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Issue 169 ~ 28th June 2024


As those of you who have read our recent editions of this Newsletter will know, Mary and I have both recently undergone surgery and I am pleased to report that we are both recovering well with everything going to plan.

Mary had a knee replacement and as is the way these days, she was encouraged to stand on both feet on the day of her surgery, despite it being a very significant operation! Conversely, the surgery on my left foot meant that I have been unable to weight-bear, and will continue to do so, for a total of three months. I am now halfway, and as long as everything goes to plan, I very much look forward to being able to walk again in six weeks’ time.

But the point of mentioning all this is the realisation of the enormous importance of our sense of balance and stability – a fascinating subject that Mary discusses in detail in her piece this week. I am unable to use crutches because my arthritic hands cannot weight-bear, so I am happily perambulating myself around in my wheelchair using my hands and my ‘good’ foot to drive it forwards or backwards. But when I need to go to the loo, get dressed, get out of bed, want to cook or wash up, I have to balance on my right foot or hop! It is when I do this that I appreciate the enormous benefit of Mary’s constant reminders to us all to keep on practising our balancing skills – including standing on one leg as we wait for the kettle to boil! It really is a case of ‘every little helps!’

The problem is our balancing skills deteriorate as we age and unless we make a conscious effort to keep them active, we run the serious risk of falling, injuring ourselves and potentially dramatically affecting the quality of our life in years to come.

Despite diligently doing my physio exercises every morning (whilst watching BBC Breakfast, which helps to take my mind off the repetitive nature of the exercises), I am very much aware that I am fast losing a great deal of my aerobic fitness. The whole process of walking is so brilliant for our overall fitness because it increases our heart-rate, which is great for our heart and lungs, as well as strengthening our bones and muscles from our toes to our shoulders as we also move our arms. So being in a wheelchair really does give me a problem.

Last week I decided to go alone into the Highcross Shopping Centre in the centre of Leicester. My mission – to buy a special birthday card for my daughter Dawn. Peter, my multi-tasking PA, co-editor of this Newsletter and my driver when needed, drove me to the ‘back door’ of the Shopping Centre and pushed me up the slope to get me through the doors into the Centre itself. ‘I’ll be fine now!’ I declared. ‘I know where I’m going and I will see you shortly’ and off I went, with my two hands, one foot and four-wheels, moving me along. It didn’t take long to get into the throng of the shoppers and I have to admit I rather enjoyed the sense of freedom and normality of going shopping all on my own!

Then I realised that the shop I wanted was on the floor below so I needed to find the lift. A kind security man, called Clement, showed me the direction of the lift (in the distance) and sent me off with instructions. What I hadn’t quite realised was that the entire path to the lift was on a gradual uphill gradient. I ventured on regardless and for the first time in six weeks I was actually having a proper aerobic workout! I loved the feeling of being hot and out of breath and found myself smiling as I travelled. Lots of shoppers smiled back, which was lovely. They could tell I was really happy.

Once into the lift, down I went but when I came out on the lower-ground floor, I was utterly disorientated so yet again, asked for directions to Clintons the card shop. Everyone was very helpful, and when I finally arrived at my destination, in celebratory mode, I then, of course, had to stand and balance while I searched for the perfect card.

Then it was time to try and find Peter again but, ah, where is the door that I came in? As I tried to find my way, on two occasions, gentlemen very kindly offered to push my wheelchair and my last ‘good Samaritan’ wheeled me to three security staff to help me find the exit I was seeking. One of them knew exactly where I needed to go and she very kindly offered to push me all the way back.

As we travelled along, it occurred to me that we were going down the slope that had made me out of puff earlier, realising what a really steep upward slope it had been. I had to smile as I then realised that if this kind security lady hadn’t offered to be my wheelchair driver, I could have found myself sailing down that slope at 30mph, knocking pedestrians out of my path and ending up bursting through the glass doors onto the High Street! Thankfully, we arrived safely at exactly the correct door where Peter was waiting with the car.

