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Message from the President

Dear <<First Name>>,

LLI’s Financial Picture

At our recent annual meeting on May 16th, one of the featured topics was LLI’s budget for FYE 6/30/2025. The current budget is very similar to last year’s budget, with two exceptions. First, we increased our annual membership fee to $200, and second, we transferred $10,000 from our fund balance toward the cost of LLI’s 25th-anniversary party, tentatively scheduled for July 2025. The budget was approved unanimously.

As of this writing, LLI received $68,350 in membership fees for the current fiscal year after deducting scholarships and other adjustments. Together with the $10,000 transfer, our total income for the current fiscal year is $78,350. Note, our monthly income and expense reports from Bard’s Controller’s Office may change as part of the auditing process.

The $25 increase in the annual membership fee provides an additional net amount of $8,500 that we will donate to Bard. This year LLI will donate $41,000, up from $32,500 last year, to support a variety of important programs that benefit students and the college community. On a per-member basis, $120 out of each $200 annual membership fee collected is donated to Bard. That is 60% of the total membership fees collected. It is my pleasure to report that both the total amount to be donated and the percentage of total income to be donated are the highest since LLI was founded in 2000.

The remaining $36,400 will pay for operating expenses of $8,700, which covers Zoom, MailChimp, ProClass, and all the other costs to operate LLI. Then there is $17,700 that pays for hospitality coffee service on campus, and all the other events where our members enjoy food, wine, and other refreshments throughout the year, and finally, that $10,000 we transferred from the fund balance is allocated toward the cost of the 25th-anniversary party.

Questions have been asked about our fund balance, such as why we have one and why it is so large. The term “fund balance” refers to the amount of money LLI has that is not allocated in the budget. It is total assets less total liabilities. We have approximately $120,000 in unaudited fund balance. That number has grown over the years, especially during the Pandemic when we were not meeting in person. We collected annual membership fees and did not spend money on refreshments and other expenses, including the much-anticipated 20th-anniversary party, while we were learning from home. In any given fiscal year, budgeted amounts that are not spent are rolled over to fund balance at the end of that fiscal year.

The main reason we maintain a large fund balance is to pay for renting a property in case we cannot get enough space on Bard’s campus. That said, there is no space off campus that can compare to the beauty and collegial vibes of being on campus. In the event we needed off-campus space, such as a couple of classrooms or a large enough room all day for four or seven weeks, we might get an offer or two from community partners to use its space. But will it be sufficient and for a long enough period? What would that arrangement look like, and cost?

LLI is very fortunate to have the generous support of Bard’s administrators and staff. The college not only makes classrooms and other spaces and technology available to LLI, but we have campus-wide access. They also handle parking tags, IDs, collect our fees, pay our bills, cover us with their insurance, and much more. We are also very fortunate to have professors at Bard present a wide variety of courses and parts of courses on science, math, music, and more, every semester. Several of our volunteers interact with Bard personnel, and their expertise and professionalism contribute to maintaining that solid relationship with the college. 

In our worst-case scenario, the reality is we cannot replicate this model off-campus. If, at some point, Bard does not have any space for LLI, the organization will reach a crossroads. We dealt with that type of crisis when the Pandemic forced major changes on campus, and we were not able to meet in person. Fortunately, we have dedicated, clever people that figured out solutions and made it work out. Thanks to those members who were determined to find a way for LLI to continue and do all the work necessary for this organization.

If, at some future point, we have to find space to accommodate a couple or a few classes, that might be possible. Still, some of the hurdles we would face are finding a suitable building that is ADA compliant that would need minimal construction, preferably on the ground floor or a building with an elevator. We would have to purchase and install tech equipment, furniture, purchase sundry items for restrooms, line up a cleaning service, a maintenance company, a coffee service, etc. Our volunteers would meet new challenges.

Then there is the issue of signing a lease. Generally, LLI is currently an unincorporated association, and if we were able to enter a lease, the members of Council that sign the lease would likely be liable for unpaid rent and damages. If LLI’s leaders decided to change our legal structure, we could prepare and file paperwork with NYS to become a not-for-profit organization, apply for tax-exempt status from the IRS, and submit tax and information returns to the Federal and NYS governments annually. In either scenario, these legal issues would make elections and getting people to volunteer to be chairs of committees and teams more complicated.

In addition to the lease issue, there would be utilities, banking, parking, insurance and other matters to address whether or not we were completely off campus. How would all these issues affect our annual membership fee? The current $120K fund balance would be spent very quickly and then questions concerning the sustainability of LLI would be an urgent issue.

In closing, LLI’s financial outlook is positive and should remain so for a long time. The issues and questions addressed here point out some of the difficult questions that would have to be answered should LLI need to rent space off campus. Having a large fund balance allows leaders of LLI to consider reasonable options, under a couple of scenarios.


Robert Beaury

Annual Survey Results

by Mary McClellan

This year’s survey focused primarily on opinions regarding LLI’s programming. Therefore, the results are presented in a narrative format, reflecting the narrative nature of the responses.

