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Issue 168 ~ 21st June 2024


Last week I met up with a friend I hadn’t seen for 35 years and as Jane was visiting Leicester from New Zealand, I felt it was only appropriate to take her to lunch where we could enjoy a traditional English dish - fish and chips! We both ordered a child’s portion.

On the next table were two couples, chatting happily away when one of the women, sitting with her back to me, turned around and looked at me. Now, this is not particularly unusual, especially locally. I just smiled.

I then chuckled to myself because soon our delicious lunch would be delivered and my reputation of being ‘the low-fat diet guru’ was going to be put into serious doubt! 

When the chef served us at our table, I commented (as loudly as I could in the hope that our neighbours would hear) that this CHILD’S serving was still a good portion! He then, helpfully, gesticulated how huge the size of a ‘normal’ serving would have been, had we ordered it. We enjoyed every mouthful of this perfectly presented lunch and began recollecting our memories of all those years ago when we first met on one of my book tours.

I went on my first overseas book tour to promote my Hip and Thigh Diet in 1988 to Australia and New Zealand. Whilst it was tremendously exciting, I had never travelled so far away from home before so I asked the publishers if hubby Mike could accompany me. They agreed providing I was prepared to downgrade our seats on the flights from Club Class to Economy. And what an adventure it turned out to be. (All of this is detailed in my autobiography.)

Mike and I had met five years previously and married in 1986. Money was really tight, despite the book topping the charts in the UK since it was published in January 1988. The tour was to be in August but even though it was a bestseller, royalties are not paid to authors until 10 months after publication.

I can remember going shopping for clothes for both of us realising we needed to ’look the part’. We needed outfits that looked stylish yet were inexpensive, and at the time the fashion retailer C&A – sadly no longer with us - provided the perfect solution. Then, off we went on an adventure of a lifetime. First stop Singapore for three days then onto Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne…and then on to New Zealand. Staying in top hotels and being wined and dined by our various hosts in the finest restaurants. It was like another world to us. The whole trip took three weeks and during that time we took 11 flights, stayed in 9 hotels, and I did 14 press and 28 radio interviews, 2 national and 2 regional TV appearances, as well as 19 book signings and 2 literary lunches! It really was like a dream.

Further tours followed to South Africa, Canada and the USA. Crazy times indeed and the book became a No. 1 bestseller in all of those countries except the States.

The following year, the publishers wanted me to do it all over again to promote my Complete Hip & Thigh Diet, the follow-up book, but this time I went alone. That was when I met Jane. Jane greeted me as my host when I arrived in New Zealand in 1989 and we hit it off immediately and had a lot of fun during that week.

Back to the present day, as we embraced at seeing each other after so long, I was amazed at how young Jane looked and I blurted out – ‘Goodness! You must have been 10 when last we met!’ Apparently, in fact, she was only 21 and was the Publicity and Promotional Manager for the publishing house at the time. But what made the trip so memorable was the fact that we ‘clicked’ immediately and I remember we laughed so much as we travelled to various key cities in the north and south islands of New Zealand! 

Now in her late 50s, and with two grown-up children back home, Jane wanted to retrace and remember her childhood years spent in England. Jane is in fact the great-granddaughter of no less than H. G. Wells! I only learned this relatively recently when she contacted me when planning her trip. She intended to visit the various homes where H.G. had lived – several places in London and Woking, as well as her grandmother’s house in Leicestershire - her grandmother being H G Wells’ daughter Anna Jane, where she stayed on occasions with her father. Coincidentally, her grandmother had lived quite close to where we live now. There were also other important memorable locations in the UK that were earmarked for a visit.

So, together with my wheelchair, (following my foot op.), we drove around the various areas that she vaguely remembered as a child. It was a pure delight and we picked up on all the fun and friendship we enjoyed so much from over three decades earlier. It was so wonderful that Jane had made contact with me again and I listened in awe of the amazing ups and downs of her life including being a property developer with her ex-husband to then going on to gain a Master’s degree in psychology and counselling, and now with a thriving psychotherapy and counselling practice in the present day.

