conference Executive Committee, what do they do, how they’re chosen, or how often committee members change? Read more...

Big Lake Offers
Grief Camps for Children

Death in the immediate family can change the life and reality of a child. Big Lake Youth Camp partners with Abba’s Child Grief Camps to host special camps to provide support to grieving children and to provide a boost back toward emotional health. Learn more...

Bible Readings for June

June is here! Save this link to access your Bible reading plan for June. By following this Bible reading plan, you will read through the entire Bible in one year! Get June's plan...

The Oregon Conference Pathfinders are excited to announce that the Snack Shack will be open this summer Sunday, July 14 and Monday, July 15 from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM both days! This service will provide both an opportunity for a few of our clubs to raise funds for their trip to the International Camporee taking place in Gillette, Wyo. ( and for our Oregon Conference family to enjoy one of their favorite Snack Shack treats we’ve come to love every summer. The Pathfinders will also be hosting a carwash on Sunday and taking any donations.

In addition, the ABC will have their used book sale both Sunday and Monday in Zull Hall (next to the Snack Shack) and the Dorcas Boutique will be open to the public!

So come make it a day with the family and friends!
Come for the Pronto-Pup or Vege-burger, and stay for the fellowship!

Download a printable bulletin insert to share...

Farther Afield

Register Now to Be Equipped for Public Campus Ministries

The NPUC is unveiling a plan for establishing Adventist Collegiate Fellowships on secular campuses, supporting spiritual growth for Adventist higher education students. Official launch will happen June 27-30 at the University of Washington. Learn more...

Arne P. Nielsen,
NAD VP for Education, Passes Away

Arne P. Nielsen, North American Division vice president for education, passed away June 3, after several days in the intensive care unit dealing with complications from an acute illness. Read on...

Adventist Grandmother Saves 17 in Papua New Guinea Landslide

The 70-year-old church member caught in the landslide was rescued after saving 17 lives — seven adults and 10 children. More than 7000 people were affected by a devastating landslide in Mulitaka, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, on Friday, May 24. Read more...


Events & Announcements

Evensong Vespers at Sunnyside
Sunnyside Adventist Church presents another Evensong on June 8, 4:00 PM, featuring Michael Koller at the organ and Pastor Seth Pierce, Ph.D. presenting the spoken word. Come and enjoy a blessing of spiritual connection on this Sabbath afternoon. Sunnyside Church is located at 10501 SE Market Street, Portland, Oregon 97216.

CARE Project Community Engagement Workshop
Join us at Walla Walla University's Havstad Alumni Center for a special CARE Project Community Engagement Workshop. Take a deeper dive into a church's role in community transformation, which will include topics such as understanding your why, goal setting, and measuring success. June 8, 6:30-8:00 PM and June 9, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. All church leaders are welcome. Registration is $25 or free for CARE Project locations. Learn more and register at

Scribes and Manuscripts Seminar Sabbath
Biblical scholar Jonathan Campbell, PhD (Burman University) will be coming to the Mount Tabor church on June 8 to present on the creation and history of the Bible. During the worship service at 10:45 AM, he will be preaching on "Why I Trust Our Bibles." After the service there will be a potluck, and in the afternoon at 2:00 PM he will present on "The History of the Bible." This will be a great event to invite friends to, Adventist and non-Adventist alike! Have questions on why the Bible was written, compiled, and translated the ways it has been? Come out to ask and learn! Mount Tabor Adventist Church is located at 1001 SE 60th Ave, Portland, OR 97215.

Memorial Service for Arnold Schnell
A memorial service, for Arnold Schnell, will be held on June 23rd at the Rockwood Adventist Church at 1:00 PM. Arnold was a teacher at Portland Adventist Elementary School for 25 years. Please join his family as they remember their loved one. In lieu of flowers, please support Rockwood Church's scholarship fund by placing your money gift in the appropriate container or by mailing your gift to the Rockwood Adventist church and notating that it is to go for school scholarships. Thank you for helping more students receive an Adventist education by remembering Arnie and his teaching. Rockwood Adventist Church is located at 1910 SE 182nd Ave, Portland, OR 97233

Dinner with a Doctor at Sandy Church
Dr. Eric Walsh will present "Secrets for Restful Sleep" at the Sandy Adventist Church on Friday, June 21 at 6:00 PM. This is a free event and includes a meal. We are asking that all who attend register so we know how many to expect. Please register on our website at

Big Lake Youth Camp: In search of Golf Cart or Side-by-side
Big Lake Youth Camp is looking for a gently used golf cart or a side-by-side/Ranger style of vehicle for camp use during the summers. If you have one you'd like to donate, please reach out to our office: or call (503) 850-3583.
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