What an adventure it had turned out to be. Everyone was so helpful and lovely and I felt better for my workout and successful card-hunting mission! Happy days indeed!

Recipe of the Week

Eton Mess

Serves 4
Per serving: 127 calories, 1.5% fat
Preparation time 10 mins

12 mini meringues
8 tbsps Live Greek style natural yogurt
150g fresh raspberries
fresh mint, to serve


  1. Take 4 small serving glasses. Place a crushed meringue in the base of each.
  2. Add layers of yogurt and raspberries in between more crushed meringue and top each one with a meringue or another raspberry.
  3. Decorate with fresh mint and serve.
Chef's Tip: Prepare just before serving to keep the meringue crunchy.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I have now 'hobbled' on my crutches for just over 4 weeks and I have to admit I am pretty fed up with it. That is not to say I am not improving because I am, and at a rate I am quite proud of. For example, I have just walked outside, on my own and with only one crutch, for a distance of about half a mile in order to meet my regular walking buddies at our usual haunt for a coffee stop. I now feel much better, having been uplifted by the usual chatter and social connection that has been lacking recently – and of course, by their encouragement. 

But what I miss most is not being at my usual level of fitness, because I know that gives me the ability to be much more active than the average person of my age.

According to statistics, a typical 70-year-old will do less than half as much physical activity as they did when they were 40. The problem is that, at that age, the rate of decline in activity levels is accelerating massively. And whilst it is tempting to say that this is simply the effect of getting older, with all those aches and pains that accumulate from middle age and beyond, it really doesn’t have to be like that. 

This is where I would like us all to have a really good think about what we are doing to ‘age well’ physically. It may be that some parts of us are not working well due to a medical condition, surgery, injury or just simply being very painful, but there is possibly a large part of the body that is still very OK. Therefore, my message is that despite some restrictions, there may be plenty we can still do. Rosemary and I are both of the same mind with this, having not been able to do our normal fitness routines but have had to adapt to suit our recent surgeries. Our whole intention is to not let the decline set in!

Top Priority: Be Stable!

I have always pushed you to do our regular strength programmes, combined with some core work with sessions such as Pilates or ballet, and to add flexibility and postural elements too. But I have recently come across a concept that previously I have not really considered too much until I researched it and that is to make our body really stable to prevent injury and falls.

The dictionary defines stability as being 'firmly fixed – not easily shaken' and 'firm, resolute and steadfast' and this is how our body needs to be. Our body needs a feeling of being fully grounded and able to cope with the unexpected.  It means that we can 'catch' ourselves when unexpectedly stepping off a kerb, or not be pulled off-balance if our dog suddenly pulls hard on the leash. Being able to continue to play a sport well into our 70s is a perfect way to train our stability – as it forces us to move in different directions quickly and unexpectedly.

Stability begins with your Feet

Our feet are the first point of contact with the ground and are crucial to walking, running, lifting and lowering. I have often encouraged you to think carefully on your daily walks about making a firm heel strike and then following through with a good push off the big toe. If you would like a reminder about the correct walking technique we discussed it in Issue 120 of this Newsletter

Shoes have not helped us to maintain strength through our feet, and you only need to look at a toddler’s feet to see how much movement we have lost. There is every chance you have never thought about your toe strength before. The ability of our toes to both move well and be strong is vital. The push off the big toe is especially important as without that strength, it becomes a limiting factor in getting up off the floor. Weak big toes also make those joints further up the skeletal chain more vulnerable – namely the ankle, knee, hip and spine.

Check out The Foot Workout on the website to get those toes moving again and to strengthen the whole foot. My weekly low-impact cardio class is called 'Barefoot Cardio' as I like members to be using their feet well, without the restriction of a shoe. Not all members are comfortable with this for various reasons but I do encourage it for this particular class. If we do high-impact aerobics, of course, cushioned shoes are very important to protect our joints.