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New Member Orientation Will Be Conducted Through Campus Tours

by Robert Inglish

The Membership Development Committee has redesigned new member orientation this year to allow for a more personalized LLI introduction. Campus tours will be conducted on August 20th and 27th, followed by lunch in Kline Commons courtesy of LLI. Maddy Watterson will lead the first tour and L. Walker the second. Council members will join in the tours.

The tour groups will start from Bertelsmann Campus Center at 11 a.m. and conclude at Kline Commons.

Campus buildings and their LLI classroom spaces, designated parking, and campus dining options will be pointed out. Classroom rules and etiquette will be discussed. Registration for classes and events will be explained. The lunch also will provide an opportunity to meet fellow new members as well as LLI leaders.

An orientation video prepared by Jeff Christensen is posted on the LLI website, highlighting information for new members. The website category "Expectations + Orientation" includes useful information about campus parking and other matters. Student IDs, if desired, will be available mid-September.

Registration for the tours will open August 10 with the link provided in an email invite.

Fall's Coming Attractions

by Deborah Lanser

When the fall catalog arrives on August 22, many of us will find so many interesting classes that we will feel spoiled for choice. This is why we joined LLI. Are you interested in medicine and navigating the healthcare system? Current and past politics, history, or immigration? What about literature or music? The human mind or spirituality? Protecting yourself against cyberhackers? Hiking or simply moving more easily to counter the effects of aging? Learning to tap dance or write legacy letters?

Here is a brief overview of the many options for you to consider. Mark your calendar for the starting dates: Zoom classes will begin on Thursday, September 5 and in-person classes on Friday, September 6. Thanks to the Curriculum Committee for their hard work in putting together such an excellent selection of courses. 

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Fall Semester Offers Three Ways to Look at Immigration

by Susan Manuel

Fall 2024 promises to be convulsive for the country, with immigration one of the most volcanic issues in the Presidential election. LLI’s 2024 fall session will feature three ways to learn more.

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Tech Corner: You've Got Questions?
ProClass Has Answers!

by Carmela Gersbeck and Felice Gelman

Every Bard LLI member has an account in ProClass. It is the program LLI uses for membership payments, class registrations, and event RSVPs. Your ProClass account is available 24/7, whenever you have a question. It always shows the latest information regarding your account.

After logging in, you can find information to answer these common questions:

  • What courses am I registered for?
  • When does my membership expire?
  • What have I paid to LLI?
  • What address have I used for LLI (used to verify your credit card payments)?
  • What phone number did I use for LLI?
  • How do I drop a course?
  • How do I change my email address?

This article describes how you can easily answer these questions (and more) in ProClass. It also asks you to log in to ProClass and update your information. You can also update your personal information so credit card payments and phone numbers are correct. Your privacy is protected. Your password and credit card information is visible only to you. Your address and phone number are visible only to the five tech team members.

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Thoughts about SummerFest

by Deborah Lanser

SummerFest was generally a hit. Of the 82 members who answered the survey, 90% rated the course content as good or excellent and 94% had a favorable impression of the presenter. Of course, there was some constructive criticism and disappointment mixed in with the praise. Here’s a sampling of the comments.

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SummerFest 2024
Offered Some Terrific Classes!

by Carmela Gersbeck

SummerFest 2024 offered something for everyone, with classes on history, health care law, caring for loved ones with dementia, singing, dancing, and getting in touch with your spirituality, as well as a tour of the Poughkeepsie Waterworks. This video gives you an idea of what was happening for four weeks in June!

Our Peace, Love and Rock ‘n Roll Party Was a Blast!

by Carmela Gersbeck

Our Bard LLI members really understood the assignment when it came to our Peace, Love, and Rock ‘n Roll Picnic on Wednesday, July 24th! There were tie-dye shirts, scarves, bandanas, and love beads everywhere as approximately 115 people ate, drank, and danced the late afternoon away. About 20 new members joined the picnic and had an opportunity to mingle and talk to our tenured members. A great time was had by all. Click on this video to get an idea of how the LLIers like to party!

Class and Session Managers Feted at Montgomery Place

by Carmela Gersbeck

On June 27th, class and session managers were treated to a wonderful luncheon at the Montgomery Place Visitors Pavilion, followed by a tour of the Montgomery Place Gardens. The weather was fantastic after several days of sweltering heat, and 38 volunteers enjoyed a delicious lunch that was planned by Betti Steel and Irene Esposito. You can view the video here.

Teaching from Time to Time

by Gretchen Lytle

LLI presenters come from a wide variety of work backgrounds. They might be performing or visual artists, scientists, lawyers, tech people, doctors, journalists, business people, or teachers. Some of the LLI teachers are former teachers of undergraduates, and they have chosen to teach their own age cohort at LLI now. Why is that? Former college professors John Ferguson, Peter Scheckner, and Mark Lytle talked about why they enjoy teaching LLI students.

