Absentee Ballot Available for Primary Election
Primary Election Day is Tuesday, August 13, 2024 polls open 9am-7pm at Craftsbury Town Hall.
The Absentee Ballots for the August Primary are available now. You can request a ballot several ways:
When you vote by mail in the Primary Election, you will receive 3 ballots, 1 for each major party. You will only vote 1 ballot, placing the voted ballot in the Certificate Envelope. The 2 unvoted ballots must be returned in the Unvoted Ballot envelope.
NEW THIS YEAR - We now have a tabulator to help with counting the ballots starting in August so remember to fill in the ovals completely with a black pen or pencil.
Returning ballots can be mailed or brought back to the Town Clerk’s office.
Ballots MUST be returned by the close of polls on Election Day for your vote to be counted. Postmarks will not be accepted as on time. Please note that we will NOT be open Monday, August 12th.
If you prefer to vote at the polls on Election Day, the polls will be open from 9:00am to 7:00pm on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. The polls will be located at the Craftsbury Town Clerk's Office.
If you have any questions, please contact the office (802) 586-2823 during office hours Tuesday - Friay 8am to 4:00pm . You can also email us using the emails above..
The Primary Election Sample Ballots: