July 19, 2024

Gladstone Park Comes Alive for
Weekend of Family Events

It was a busy weekend, July 13-15, at Gladstone Park as families began to arrive for the first “Lift Jesus Higher” afternoon of family fun. On Sabbath afternoon, stations were set for a few hours of fun and fellowship. Parents and grandparents found shady spots for their blankets and camp chairs and watched as kids made enormous bubbles, or joined them on a nature-themed scavenger hunt, or at the kite-making station. Many cooled off with a refreshing popsicle before everyone began to gather in the amphitheater for an inspirational word from Sunnyside Church’s Pastor Rose.

The weekend continued to lean into that interconnected community culture as Pathfinders fired up the Snack Shack kitchen for two busy days of serving Pronto Pups, Vegeburgers, kettle corn, Italian sodas and more in one final fundraiser for the upcoming trip to Gillette, Wyoming! A steady line of hungry visitors and church family stopped by for tasty food, lingering at picnic tables to reunite with old friends and meet a few new ones! Next door in Zull Hall, customers perused the rows of tables in the final hours of this year’s ABC used book sale. Keep reading...

TVA Educator Brings Science to Life

At Tualatin Valley Academy, Jennifer Youker, TVA science teacher, works to bring science to life for her sixth-grade students through inventive experiments. Read more...

Adventist Health Tillamook Introduces New Philanthropy Manager

Adventist Health Tillamook announces the appointment of Jack Ryser as their new Philanthropy Manager supporting their mission of living God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope in Tillamook County. Keep reading...

Adventist Health PDX First Friday: August

You are invited to a free night of worship, praise, and fellowship at Adventist Health Portland on August 2. This month's featured speaker will be Benjamin Lundquist with music by the Markis Zarate. Learn more...

Farther Afield

Scholarships Available for WWU Master of Social Work Students

Less than half of Washington state K–12 students in need of mental health services receive the care they need. The WSW Initiative aims to help address this problem by increasing the numbers, skills and diversity of school mental health practitioners. Learn more...

Local Businesses Prepare to Welcome Pathfinders to Gillette, Wyoming

The idea of 60,000 visitors effectively doubling the size of your town overnight may not thrill everyone, but for some of the small businesses of Gillette, Wyoming, the prospect is an exciting opportunity. Keep reading...

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in
Iraq Celebrates Its
100th Anniversary

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Iraq marked its 100th anniversary with a special centennial celebration in Erbil, Kurdistan on Sunday, May 12. Keep reading...


How Can Seventh-day Adventists Respond
to Christian Nationalism?

In certain news circuits, American Christian nationalism is garnering a lot of attention. Many Seventh-day Adventists in and outside my conference (Rocky Mountain Conference) have asked me for input on this issue for the past year. Two concerns have predominated conversations people have with me: 
What is Christian nationalism? and What is the best response an Adventist
can have to Christian nationalism?

Keep reading...

Events & Announcements

A Taste of Camp Meeting on the West Side
Join us for a taste of camp meeting hosted by the west side churches on July 19. Find us outside of the pavilion at Tualatin Valley Academy. Our Snack Shack will be hosted by Tualatin Valley Pathfinder Club as a fundraiser for the International Camporee this summer from 6:00-7:30 PM. At 8:00 PM enjoy an evening of music and vespers to bring in the Sabbath. Bring a camp chair and a friend! Tualatin Valley Academy is located at 7405 E Main St, Hillsboro, OR 97123.

Sandy Church Vacation Bible School
Hey boys and girls! (and Moms and Dads too!) You don't want to miss out on VBS this year! We have stories and crafts and oodles of fun planned for you! Come and learn about Following Jesus. When? July 22-26th. There will be a free dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by VBS from 7:00-8:00 PM. Where? Sandy Adventist Church, 18575 SE Langensand Road Sandy, Oregon. Be sure and register at

Prophecies of Hope Seminar
Discover hope in uncertain times at our "Prophecies of Hope" series. From July 22-26, join us nightly as we explore the books of Daniel and Revelation. Gabriel Arruda will guide us through topics like the Rapture, the origin of evil, and the USA in Bible prophecy. We're offering free dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by presentations at 7:00 PM. Spanish sessions are also available. Don't miss our special Saturday session on July 27. This free event is open to all - church members and community friends alike. Register by scanning the QR code on the flyer. Questions? Call 503-668-6144. Let's uncover biblical truths and find hope together! Register on our website

Big Lake Youth Camp: In search of Golf Cart or Side-by-side
Big Lake Youth Camp is looking for a gently used golf cart or a side-by-side/Ranger style of vehicle for camp use during the summers. If you have one you'd like to donate, please reach out to our office: or call (503) 850-3583.
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Join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting
Each Month

Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries in a monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM.
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