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Expressway News

June 2024

With summer in full swing and temperatures soaring in Central Texas, staying safe on the roads requires extra precautions. At the Mobility Authority, we prioritize your safety and are here to share valuable tips to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable summer season. 

Summer Safety Tips:
Stay cool and drive smart

Driving safely is everyone's responsibility. Stay safe on the road during your summer travels with these tips. 

Reducing the Summer Dust on our Roads 

At the Mobility Authority, we understand the importance of maintaining clean and safe roadways for our community. You’ll find our project teams on the 183 North and 183A Phase III Projects regularly sweeping the roads, deploying water trucks, and controlling the speeds of our construction vehicles to help mitigate dust levels and maintain road cleanliness throughout the construction areas.

Driving Made Easier:
Mobility Authority welcomes ExpressToll 

Road trips just got easier. We now accept Colorado's E-470 ExpressToll electronic tag, giving drivers yet another option to save while traveling on our toll roads. 

Sign up for one of the many electronic tags accepted on Mobility Authority roadways to save 33% on your tolls in Central Texas and beyond.  

When you're on the road, remember, we've got your back. We're here to make toll road travel easier and more convenient for everyone who uses our roads. 

View All Electronic Tags Accepted by the Mobility Authority

Storm Water Management:
Keeping our roads clear and our water clean  

Summer thunderstorms, while welcomed for the break in the heat and much needed water, can cause problems along roadways and to our natural resources. The Mobility Authority places a high importance on maintaining water quality in the areas surrounding its highway system and across Central Texas.  

On the 45SW Toll Road, for example, the Mobility Authority implemented numerous Best Management Practices (BMPs) into the design, construction, and maintenance of the road to reduce stormwater runoff and erosion.  

Part of the project design included the development of a Water Pollution Abatement Plan (WPAP) which details both temporary stormwater runoff control measures during construction and permanent stormwater runoff control measures.  

Permanent BMPs, along the 45SW Toll Road, which are designed to continue reducing sedimentation and pollution after the completion of a road, include water quality batch detention ponds, vegetative filter strips, and extended detention ponds, leading to a higher than required treatment level of stormwater above the sensitive Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. 

Pictured above: BMPs on the 183A Phase III Project and the 45SW Toll Road

For ongoing construction of the 183A Phase III, the Mobility Authority is utilizing numerous temporary BMPs including Sediment Control Fence (Silt Fence), a variety of different rock filter dams, sediment traps, sediment basins, and the utilization of rock bedding at construction exits.  

These controls are monitored daily. Three different field personnel, representatives of the compliance, engineering, and construction contractors employed on the project, are responsible for these inspections with an Inspection and Maintenance Report being completed every 7 days in accordance with the project’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. 

The project’s permanent BMPs, include water quality ponds, water detention ponds, buffer zones, seeding, paved flumes, curb and gutter design, as well as velocity control devices. These control measures will help protect and preserve water quality and the San Gabriel River adjacent to the future 183A Toll corridor. 

You might not see it from the road, but we integrate BMPs to keep our water clean while keeping you moving. 

Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
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