For ongoing construction of the 183A Phase III, the Mobility Authority is utilizing numerous temporary BMPs including Sediment Control Fence (Silt Fence), a variety of different rock filter dams, sediment traps, sediment basins, and the utilization of rock bedding at construction exits.
These controls are monitored daily. Three different field personnel, representatives of the compliance, engineering, and construction contractors employed on the project, are responsible for these inspections with an Inspection and Maintenance Report being completed every 7 days in accordance with the project’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
The project’s permanent BMPs, include water quality ponds, water detention ponds, buffer zones, seeding, paved flumes, curb and gutter design, as well as velocity control devices. These control measures will help protect and preserve water quality and the San Gabriel River adjacent to the future 183A Toll corridor.
You might not see it from the road, but we integrate BMPs to keep our water clean while keeping you moving.