Dateline: Papara, Tahiti
Dear Praying Friends,
This month, we feature a report from Jessica, who spent three and a half weeks with us on a short term mission trip.  It is easy to see the Lord's hand in leading her to Tahiti.  She integrated seamlessly into our various ministries, and because she is capable in French, she quickly became a significant blessing.  Please pray for Jessica as she prepares for a long-term re-location to Tahiti.  As Rene' and I well know, it is a long a challenging process.
    “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

     Tahiti is a mission field ripe for harvest in which God is making his presence known. I had the blessing to spend a month with Mark and Rene' in Papara, Tahiti. We were connected two years prior when my aunt and uncle spent two weeks in the hospital in Tahiti. During that time, Mark and Rene' blessed my family by praying over my uncle while he was in a coma. Even during a chaotic time, God's goodness and love was evident through a peace which surpasses all understanding and a radical love from the body of Christ.

     Two years later, the experience was no different even under different circumstances. I was blessed to see how God is using the body of Christ mightily for his glory. A local group of believers often shares the Gospel to local children and families through Samaritans purse, with operation Christmas Child. This group of believers also engages in street evangelism and worship sessions among the local homeless population. Multiple people approached these believers for prayer and to learn about Jesus.

     We also spent time in prayer and studying the book of Romans together each week of Mark and Rene’s house. The passion and interest that they show in knowing God’s word was a gift to see. The month of May was also special as two significant events occurred that brought people together to celebrate the love of Christ. The first was the celebration of Pentecost. We were able to attend a beautiful celebration that brought people from many churches and islands together to worship and praise. Each church presented a time of worship through song and dance that was beautiful, then was followed by a sermon. It was nationally televised and seemed like a special time to demonstrate unity in the body of Christ, which normally struggles with division in Tahiti.

     The second event was the World Surfing Competition held at the famous surfing site called Teahupo’o. This is an event that draws professional surfers and travelers from around the world. The ministry teams from Chrisitan Surfers and CSALT came from New Zealand and Hawaii to partner with local believers to serve during the WSL competition and to share the gospel. They held a weekend of praise, worship and teaching from internationally known surfers and surfboard shapers that have a heart to point people to Christ. They handed out French Bibles that included testimonies from Christian surfers. I was also privileged to witness young surfers learning to live in community and live with one another. Even to the end of their trip, God used these surfers for his glory.

     At the end of their stay, one of the ministry leaders had a terrible accident while surfing. He broke his neck and required surgery. By the grace of God he survived and has now stabilized, being able to cling to God's hope through a traumatic event. He will be going home to New Zealand soon and has said that he feels confident that God has a plan for his life and that this life changing event will add to his testimony and faith.

     In addition to witnessing God's work in strengthening believers in Tahiti and the nearby island of Moorea, Mark and Rene' are also orchestrating outreach to local Tahitian children through an English club. It was so fun to talk about Jesus’ love and kindness to kids that have experienced brokenness in their families.

     Mark and Rene' are also planning a week of outreach to a more remote Island called Taha'a in July. Truly, every moment seemed like an opportunity for outreach whether walking to the local beach and saying hi to neighbors or passing out gospel coins and bibles in parks, it seems so evident that there is a thirst among Tahitians to know who God is. It was truly a wonderful experience seeing that God is drawing hearts to him and to serve alongside believers that are digging deep into the Word to truly know Him and his promises.

     Snorkeling, kayaking, hiking, surfing and exploring a piece of paradise was just icing on the cake and a small look into how powerful and good God is. Prayer for local leaders like Mark and Rene' to be strengthened and encouraged as they train local leaders in sound theology, protection over outreach endeavors to surrounding islands and increased unity in Christ's love among believers would be greatly appreciated, and as always, prayers for a thirst for God's Word and softening of hearts in those that are lost. Truly, French Polynesia is a field ripe for harvest.
Urgent Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for Mark and Rene' to pass their local driver's license exams, July 1st.  The test is notoriously difficult and in French.
2. Pray for our trip to Taha'a with Rachel and Amber, July 13-19, especially for local organization of chilrden's and adult Bible study ministries.
3. Pray for new students to take classes at Institut Biblique de Polynesie.  We have launched Facebook ads with good response, but ultimately we want students.
4. Pray for the visit of Jim and Phyllis Myers, August 17-31.  We would like the Lord to bless us with many listeners.
Please check out our updated website!  It has pictures, videos of worship, and literary quotes about the islands where we serve!  There will be regular updates as the Lord unfolds our work here, as well as videos of teaching and ministry events, and interviews with the islanders we work with.
Our Local Mailing Address:
BP 121403
98712 Papara
Polynesie Francaise
As always we are grateful for our amazing support organization, Village Ministries International.  If you want to support us beyond prayer, click below:

 FPolynesia - Village Ministries International

Likewise, we have a private charitable foundation to support education for Tahitians.  You can give to that fund at
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Evanelia Website
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