Develop Strong Hands

Almost everything we do every day goes through our hands and modern living has meant that we have no reason to really generate force through them anymore. My grandmother will have had far more strength in her hands than we do today, as modern technology has meant machines have taken over those jobs that require hand strength such as kneeding dough or turning the mangle. Most of us now do little more than typing and swiping!

On a regular basis I measure my members’ Grip Strength as it is known to be an indicator of whole-body strength. Weak hands mean that we are more likely to suffer wrist, elbow and shoulder problems and when was the last time we carried a big load of heavy shopping any distance?

One last way in which our grip is important to us is if we suddenly need to grip something to prevent us from falling. A quick grab at a handrail for example may save us from a very serious injury. Go to The Hand Dance on our website to get those hands moving again!

Aim for a Flexible Spine

The spine is where most of us have, at some time or another, had problems. It is a major part of the body where we need both flexibility and stability. It is designed for movement along its whole length and if any area becomes 'stiff' (particularly the cervical area of the neck) then we may experience problems that may be hard to shift. One simple movement can correct this - the Cat Stretch. I say simple yet to do it correctly is far from easy:

  1. Get down on all fours, with your weight evenly distributed between your hands and knees
  2. Now arch your spine up slowly, aiming to move it in segments, until you're as high as you can go.
  3. Then return, just as slowly and carefully.

Create a Stable Upper Back

Finally, in order to counteract the modern scourge of sitting at work for long periods, which encourages the spine to 'slouch', we need to focus on the shoulder blade area in order to stabilise the upper back and bring our posture into a good alignment. A simple movement is the rotation of the shoulders, but it needs to be done slowly and with a lot of thought and purpose:

  • Sitting upright, shrug your shoulders as high as you can and then draw them back (retraction), then lower them (depression) and bring them forward again (protraction)

Think of it as a big square you are making, and do it slowly so you almost hold each position momentarily. Try to make it a regular move, particularly when working at your desk.

Much of this work has come from an excellent book by Dr Peter Attia called 'Outlive - The Science and Art of Longevity.' Go to his website if you would like to know more information:  I have found it highly motivating personally and you may do so too.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Plan to do The Foot Workout and The Hand Dance programmes 3 times this week.
  2. Regularly practising our balance contributes hugely to being stable.  Short of time? Simply stand on each leg for 30 seconds every day or do the Balance Exercises on the website for a full balance workout.
  3. On your 30+minute daily walks focus particularly on how you use your feet. A good solid heel strike followed by that strong push off the big toe is the correct way to go.
Did you know... 

Eton mess is a traditional dessert consisting of a mixture of strawberries or other berries, meringue, and whipped cream. First mentioned in print in 1893, it is commonly believed to originate from Eton College and is served at the annual cricket match against the pupils of Harrow School. Eton mess is occasionally served at Harrow School, where it is referred to as Harrow mess.

The creation of the dish is often alleged to have been a happy accident with the original dessert being accidentally dropped and rather than waste the food, it was simply scooped up off the floor and served, smashed to bits, in individual bowls.

There are, however, other alternative possible origins of the name. The word ‘mess’ could refer to the dishevelled appearance of the food, but it could also be derived from the Latin ‘missum’, referring to a portion of food. A third alternative is when ‘mess’ is used in reference to a gathering of people who are served together from the same pots. For example, in military settings, the ‘mess’ is where soldiers go to eat their meals.

Whichever is true and however it is made, this mix of fruit, meringue and cream, ice-cream or yogurt is truly delicious, especially when eaten outside in the sun!

And finally...

After Mary’s impressive half-mile walk on one crutch and my energetic wheelchair antics, I hope you will see that we are well on the way to recovery and increased fitness.

I do hope you will be encouraged to do some of the extra exercises that Mary described in her piece on stability – I did the shoulder ‘box’ as I finished off this Newsletter and it is really effective if you follow Mary’s clear instructions.

Have fun this weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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