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image of VOAHS student throwing graduation caps in the air
Hi <<First Name>>,

What are you doing this summer? I hope whatever it is, it includes some real rest and relaxation! Summer is a great time for those of us in the education world to pause and take to heart all of the learning from the previous year and celebrate our successes. Just a few of these successes at VOA High School include:
  • graduating or being on track to graduate 95% of our eligible seniors before this summer ends
  • growing our enrollment throughout the 23-24 school year
  • retaining our amazing professional staff
What successes have you celebrated from this past year? If you count being a VOA HS partner among them, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and support for so many capable young people in our community!

Wendy Smith
Director, VOA High School
On June 6, we celebrated the VOA HS Class of 2024 in a joyful celebration at Minneapolis College. See some of our amazing graduates and their families below. We are so proud!
In case you missed it, here's a video celebrating all of the students who earned their diplomas throughout this school year. Way to go, grads!
image from video showing two VOAHS graduates holding diplomas
In 2022, the community (including many of you!) showed up big-time for VOA High School and helped make our dream of moving to our new location a reality. This summer, you're invited to tour the new space with VOA HS Director, Wendy Smith! Express your interest in setting up a tour or coffee chat with Wendy via the quick and easy form linked below.
Tour / Coffee Interest Form
VOA High School is unique in that it offers 3 sessions of summer learning to allow students to either graduate before the summer ends and be considered a 2024 graduate OR start the next school year with more credits earned and a shorter timeline to graduation.

Summer learning is a great way for students to participate in credit recovery on a more relaxed schedule and with a choice of more hands on learning and digital credit earning options.

While you might think that summer is a time for rest and taking it easy, the opposite is true for our summer learners. VOA HS students choose to put in the extra time and effort and as a result the motivation, commitment, amount of learning and credit earning is over the top!

These photos are just a sample of some of the exciting student projects in progress this summer:
making futures brighter, together
We think VOA High School students are all rockstars! They come to school determined to earn their diplomas and move on to brighter futures. Many students face multiple obstacles in school and in their daily lives, and yet they persevere with the support of their teachers, support staff, and peers. And people like you are right there, too, cheering students on and showing them that the community believes in them by investing in their education!
Make a Gift Today
A donation to VOA High School is an investment in brighter futures, for young people and their communities. We couldn't do what we do without your partnership - thank you!
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