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In Memoriam: Lou Trapani

by Deborah Lanser and Cathy Reinis

With sorrow, we learned of the death of Lou Trapani, who taught popular courses on dramatic literature and the history of theater for almost 20 years. His last class for LLI, titled Plague Plays, was an examination of government responses to crises. One participant commented, “Lou discussed the themes and questions raised by the plays and the audience brilliantly. He was so riveting that there were no interruptions for him to deal with.” 

As the executive director of the CENTER for Performing Arts, Lou stressed the importance of live community theater. Under his guidance, the organization was dedicated, through its arts and education programs, to providing arts experiences for people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds.

Council Notes for July 2024

by Susan Simon

At the meeting on July 15, 2024, Council discussed the following topics:

  • Between member renewals and inclusion of new members, LLI has reached the membership cap of 350. 
  • Proof of vaccination will no longer be required to attend classes or other LLI events. 
  • Campus tours for new members will be conducted on August 20th and 27th, followed by lunch in Kline Commons courtesy of LLI.
  • There will be a welcome back luncheon on 9/25/24 at Montgomery Place.
  • The first P&E 25th Anniversary Celebration committee meeting is scheduled for 7/26.

Having Fun Outdoors

by Carmela Gersbeck and L. Walker

Fall Pickleball: Save the Dates!
If you are interested in playing pickleball, mark your calendars for Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on September 17, 24, and October 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. We will play at the Red Hook Rec Park. For more information, contact L. Walker at

Open Play Bocce
The bocce group will meet at Robert Post Park, 515 Park Road, Kingston, NY, on Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. through October 31st. No experience or equipment is necessary. Bring a picnic lunch, enjoy socializing after the game, and relish the views of the Hudson! For more information, contact Carmela Gersbeck at

Highlights of the Bard Calendar

by Felice Gelman

With Bard students on summer break, free events at Bard are limited, but classical music lovers are advised to check out the Bard Music Festival, which celebrates the life and world of Hector Berlioz. There are two free events (which is what we write about here): 

Saturday, August 10, at 10 a.m. in Olin Hall: A Revolutionary Life in a Revolutionary Era, a panel discussion and Q&A moderated by Leon Botstein.
Saturday, August 17, at 10 a.m. in Olin Hall: Romanticism and Literature, a panel discussion and Q&A moderated by Éric Trudel.

And don’t forget the Bard Farm Stand—true, the produce is not free, but is very modestly priced and varied. The Farm Stand is open on Thursdays from noon to 5:00 p.m. You will find it on Library Road in front of Gilson Place and Kappa House on the northeastern side of Kline Parking Lot. Sign up for the weekly newsletter to learn what will be available. 

Upcoming Meetings and Important Dates
for Members

by Carmela Gersbeck

Tuesday, August 13: Curriculum Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Anyone interested in joining a meeting should email Anne Brueckner at

Wednesday, August 14: Membership Development Committee meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in joining a Membership Development meeting should email Robert Inglish at

Monday, August 19: Council meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Council meeting should email Mary McClellan at

Tuesday, August 20 and August 27: Campus tours for new members will begin at Bertelsmann Campus Center at 11:00 a.m.

Thursday, August 22: Fall catalog is released. 

Thursday, August 29 through Friday, September 13: Registration for fall semester.

Tuesday, September 3: The Communications team meets at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Communications meeting should email Deborah Lanser at

Thursday, September 5: Fall classes begin on Zoom for the next six weeks (some Zoom classes may be seven weeks).

Thursday, September 5: DEI/Social Justice team meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in joining a DEI/Social Justice meeting should email Laura Brown at

Friday, September 6: Fall classes begin on-campus for the next six weeks. Classes will be held on 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4 and 10/11.

Tuesday, September 10: Curriculum Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Anyone interested in joining a meeting should email Anne Brueckner at

Wednesday, September 11: Membership Development Committee meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in joining a Membership Development meeting should email Robert Inglish at

Monday, September 16: Council meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Council meeting should email Mary McClellan at

Wednesday, September 25: Welcome Back Luncheon will be held for all members at Montgomery Place.

Monday, September 30:  The Communications team meets at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Communications meeting should email Deborah Lanser at

This newsletter is a publication of Bard LLI Council. Communications Team Chair: Cathy Reinis. Writers and editors: Susan Christoffersen, Kathryn Clark, Felice Gelman, Carmela Gersbeck, Ann Green, Emilie Hauser, Alan Katz, Deborah Lanser, Jill Lundquist, Gretchen Lytle, Cristina Ochagavia, Susan Phillips, Margaret Shuhala. Photographers: Gary Miller, Chair, Carol DeBartolis, Carmela Gersbeck, Gretchen Lytle.

The opinions and views expressed in the LLI Newsletter are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of LLI or its members. In addition, any link to a website or content belonging to or originating from third parties are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability or completeness by LLI, nor does LLI accept any responsibility for such content.

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