July 8, 2024
Buster Keaton’s ‘The General’ screening July 21 at the Pembina State Museum
PEMBINA, N.D. - The public is invited to attend the screening of the July “Monthly Movie Matinee” at the Pembina Sate Museum on Sunday, July 21. The free screenings will begin at 1 and 3 p.m. Pop and popcorn will be available for sale in the Museum Store.
This month's feature is Buster Keaton’s “The General.” This classic 1926 action comedy of the silent film era was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry in 1989. The film is based on actual events occurring during the American Civil War when Union spies stole the Confederate train “The General” with the mission of wreaking havoc behind enemy lines. The film is a humorous exaggeration of the events from a Confederate train engineer's perspective. Runtime is 90 minutes.
The Pembina State Museum, located at 805 Highway 59, Pembina, is managed by the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Admission to the museum is free. There is a $2 charge to visit the observation deck. The museum is open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. For more information, contact Outreach Coordinator Brian Hardy, shspembina@nd.gov or 701.825.6840. Find upcoming events sponsored by the State Historical Society at history.nd.gov/events or call 701.328.2666.
Kara Haff, Public Information Officer
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