Apart from all that she had achieved in her life, what I truly admired was that she had decided to take two months out of her busy life and from her counselling practice to travel to no less than eight countries. Unsurprisingly, this had taken months of planning to design such a complicated schedule! With just one large suitcase containing clothes to accommodate all the various climates she would encounter – hot and cold – she set off a couple of weeks ago! What an incredible thing to do. I am so full of admiration for anyone to take on such an adventure on their own. And isn’t it funny how little things impress us… her NZ satnav on her phone was infinitely better at giving directions in Leicestershire than any device I have experienced in the UK!

After a wonderful evening together, we said our farewells and off she went towards her next destination. Wonderful. More happy memories to treasure and now, thanks to modern technology, we can keep in touch in the future. I look forward to it immensely.

~ ~ ~

P.s. After writing a draft of this piece I sent a copy to Jane for fact-checking. In her note back she wrote: ‘Thanks so much for your admiration… but I’m a firm believer in believing you can do it, and in jumping off deep ends to face into hard things.’  That says it all, doesn’t it!

Recipe of the Week

Fish & Chips with Tartare Sauce

Serves 4
Per serving: 233 calories, 2.6% fat
Preparation time 15 mins
Cooking time 20 mins

4 x 100g cod steaks
4 slices slightly stale multigrain bread
1 tsp grated lemon zest
1 egg, beaten
4 baking potatoes, approx. 600g total
1 vegetable stock cube
spray oil

For the tartare sauce

2 tbsp low fat Greek yogurt
2 tbsp Hellmann’s Extra Light mayonnaise
squeeze of lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tbsp chopped capers
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

  1. Preheat the oven to 200˚C, 400˚F, Gas Mark 6.
  2. Tear the bread into small pieces, put into a food processor or grinder and pulse until you have fine crumbs. Spread the breadcrumbs out on a non-stick baking tray and toast in the oven for 10 minutes, then remove to a bowl and mix in the lemon zest.
  3. Meanwhile, place the beaten egg in a shallow dish. Season the fish on both sides then dip into the egg and then the breadcrumbs and place on the baking tray.
  4. Cut the potatoes into thin chips and place in a saucepan. Add the stock cube and just cover with water. Bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes. Drain well and place on a separate non-stick baking tray. Spray lightly with oil and cook in the oven along with the fish for 15 - 20 minutes until golden brown.
  5. Combine all the sauce ingredients in a bowl. Serve the fish with the tartare sauce, chips and 100g garden peas per person.
Chef's Tip: Toasting the breadcrumbs first makes for an extra-crunchy topping
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of this recipe if you click on the image above to go to this recipe's page on the website.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

I have never been much of an advocate for taking daily supplements, as generally I have always felt that I can get all the vitamins and minerals I need from eating my very varied diet. However, recently one of my daughters has, on more than one occasion, urged me to look at the benefits of taking a Creatine supplement which, as well as being helpful to athletes, can be beneficial for older people. Her thinking is that all those mature people I work with every week might benefit. Surprisingly, she is absolutely right, as all the evidence for taking just a very small dose on a daily basis is very compelling.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a substance found naturally in the muscles, the brain and the gut with 95% of it stored in our muscles, and it is required for producing energy, more particularly for our strength training. Every week we encourage you to do a regular three sessions of resistance work, with either hand weights or a resistance band, and here is another very good reason to do it. It appears that we can maximise on the benefits of doing it by supplementing with creatine.

About half of our body's creatine stores comes from the food you eat, especially red meat, chicken and seafood, with the rest being made in our liver and kidneys. If we take a supplement we will increase our store of creatine, which in turn increases our ability to store and use energy for exercise. It is like the body's natural energy currency!

Taking a creatine supplement is very popular among athletes and bodybuilders as they use it to gain muscle, enhance strength and improve their overall exercise performance, and the good news is that it is totally legal to use. So, what about we older people?

Interestingly the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends creatine supplementation, alongside strength training, in adults over the age of 55.

Now that did catch my attention! So, let's look at this in more detail so we are more informed and can think about whether it is something we might consider doing.

What are the Benefits?

