
Week of June 27, 2024                                                        PRAYER LIST 

Sunday, June 30: The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
No Nursery this Week
10:30 a.m.    Holy Eucharist and Baptism: BULLETIN

Livestreamed services can be found on the on the Christ Church YouTube channel


Last Sunday I preached at the 50th anniversary celebration of a friend’s ordination. When he invited me to do this, he asked me to talk about the priesthood and to encourage anyone who might be thinking about ordination. And that request eventually led me to ask myself, “What does the Church need in a priest now?”

I’m not asking for a job description. Rather, I’m asking what quality or qualities are needed in a person considering the priesthood. I’ll confess that when I asked myself that question, I initially came up short. I’ve been a priest for quite a while. And I’ve spent a lot of energy meeting all sorts of different needs in the various parishes I’ve served: administrative, fundraising, public relations, personnel needs among others… in addition, of course, to the parishes’ liturgical and spiritual needs. But it’s been some time since I’ve considered what the Church more broadly and fundamentally needs. After a little thought I realized that what kept coming to mind was the Summary of the Law. Those of you who remember Rite I will remember that the Summary of the Law is repeated at the beginning of every Eucharist.

“Hear what our Lord Jesus Christ saith:  Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” The Church needs priests who love so strongly that they can disregard all the things that society tells them they should yearn for and, instead, live out of that love.

And then I remembered the description of a priest that the theologian Alexander Nairne came up with in the early 20th century (I’ll paraphrase): “A priest is one who stands on the human side of God, and on the Godward side of humanity.” The church needs priests filled with love for God and for humanity.


Become a Lector at Christ Church

Are you interested in reading for worship? Lectors read the Scripture lessons during our 10:30 a.m. service and assist in leading the Prayers of the People. A robust team of lectors is a true gift to the church! Hearing the word of God declared in a variety of voices is a powerful reminder of God's presence among us. Adults and youth in 5th grade and up are invited to serve, and training is offered as needed. Interested adults can contact Steve Edwards. Youth interested in reading can contact the Rev.
Samantha McKean.

Do you know a child who loves to sing?

This coming fall, Christ Church will start a new chorister program for all children and youth in 3rd through 12th grades. Through this program, young singers will learn musicianship, leadership, music theory and history, as well as the Episcopal liturgy and theology that we practice every Sunday. The program is affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music in America, which shares our Christ Church belief that children are not the church leaders of the future; they are the church leaders of the present. For more information or to sign up, please contact Director of Music George Fergus.

Baptism of Katherine Riley Howard on Sunday

Join us on Sunday as we welcome the newly baptized! Katherine "Riley" Howard was born on April 4, 2023 to Joseph (Joe) and Taylor Howard. Riley is Joe and Taylor's first child. Joe and Taylor met in Austin, TX while working in the music industry and relocated to Savannah, GA in September of 2023. Joe and Taylor were both born in Savannah with Joe growing up in North Carolina and Taylor growing up here where her family still resides. They are both thrilled to be back in the city where their lives began to watch their family grow. Riley has two godparents, Lauren Shepard and David Paschal, both from Austin, TX.

Next Week at Christ Church

Sunday, June 30: Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
     10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist and Baptism

Monday through Wednesday, July 1–3
     10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Docent Tours

Thursday, July 4
     Church office closed for Independence Day


Thanks to Mills Fleming for the photographs
Centered in Worship
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Joyful Living

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Church Location: Johnson Square | 28 Bull Street
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28 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401

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