BREAKFAST: 40g any high fibre cereal or oats for porridge or muesli served with milk from allowance topped with 100g blueberries (V).
LUNCH: 1 slice wholegrain bread toasted, topped with 100g baked beans and a poached or dry-fried egg, plus a salad of carrot, celery, peppers, cherry tomatoes, raw mushrooms (V).
DINNER: Fresh Salmon Pasta Salad or Crushed Bean Rigatoni (V). Plus a large salad of leaves and vegetables.
BREAKFAST: 1 slice wholegrain bread, toasted, served with one scrambled egg plus 4 grilled tomatoes (V).
LUNCH: Crunchy Pepper Salad (V) served with 100g baked beans and 100g tuna in brine served with soy sauce. For vegetarian option use 200g baked beans.
DINNER: Mexican Beef or Roast Vegetable and Lentil Dahl (V). Plus a side salad.
BREAKFAST: 200g live yogurt (Greek-style or regular) served with 100g chopped strawberries and 50g blueberries (V).
LUNCH: Tuna Wrap or vegetarian alternative plus a small salad.
DINNER: Chicken and Pepper Stir-Fry. For vegetarian option use Quorn pieces.
BREAKFAST: 1 Weetabix plus one tbsp Branflakes topped with 100g blueberries served with milk from allowance (V).
LUNCH: Coronation Chicken Salad. For vegetarian option have a large salad served with one boiled egg and a small avocado pear.
DINNER: Cottage Pie with Sweet Potato Mash with unlimited vegetables (excl. potatoes). For vegetarian option use Quorn mince.
BREAKFAST: Two boiled eggs plus a satsuma and a kiwi fruit. (V)
LUNCH: Rice and Bean Salad (V) served with a side salad of leaves and vegetables, or roast chicken breast with a large salad.
DINNER: Horseradish Fish Pie or Rich Mushroom Tagliatelle (V). Plus unlimited vegetables.
BREAKFAST: Austrian Muesli (V) (Needs to be prepared the night before).
LUNCH: Mackerel Pâté served with 3 wholegrain crispbreads and salad. For vegetarian option have a two-egg omelette served with salad.
DINNER: Lamb steak, well grilled, with unlimited veg and 100g new potatoes with skins plus a little gravy. For vegetarian option use a Quorn Steak.
BREAKFAST: 1 slice wholegrain toast spread with Marmite topped with a poached egg (V).
LUNCH: Mediterranean Prawn Salad. For vegetarian option exchange prawns for button mushrooms.
DINNER: 120g Roast chicken breast, unlimited vegetables and 100g dry roast sweet potatoes, and low-fat gravy or Baked Bean and Vegetable Bake (V) plus a side salad.
BREAKFAST: Two large bananas and one satsuma (V).
LUNCH: Large salad with 100g wafer-thin ham or beef or 100g canned tuna in brine or mixed beans and Homemade Coleslaw (V).
DINNER: Spaghetti Bolognese (serving size 52g uncooked weight of spaghetti) plus a small side salad. For vegetarian option use Quorn mince.
BREAKFAST: 1 banana sliced, one conference pear chopped with skin, plus 100g raspberries or chopped strawberries or blueberries, plus 2 tablespoons Greek-style live yogurt (V).
LUNCH: 300ml Homemade Soup (V) of your choice, plus a small salad.
DINNER: Chicken Korma served with beansprouts and stir-fried vegetables (no rice) or Teriyaki Tempeh (V) with Beansprouts and Broccoli (no rice). Plus a side salad.
DAY 10
BREAKFAST: 1 x 400g can plum tomatoes, boiled well till they reduce. Serve with 50g button mushrooms dry fried with a spray of Fry-light, served on one slice of toasted wholegrain bread (V).
LUNCH: Large plate of salad served with two hard-boiled eggs, fresh beansprouts, grated carrot and grated beetroot, served with soy sauce (V).
DINNER: Asian Salmon Steak with Stir-fry Vegetables or Roast Vegetable and Chickpea Pasta (V). Plus a side salad.
By clicking on the recipe names in purple above you can access each recipe or to see all the recipes for the Plan click here. (V) = Vegetarian.
- If you substitute your own meals, please ensure they are within the calorie guidelines and made from fresh, healthy ingredients.
- Breakfasts are approx. 200 calories.
- Lunches are approx. 300 calories.
- Dinners are approx. 500 calories.
- Add to that the Daily Allowance of 450ml milk and the extra piece of fruit and you should be consuming around 1200 - max 1300 calories a day.
You may download and print off this Eating Plan for your personal use only by clicking here.
© Rosemary Conley 2024.