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BUilding an InterprofessionaL & Diverse workforce in substance Use & Pain
T32 Post-Doctoral Fellowship
The mission of our new NIDA T32 training program will be to provide personalized and rigorous training to postdoctoral fellows who plan careers at the intersection of substance use and chronic pain. BUILD-UP was designed to support postdoctoral fellows from diverse backgrounds, including people who identify as being from a group excluded based on ethnicity and race, being from a disadvantaged background, having a disability, or being LGBT+, and will also recruit individuals from a variety of training backgrounds.

Once enrolled, BUILD-UP fellows:
   • will be mentored on a longitudinal research project by experts in the field from the 
    University of Pittsburgh, a hub for research at the intersection of substance use and pain
   • participate in a rigorous, comprehensive curriculum based on core clinical and 
   translational science competencies, including:
        - tailored career development sessions
        - the option to complete a Master’s of Science in Clinical Research
        - seminars on pain and substance use-related topics
        - annual retreats, in-person conferences, and short-term research experiences

Innovative aspects of this program include:
   • The majority of this 3-year training program is conducted remotely as a means to 
   promote equity by reducing barriers presented by fellows moving to a research hub.
   • There are few training programs at the intersection of substance use and chronic pain, 
   and even fewer remote postdoctoral fellowship options.
   • This program can also serve as a model training program for others who wish to create 
   a diverse workforce and build capacity for equitable research training not only at major
   hubs, but throughout the US.
Welcome to New CHAMPP Staff!
CHAMPP continues to grow with the addition of TREETOP Clinical Research Coordinator Samantha Nash and TREETOP Interventionist Julianna Webster! We're very excited they've joined us at CHAMPP!
Latest Awards
CHAMPP Director Dr. Jessica Merlin is among the graduates of the 29th class of the Hedwig van Ameringen
Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Fellowship
CHAMPP Core Faculty Dr. Lakeya McGill received the 2024 MAPRS Distinguished Alumni Award at the Mid-Atlantic PREP and IMSD Research Symposium (MAPRS) held at the University of North Carolina. Awardees presented on a virtual panel titled, "Empowering Diverse Voices in Doctoral Leadership: Tips for encouraging developing scientists in self-advocacy."
Dr. Merlin in PITT MED
In the Summer 2024 issue of PITT MED, CHAMPP Director Dr. Jessica Merlin discusses the article she co-authored, "Juggling Two Full-Time Jobs - Methadone Clinic Engagement and Cancer Care," in the November 2023 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine about the barriers faced by patients receiving both cancer care and methadone treatment for opioid use disorder.
CHAMPP is Hiring!
CHAMPP is looking for a Lead Clinical Coordinator to prepare grant applications, manuscripts, IRB applications, research papers, assist with complex research papers, and other tasks. More info or to apply:
Dr. Merlin at NAPS
Dr. Merlin is a Guest Speaker at this year's North American Pain School, June 23rd-28th at Fairmont Le Château Montebello in Montebello, Quebec, Canada.
Notable Recent CHAMPP Publications
CHAMPP Scientific Program Director is lead author CHAMPP directors Drs. Jessica Merlin and Hailey Bulls and CHAMPP core faculty Drs. Karlyn Edwards, Erin Winstanley, and Cristina Murray-Krezan are among the co-authors of the forthcoming "Study Protocol for Pain Self-Management and Patient-Oriented Buprenorphine Dosing for Pain and Retention in Office-Based Opioid Treatment: A Hybrid Type 1, 2 × 2 Factorial Randomized Controlled Trial" in Substance Use & Addiction Journal. This protocol describes a randomized clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of two novel interventions, pain self-management (PSM) and patient-oriented buprenorphine dosing (POD), to decrease pain interference and improve retention in buprenorphine treatment. PSM, a manualized and customizable approach delivered through individual and peer-led group sessions, aims to decrease pain-related symptoms and quality of life. POD involves split dosing of buprenorphine to extend the duration of analgesia to better match its duration of efficacy at managing OUD symptoms, leading to improved retention in buprenorphine treatment.

Find the full list of CHAMPP publications on our website.
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