  • One of the primary benefits of creatine supplementation for older people is its ability to counteract the loss of muscle mass that naturally accompanies ageing (called sarcopenia). Many studies have shown that creatine, when combined with resistance training, will increase our muscle mass. As we already know, any increase in muscle helps us to maintain our independence and engage in all our usual daily activities more easily.
  • In addition, it has also been found to have a positive impact on bone mineral density, reducing our risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.
  • It has also been shown to reduce mental fatigue and aid depressive disorders and all our thinking processes. In one review in 2021 on brain health in women, those who took a daily dose of 5 grams of creatine reacted to mental tests twice as fast and experienced a reduction in depression significantly more quickly than those who took anti-depressants alone.
  • In menopausal women, combined with strength training, it has proved to counteract the usual bone, muscle and strength loss associated with the menopause.
  • Finally, there also appears to be a benefit for those with Type 2 Diabetes, aiding glycaemic control, helping to manage sugar levels and so reducing the risk of complications with diabetes.

If you think all this sounds too good to be true, I agree with you. All of these benefits are what we are striving for through being as active as we can be with the aim of being as healthy as we can be. It would appear that if we incorporate creatine into our diet, we can slow the age-related decline and improve our quality of life further. The list above has convinced me to give it a go, however, as with all these things it is important to assess our own position and be as informed as possible before going ahead. It is always worth talking to a health professional, such as a doctor or dietitian, to ascertain if it would be something you might benefit from.

Are there any side effects I should know about?

Creatine is one of the most well-researched supplements available with some research studies lasting as long as four years with no adverse effects. However, those with any pre-existing conditions, particularly in relation to the liver and kidneys, should definitely seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Taking the correct dose is advised for older people so I plan to take 5 grams a day for 28 days, combined with my usual strength training, and my understanding is that it will take that whole month before I may feel the benefit. I will keep you posted so you can use me as your guinea pig if you are unsure about embarking down this road.

I have ordered my powdered Creatine Monohydrate from, a reputable company often recommended by Rosemary as you know, so I am confident it will be a quality product.

This reminds me of the reason many of us take, or have taken, hormone replacement therapy (HRT). We are simply replacing (or in this case replenishing) our stores of a chemical already present in the body and if it does what it purports to do, it will be a great support on our anti-ageing journey.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. It will be no surprise that I put your 3 strength exercise sessions at the top of the list for this week. You may have let them slip a bit recently. This week commit to the days you will do them and then make sure you do! No excuses!
  2. Your daily 30+ minute walk can be a real joy at this time of year so make sure you get to those lovely green spaces that are so beautiful at the moment. Good for your heart and your soul.
  3. You may have forgotten to stand on one leg every day for 30 seconds for a while. Do that on each leg this week. It is a really valuable skill. Our Balance programme is available if you feel you need more practise.
Did you know... 

Herbert George Wells ("H.G. Wells") was born in London on 21 September 1866. He died on 13 August 1946. He is probably best known for writing novels such as The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds and his science fiction novels are so well regarded that he has been called the "father of science fiction." 

Prolific in many genres, he wrote more than fifty novels and dozens of short stories. His non-fiction output included works of social commentary, politics, history, popular science, satire, biography, and autobiography.

Well read, and clearly thinking ahead of his time, he had an uncanny knack for prediction. In his scientific romance The World Set Free, published in 1914 he predicted the atomic bomb some 30 years before it was invented. In 1901 he wrote of “a Federal Europe” which might emerge by the start of the twenty-first century. He noted that German reluctance to join up might lead to a series of wars before the union could be achieved. He also predicted that the British would be reluctant to enrol in this French-dominated body!

Wells was diagnosed in 1931 as a mild Type 2 diabetic. Three years later he became the co-founder, with his physician R.D. Lawrence, of the British Diabetic Association, now known as Diabetes UK. As its first president, he chaired meetings, drummed up support and raised money for a holiday home for deprived diabetic children. Wells also put his fame to good use as founding vice-president of the National Birth Control Council, now known as the Family Planning Association, and as a leading advocate of human rights.

Image: Hamdi Bendali -

And finally...

Now that Mary and I are both working hard on our recovery after our recent operations, it is really exciting to feel we are making real progress. If there is one pearl of wisdom I would pass on to anyone who is considering having orthopaedic surgery, do it as soon as you can, as the younger we are the quicker our recovery – and tomorrow we will be older than we are today! Both Mary and I are really glad we have had our operations when we did!

Have a great week!

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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