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Annie Dieselberg joins Will in the studio to talk about her testimony and her anti trafficking work in Thailand.
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About three months ago we visited a squatter camp close to a community we have been ministering in for the passed eight years. It is very small and most of the residents are elderly. During our visit, two mamas invited us into their homes and we were able to pray with them. I shared some bread I had in the car with the two ladies. Another neighbor asked for bread, and when I let her know I regrettably I didn't have any left she immediately became angry. She yelled at me and I apologized explaining I had given the little bread I had to the other women. Suddenly she stopped shouting, hugged me, and asked for forgiveness. I was speechless and even more surprised when she asked me to start a Bible study in her home. Only God could initiate that absolute reversal! A few days later we returned to her home for a Bible study with the three women. Each of them had illnesses and were healed! The following week our tiny Bible study grew to seven.  After 3 months of visiting weekly we have 29 participants and many are getting healed. It is incredible to see their hunger for the Gospel! 
What a joy to celebrate Children's Day!

Stop for the One — one life loved; one life connected to the Father; one life transformed.  Visit to learn more about putting your compassion in action and to sign up to sponsor a child today!
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Change is in the air! The winds are blowing, the cloud is moving! We are stepping into the new! We are inviting you to join us as we complete this season of Harvest Schools traveling to the nations.

The Harvest Schools were born in Pemba, Mozambique and we never dreamed that war would come and the season would change and propel Harvest Schools out of Pemba to the nations. While in Scotland, the Lord told us we were taking the seeds from Mozambique and scattering them to the nations. We transitioned from the beautiful season in Pemba to the next season of traveling to the nations that the Lord called us to. From Pemba to the nations, each school has overflowed with His fire, passion, presence and glory and we are now preparing for our final traveling Harvest School to be in the Middle East, spending time in Jordan and Egypt.

The Lord has been speaking to Iris about multiplication and the importance of sowing seeds for the future. We will be transitioning from a traveling school model to establishing multiple schools at participating Iris locations, hosting both national and international students, and led by location leaders and their teams. As we close this season of Harvest School, we look forward to seeing God multiply Harvest Schools around the world, sending out multitudes of passionate, on-fire missionaries into the “fields white with harvest.”

The celebration of Harvest Schools will continue through the fruit of your lives and as future schools flourish. It has been a joy to see each school come into His presence, be healed at His feet, and sent out in His glory. This journey is not finished; it has only begun!
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